Valve > Pirates

indy said:
i cant belive how some people just freak out about warez when it doesnt affect them at all.

boo hoo you got warez so im gonna go run and tell someone or attack you outright!

listen people warez have been around since software and it will continue to be around untill software itself dies.

Now that being said how many software companies are suffering from it?

none... they still make tons of money after all these years of being warezed.

btw you cant tell me that you paid for eevey piece of software on your PC... have you registered your winzip after the 30 day trial? ...yeah sure u did.

I've legally owned Winzip since it came out. 'Course is was real cheap back then....
miked4o7 said:
Ummm, every company suffers for it. In fact, can you name a single company that hasn't suffered in sales and profits because of piracy? Legally, it may not technically be the same as physical theft, but it has the same effect as theft on the companies and for yourself. Think about this... a company spends money to make a product that they want to sell to you. You obtain that product without paying for it. That company receives no money for the product that you are now using.

How is that different from theft when it all boils down to it? And just as retail stores hike their prices to make up for lost profits from theft, software companies hike their prices to make up for lost profits from piracy. This is how the world works... welcome.

It's STILL theft, but DIFFERENT because when you physically steal, or, say, shoplift a product or item, that item had to be produced by the seller, at some cost. It had to be distributed, and placed on a shelf, at more cost.
Stealing by warez, didn't cost the producer anything.
STILL illegal, but more on MORAL grounds, than DAMAGES grounds.
I have no problem justifying an occaisional, easy warez. I find it little different than tape recording off FM radio. I buy most, but not all, my software.
Pirates/thieves are basically lazy people who do not want to pull their load in society.
Odysseus said:
I think you are upset b/c, not being able to pirate this game, you ended up paying for it !!!

More stupidity. You automatically assume that since I didn't buy the game, I was unable to pirate it. And in the fray of all this, I'm being called ignorant?

It cracks me up. You all think you're so damn 1337 because you can click on a few web pages, or log into a few FTP sites, or open up IRC.


And I'm not the dumb ass trying to sell his steam account. :)

SoheilsX said:
Quoted for incredible truth.

I decided to throw this quote onto the end just because it's idiocy makes me smile.

I don't know how to pirate Half-Life 2? You better bet your ass that I do. Along with most of the people here. But just because I know how to steal money from an ATM machine (I do) doesn't mean I'm going to. I bet you're all the type of people who would steal it if you saw five bucks on your best friends bed.
no shit sherlock, what i'm saying is that that is the main reason for piracy. If games cost about 10-20 less than they do now, companies would probably still make big profits, and less piracy would occur.

The demand for Half Life 2 is pretty inelastic. It wouldn't make sense for the publisher to lower the price of this game...
More stupidity. You automatically assume that since I didn't buy the game, I was unable to pirate it. And in the fray of all this, I'm being called ignorant?

That doesn't really make sense, but I think I know what you are trying to say... I am not assuming anything... I said "I thought...", I didn't say "I knew..." Two different things...
Odysseus don't make 3 seperate posts when you could simply have put them all together as one.