Valve is holding their conference today at 2pm pst...

Oh, Valve's really messing with us. Goddammit just say that ep3 is canceled, then they can work with a brand new Half Life game. But no!
well i dont think its canceled, but i do believe they destroyed the whole purpose of the "episodes". ah well, nothing we can do but wait, complain and make some deals with Americans who wanna gift me the game ? (since im european and i bet we pay 50% more by the time it releases :p )
Its bullshit weve been waiting for ep 3 for 2 years and lfd2 is date is realesed 2 months after lfd1 ARGHHHH
well i dont think its canceled, but i do believe they destroyed the whole purpose of the "episodes".
The purpose of the episodes is already gone. And I must say, I still like the idea of episodes - I don't have to wait 6-12 years for a new game to come out, an episode can have some bleeding edge technology and its price is lower than other "full" games which are often shorter less exciting...

So, my patience allows me to wait for Episode Three till spring 2010 :]
Most likely its Half Life 3 now cant see the point of episode 3 on its own now after this long not with 1 and 2 being bundled in with hl2 in the orange box, to be honest always found that a little wierd its like they knew episode 3 either be forever or prob not happen because seem better to do a box set like orange box once they had all 3 episodes, if episode 3 out now it wud just be on its own :/ that wouldnt sell at all to new customers

really think episode 3 been canned for a full on sequel
Robsters, I think the main reason that Orange Box contained both episodes and HL2 itself is because they wanted to introduce new players to the franchise, especialy on consoles. There was supposed to be a Black Box for PC users which contained only new content (Ep2/Portal/TF2), but it was canned, because Orange Box was such awesomness :p

The Orange Box 2 with HL2 Episodes 1-3, Team Fortress 3 and Portal 2 :p
haha yeah ur prob right, i remember the black box being canceled! :( but i saw why one box easier to deal with

I'm just waiting for duke nuken forever still over episode 3 :) thats out any day now i reckon
God bless you son... God bless you.

:D Thanks. LOL imgine if half life 3 became a 12year wait. must admit is gutting being fan of games take forever lol! like simcity waited 5 years for the awlful simcity societies that EA game us :( oh the pain LOL!
So what was their announcement at 2pm?
that we got LEFT 4 DEAD 2 :D ISNT THAT GREAT NEWS! oh and something about no episode 3 not sure what that was about thou :p

:( valve are lame i think if no media to show give us a status update really
Wow Valve shur know how to ruin my day...week...month...
Well, life goes on.

But it is just to quiet about Ep.3.
sorry did I miss something? I thought E3 wasnt until this thursday?
Robsters, I think the main reason that Orange Box contained both episodes and HL2 itself is because they wanted to introduce new players to the franchise, especialy on consoles. There was supposed to be a Black Box for PC users which contained only new content (Ep2/Portal/TF2), but it was canned, because Orange Box was such awesomness :p

The Orange Box 2 with HL2 Episodes 1-3, Team Fortress 3 and Portal 2 :p

That would be just so great. We can only hope.

My stages of emotions regarding Valve's E3 press conference

Before the conference: excited :bounce:

When they announced L4D2: okay, that's cool. That's cool (pretty happy) :)

When they did NOT initially announce hl2 episode three: confused: :|

When they made NO announcement of episode three: angry

When someone finally asked them what's up with ep. 3 and the only response was "Gordon will not be alone" : MURDEROUS RAGE!!!! :sniper::angry::flame:

What the hell? I know people are gonna say "you should be patient," but two years is patient enough considering NOTHING but TWO concept drawings have been released! It's not like the WHOLE company of valve is only working on only one game at a time- they split up into teams.

The left 4 dead team has managed to develop a full-fledged sequal faster than you can say "BOOMER SHIT!" but the HL2 ep. 3 team can't even get out a trailer?

ep. 3 team = time vampires!
Left 4 Dead 2 team = FTW
For some reason I don't even like that L4D2 trailer... probably because it's in broad daylight. I'm sure the game will be fine though.
L4D still feels new. Can't think why they've developed a full sequel for it so early and yet not told us anything about Ep3. They've pretty much shat on the idea of a fast episodic release cycle, but TBH, I don't care about that. As long as the game is good, which it will be, I'll be happy. But really, you'd think that they could tell us something. Just so we know that something is happening. If they're not ready to start releasing media yet then that's fine, but 20 months of almost utter silence is getting annoying. I mean, I can live with it, it's not like I don't have anything else to do, but some people are getting really put off. If Ep3 is actually behind schedule (which it probably isn't, as Valve don't really do schedules), then they shouldn't have put so much work into L4D2 at this stage.
Wherever I read about L4D2 people complain about daylight. What's wrong with zombies at noon? They're not vampires or werewolfs, the sunlight doesn't kill them - I don't see how this is weird. Are zombies more scary during the night? In daylight you can recognize pieces of your neighbour between their teeth! You can see how badly disfigured they are and they can probably more clearly see where YOU are :p
Heh, I thought I was the only one. I've never actually played L4D so I don't read that much about it, but this trailer just doesn't look as awesome as the L4D stuff for some reason. I can't really explain it. I just feels completely different to me. Guess I should shut up if I've never played L4D anyway, really.
thing is L4D is fun online... there is no story AT ALL
I mean you dont even explore how the zombies came about.. you dont explore anything its just pure survival... its kind of like tetris... but first person shooter
thing is L4D is fun online... there is no story AT ALL
I mean you dont even explore how the zombies came about.. you dont explore anything its just pure survival... its kind of like tetris... but first person shooter
A few years ago people said "a story in a first person shooter? What for?" :p
A few years ago people said "a story in a first person shooter? What for?" :p
When was that.. when wolfenstein and doom where first invented?
It would be different if there was some conclusion (like at least in half life 1 and even half life 2 there was an ending... was a bit of a cliffhanger but it ended more than it did prior)
anyway thats why i want ep3
L4D is just the basic FPS... just kill...
Guys... what if they cancelled Episode three, and in a few months from now they release a trailer of Half-Life 3... on the Source 2 engine?!?!?!!??!!??!?!?!!?!??!!?!?

Guys... what if they cancelled Episode three, and in a few months from now they release a trailer of Half-Life 3... on the Source 2 engine?!?!?!!??!!??!?!?!!?!??!!?!?

That was stupid said, they are not gonna cancell the game and make Half-Life 3, HL2 EP3 is comming, the question is, will Half-Life 3 ever come out, I don't think so!
That was stupid said, they are not gonna cancell the game and make Half-Life 3, HL2 EP3 is comming, the question is, will Half-Life 3 ever come out, I don't think so!

That was stupid said.
I don't see a reason why wouldn't Half-Life 3 be ever made. Episode Three will end the HL2 story, and HL3 will again be different (like HL2 was different than HL1). I wouldn't expect it anytime soon, though. Let's wait for Ep3 for now ;)
That was stupid said, they are not gonna cancell the game and make Half-Life 3, HL2 EP3 is comming, the question is, will Half-Life 3 ever come out, I don't think so!

Half-Life 3 will come, it's just that it will be your grandchildren playing it.
Guys... what if they cancelled Episode three, and in a few months from now they release a trailer of Half-Life 3... on the Source 2 engine?!?!?!!??!!??!?!?!!?!??!!?!?


No that would piss me the **** off.

Because that'd delay the game by at least forever.
I think they are beggining to defeat the whole purpose of using episodes, which was because they felt doing a full new game would take too long. not that they are doing a full game(nessicarily), but they are taking to long.
I think they are beggining to defeat the whole purpose of using episodes, which was because they felt doing a full new game would take too long. not that they are doing a full game(nessicarily), but they are taking to long.

They figured that out after Episode 2 and Valve themselves know that the episode haven't worked out as well as they hoped.
I really hope they go back to the old full releases it's a successful way which everyother developer uses.
maybe episode 3 is just a full game now and wont be called episode 3 at all but half life 2 the end of the story....or something like that ;)

episode thing coulda worked out seriously well trouble was valve are to obsessed with including new technologys in each episode which is great but they shoulda prob just saved it for half life 3 and got episodes finished in a year and half as planned really because they made left 4 dead 2 pretty fast so it shows they can do it. Trouble is now its taken so long the episodes need updates to source otherwise it would look really really dated.
maybe episode 3 is just a full game now and wont be called episode 3 at all but half life 2 the end of the story....or something like that ;)

episode thing coulda worked out seriously well trouble was valve are to obsessed with including new technologys in each episode which is great but they shoulda prob just saved it for half life 3 and got episodes finished in a year and half as planned really because they made left 4 dead 2 pretty fast so it shows they can do it. Trouble is now its taken so long the episodes need updates to source otherwise it would look really really dated.

The only problem with that is that is people would complain the game doesn't look good enough. I mean right now the Source engine has the new technology's to compete with the high end engines yet people still complain it's not good enough. I think the main problem is that Valve pretty much build the game twice, looking at the trailers you see loads of things cut out which were very polished and in the commentary they talk about whole areas they cut and redid.
Half-Life 2 would be a great example of that, it had so many different plots in the early stages of development.