Valve is droppin the ball..


Feb 2, 2005
Reaction score
Seems like every other day there's a patch or update for Counter-Strike. I bought HL2 for HL2DM not CS... Seems to me like they are abondoning it already. I know not as many people play hldm, but dang how can it ever grow if you don't offer support for it, not to mention more than 2 maps and countless promises.....

your thoughts? :monkee:
Just fix the damn hitboxes and I'll be happy. I'm sick of a crossbow bolt sailing through someone's head :hmph:

There are plenty of good custom maps :)
Yes there are lots of good custom maps, but plenty of bad ones (i.e. all the variations of killbox).
actually, a quick look at the server list shows that more people play variations of killbox than any other custom map, even more than steamlabs . But that just shows what we all already know: People are stupid :)
GnaaDXarmy said:
Seems like every other day there's a patch or update for Counter-Strike. I bought HL2 for HL2DM not CS... Seems to me like they are abondoning it already. I know not as many people play hldm, but dang how can it ever grow if you don't offer support for it, not to mention more than 2 maps and countless promises.....

your thoughts? :monkee:

Please go look at the status page on, now lets see, who should they add more things to first, the one with A LOT more players or the one with under 5,000 people playing...I'm going to say the one with over 10,000 people playing. They update each around the same amount of times, but CS:S has more demand for things than DM. They aren't abandoning HL2DM, its more like the game is less buggy than CS:S. They offer support, you just think they aren't doing anything for DM but they are, the 3-4 new maps are about to be released, probably with bug fixes as well. I don't seem to recall the countless of promises they have missed...All we need to recieve from them is those maps and they've kept their promises quite well.
If you don't think HL2DM is buggy, then you sure haven't played it very much.
GnaaDXarmy said:
If you don't think HL2DM is buggy, then you sure haven't played it very much.

Its not as buggy as CS:S thats for sure.
Nope, HL2DM is an awesome game with so much potential, its under rated as well. CS source is a crap game. The hit boxes are worse in source by FAR. We need more official maps for DM though for sure. (outdoor ones preferably)
If you want a good HL2DM server with a good map rotation, I'd recommend the server.
I understand CS gets played more, but there are simple things they could be fixing on HL2DM, like an option do disable the automatic wielding of better weapons when you pick them up. There's nothing like being in the middle of shooting someone with the machine gun, then picking up a shotgun with 1 shell left in it.
Playing only CSS and HL2DM, I don't notice that many bugs in CSS other than the scoreboard things (incorrect names) which they've buggered up with the new patch. For me, DM still crashes (memory read/looping sound crash to desktop). It was ok for a while, then they updated, crashes, I found a fix, they updated again, crashes, I thought I'd found a fix, but no, it still does it :(
CS:S should get more updates than HL2DM because CS:S is a lot more popular. But I am kind of disappointed that the maps from the competition haven't been released yet, I thought they were going to do that a while ago.
diluted said:
CS:S should get more updates than HL2DM because CS:S is a lot more popular.

Thats what I've been saying, its rather smart. I have no issues with either so I am satisfied.
ComradeBadger said:
Yeah but hardley anyone plays shitfests of maps thank god :)

Yeh seriously I downloaded a map pack once. Oh my god I cant even find all the crap maps i have and weed them out from the good it sucks. But some of those maps are unholily bad. Seriously would it be THAT hard to just take a month working on a good or atleast ok map rather than spending a week making 10 crapy ones
The competition maps are getting released next week.

HL2Dm really needs a patch, some new weapons and new(official) maps. Kinda dissapointed on Valve, I think that they should give DM some more time. There must be an alternative to CS:S.
New weapons? Besides the gauss I don't really think anything is missing.
netrex said:
New weapons? Besides the gauss I don't really think anything is missing.

Yes new weapons would just be adding more of the same now.
Yeah, guess you are right, but a patch and some official maps shouldnt be to much to ask for? ;)
No, that I think everybody who's played HL2DM agrees with you on :)
I don't notice that many bugs in CSS other than the scoreboard things (incorrect names) which they've buggered up with the new patch.

Yes, it does that in HL2DM too. Nothing as irritating as wrong (status) names when you're trying to kick a noob (I'm admin of a building server, so we get a lot of illiterate noobs.)
Yeah its obvious they are spending more time working on CS than DM.

Kinda sucks considering I prefer DM myself. I mean the melee weapons and the SLAMs weren't all that great. In fact I never use them. Its nice to see some maps though. The contest winners. I played them before the official release but its nice to see them get more players.
Takes the piss. They should forget cs until dm is playable. Then once we can play happily for more than a few hours with no mem error, have our weapons chosen by us not automaticaly, proper hitboxes and a decent tdm scoreboard. They can go back to fine tuning to perfection their poxy CS.

Since March 9th CS:S has had 33 bug fixes. HL2DM gets 3 maps, the winner of which is a joke imo compared to the other 3.

I dont give a rats arse how many people play CS. It doesn't justify the lack of support for what could be a great game.

Roll on q4.
CS:S is the multiplayer that shipped with HL2.

HL2DM was a bonus provided afterwards.

I dont give a rats arse how many people play CS. It doesn't justify the lack of support for what could be a great game.

Er, what planet are you from? Obviously, it justifies it. More time (and therefore money) is going to be spent on the game with the highest number of users. That's like complaining that Valve don't provide enough support for DMC, just because you like it.
Ok, I'm just a bit pissed off atm.

Of course they will spend more time on the more popular game. But some of the problems that are easy to fix will make the game more enjoyable to play, such as autoswitch and the tdm scoreboard.

It just seems their attention is 99% focused on a game that runs very well compared to dm. Could they not have spent the time playing about with the new maps, fixing the game so it could run them properly?

I bought hl2 for dm. Not for cs. Not for sp.

All I want is for it to run properly.
WySiWyG said:
I bought hl2 for dm. Not for cs. Not for sp.

No you bought HL2 for SP and/or CSS. HL2DM was never included on the cds, there is a difference! ;)
DiSTuRbEd said:
No you bought HL2 for SP and/or CSS. HL2DM was never included on the cds, there is a difference! ;)

Nope. I bought hl2 solely for dm. Had there been no dm for download, I wouldn't have bought it in the first place.
WySiWyG said:
Nope. I bought hl2 solely for dm. Had there been no dm for download, I wouldn't have bought it in the first place.

That isn't part on hl2 on the cds. Which I am trying to get at. What you got HL2 for was either the SP or CS:S, that is if you bought it in the first month of release.
WySiWyG said:
Nope. I bought hl2 solely for dm. Had there been no dm for download, I wouldn't have bought it in the first place.

GnaaDXarmy said:
Yes there are lots of good custom maps, but plenty of bad ones (i.e. all the variations of killbox).

killbox aka rocket arena