Valve Opens The Orange Box!

You know the point when people start moaning about things getting repetitive and boring in a game? That's because the game is too long. Surprise, there is such a term as 'too long'. /Me looks at HL2/Deus ex.
Eh, I thought the antlion caves were incredibly repetitive, but maybe that's just because I hate antlions.

Doesn't mean the game's too long considering that was in the beginning.
Maybe the sequence itself was a little too long?

Unless of course, I'm the only one who didn't care for that level, I'll admit when I got to the actually mine shafts... things started getting better.
Or to be more specific, when you get to the thumper and get hoarded by the zombies and antlions.

Spoiler tagged just in case.
So, you're saying you got The Orange Box for ~18$ (US)??!

If so - please tell us how! :-) enjoy, just ask for the CD key on purchase. Shipping is another $15 ontop. Also they require either proof of ID or the auth code for the purchase once only (read: code your bank sends to the merchant for every purchase).
You know the point when people start moaning about things getting repetitive and boring in a game? That's because the game is too long. Surprise, there is such a term as 'too long'. /Me looks at HL2/Deus ex.

Man, don't you dare dis Deus Ex, or its length. Length is only a problem when it gets boring in the middle. Deus Ex was awesome all throughout.

How I wish they'd make a worthy sequel...