Valve Interview by


May 14, 2003
Reaction score
A special holiday treat for us has been left at - a short interview with Cliffe (co-creator of Counter-Strike), Erik Johnson (product manager), and Brian Jacobson (senior software engineer). This interview doesn't offer any new information, but the people give interesting opinions to design questions nonetheless. Here's a little bit:
Cliffe: We're in a bit of a post-modern era in the gaming world where a lot of the unique games are mixtures of old classic genres. While some designers may be listless with an "it's all been done" attitude, there are still a lot of opportunities with taking the ingredients and mixing them up.
Find the rest of the interview here.
what a pointless interview. they might have well asked them what the weather is like at valve!
It's better than no news, It didn't have anything to do with HL2 though.
brisck1 said:
what a pointless interview. they might have well asked them what the weather is like at valve!

/me agrees
Whats the point of this interview? I really think they should be working on hl2 instead of giving an interview like this :/
mrchimp said:
It's better than no news, It didn't have anything to do with HL2 though.

it is nothing, no news about half life 2 meant nothing
I want...
I want...
*Falls on his knees, hands folded toward the sky*
Jesus, Santa, God, Buddha, Dollar, whoever!! I WANT MY GAAME!!

Thank you.