Valve owes you NOTHING

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Whichever way I am owed hl2. Not that I care anymore, it's been that long. It's like booking a holiday a year in advance and not being excited the day before you go.
digsy said:
Whichever way I am owed hl2.

Yes, by the store. Then why do you find it necessary to drag up a dead thread which is supposed to be about Valve owing you something?
People Make Mistakes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They Thought The Game Was Gonna Be Out September 30th But They Were Wrong Its Not Against The Law!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
woooooooooooooooooooowwwww i was looking at all of my posts and saw that someone replied to something I said. I am sorry, it's 2am here.
Hmm, what to say in Trollish that won't be deleted by the admins.

Best to lock the thread or snip its head off.... :eek:

Anyone got a Troll smiley?
CptTrips said:
I think they know damn well what they're doing and when they finish this game, they will be making a LOT of money, which again, is their primary objective. To hold them to some "higher" standard is wrong, they associate with fans because they think it will make them more money by guarenteeing customers, not because "they're such nice people."

Sorry mate, but, they ARE nice people. Even if they're making money on it, they are still nice people. Lucky for you, you had a lot of other good points, so I won't flame you right now. But the thing about VALVe is that they're not ONLY after money, but after the community aswell.
I am owed HL2. It says so right on the damn coupon!
Stop digging up old threads.
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