Valve proves they have good AI

The best part is when he crashed the buggy into the combine, sending him flying into the wooden fence behind him, knocking it ****ing cool
i was really dissapointed of the AI in far cry.. mostly they just walk slowly right towards you (and yes I played on a high difficulty.. second highest i think)
I've read that the AI in far cry was awesome, but I surely didn't see any.. they just aim better the higher the difficulty..
so comparing far cry and hl2 after seeing these new demos of hl2 makes me think hl2 is better in every category.. ok, far cry may have more trees and bigger levels, but who cares really?
now i seen the video and is out of this world ,now hold on your flames but isnt is possible that the AI is scripted just for the demostration?
it's possible, but why would they make two scripted events.....and people at e3 who saw it more than once said the outcome was different every time
Oh please spare me all the FarCry fanboy cries of anguish and just enjoy HL2. If you are not a fan of the Half-Life series then what exactly are you doing posting on these forums in the first place?

Farcry doesn't hold a candle to any of the games coming out this year, it was simply a game that came out before some of the best games and people are praising it simply due to the fact that they have nothing better to play.

/me points to soldner beta demo
/me points to painkiller, SC:2
/me points to pacman 3d.
That video was awsome! I have never seen a game with gameplay as cool as this!

If you Valve guys are reading this, it seems as though as you have pulled this off! :)
lol, you can just see the ammount of decision making the player has available to them, regardless of AI, (which is very cool to watch and experience) having the ammount of options on how to take them out is probbally the coolest thing about the gameplay.
I liked how the stider was vicious too. It seemed to attack the people who hit it hardinstead of just going for the general crowd shooting at it.

Also did anyone notice the baby stider running around shooting madly?
now hold on your flames but isnt is possible that the AI is scripted just for the demostration?

Anything is possible, but why would they do it? If the game really is going to come out soon, they'd be revealed as frauds almost immediately. And why would they need to script it anyway. Everything that happens is within the range of what good hard work could do for well done AI.
Quick note: there are scripted parts in the vid. The rocks falling across the road, the strider shooting out the pillars (both versions include a strider shooting at the same spot), etc. However they are fairly well hidden I'll admit :E
me23 said:
Quick note: there are scripted parts in the vid. The rocks falling across the road, the strider shooting out the pillars (both versions include a strider shooting at the same spot), etc. However they are fairly well hidden I'll admit :E

I think the Strider is just shooting at the resistance fighters behind the pillars each time. And I don't think the same Strider does it both times.
dscowboy said:
I think the Strider is just shooting at the resistance fighters behind the pillars each time. And I don't think the same Strider does it both times.
Ya, it is possible to script it so that _a_ strider will fire at it, not a specific one. It does look like scripting to me, though I could always be wrong =)
Probably one of the "hints" valve were talking about. Like the engine kind of tells the AI: " hey, it'd be cool if you blew some of those pillars up", and then if the chance occurs (ie they are shooting at people nearby) then they can do this.
why are you so worried? of course hl2 will have scripting in it. if you have ever watched the interview with gabe newell and jay kelly youd know that theyre only moving away from scripting - not abandoning it entirely.

and i totally agree with rico - this is a hl2 board, accept hl2 bias. if not just go off and find yourself a nice communist, neutral, geeky uptopia to live in.

far cry:
*the graphics were absolutely incredible (though the shiney effect was a tad overdone)
*the scale of the game was astounding
*the sound was not well used to build up tension or inform the player
*the plot was extremely boring
*the voice acting was terrible (''im going to shoot you in the face?'' ''eat my ass?'' - er no id rather not shiney mercenary dude)
*the characters were uninteresting - especially the main guy
*the Physics was nicely done eye candy with only a few very obvious, pre-planned chances to use it to your advantage
*The vehicles behaved extremely realistically and were fun to use.
*the AI was was not fun - more a case of run in not knowing when youre going to get attacked cos there are never any hints in the music or visuals, get killed, do it again and again till you reach the next checkpoint. repeat ad nauseum.

People are only raving about it cos its the first DX9 game out, and whatever any1 says, theyre always impressed by eye candy the first time round. HL2 and Doom3 will sink it.

What did you expect from a bunch of Germans? Great technology and efficiency. Zero imagination :D (half-joke)
me23 said:
The rocks falling across the road

What'd you expect... Rocks with AI?
Is it just me, or did the AI react and think faster then Far Cry's? Because usually in Far Cry it takes them about a minute to find you if you hiding in a house. Where as in that demo it only took about 10-20 seconds. I thought that was fast
Crusader said:
Probably one of the "hints" valve were talking about. Like the engine kind of tells the AI: " hey, it'd be cool if you blew some of those pillars up", and then if the chance occurs (ie they are shooting at people nearby) then they can do this.

This is exactly how it is done, There's a hint in wall that says "hey! if there are people back here you might be able to hurt them if you bust down this wall!" And then they put a ton of it like that, and probobly every single physics entity has a hint that says "I'm usable!" Basically not just monster AI, but the level talking to the monster too. :rolling:
What would be funny is if occasionally the player saw a caption next to a wall, saying "wouldn't it be cool if you hit this thing!"
fuzzy_aus said:
Well, i just accidentalyl cancelled my download at 90%, bloody firefox. I haven't been that angry over a video for a while:P

Sounds like the vids rock aye?

hey Jameth, you get it off the iinet FTP?
well, i was until 80%. then it got raped and the speed went down to 2kb/sec

then i downloaded the whole thing off Internode overnight ;)
Does AI realy exist?

Think about it people........... Do you realy think intelligence can be manufactured on a PC?
Everything has to be programmed in someway or another, in other words, all the moves which the 'AI' does are coordinated with the ambient surounding the object or player. This is created using scripts. I thing it is a big mistake to attribute any non living think using the word AI.
r4ge said:
Think about it people........... Do you realy think intelligence can be manufactured on a PC?
Everything has to be programmed in someway or another, in other words, all the moves which the 'AI' does are coordinated with the ambient surounding the object or player. This is created using scripts. I thing it is a big mistake to attribute any non living think using the word AI.
AI means Artificial Intelligence. WE as humans have Actual Intelligence, computers are designed to have Artificial intelligence.

The eventual goal of computer scientists all over the world is to give computers actual intelligence, but that is a long way off from now.
The difference between those two acts doesn't necessarily mean good AI. The good AI comes from many things and I guess that what we saw there could be one in a big list. Don't get me wrong here, but we actually haven't seen any superb AI evidence..yet. There was some pretty neat AI in farcry too.
"I'm gonna shoot you in the FACE" or "Eat my ass!"

LMFAO, soo ****ing true...
I don't care whether the AI is good or not - as long as the monsters/enemys appear to be behaving intelligently, doing different things each time i don't care how it's done.
Artificial Intelligence = Reactive... an example of this would be mosquitos which only seem to react to things around them and what time it is. No conscience.

Actual Intelligence = Proactive... humans... we make our decesions and we know whats right or wrong. We have a conscience.
ScopeD said:
There was some pretty neat AI in farcry too.

If there was I never noticed it, personally I preffered PK's AI.
The new movie still show some scripting. Like in the crane scene, when he blows up the Combine with the RPG, you can see the actual rocket continuing its way behind the tower, even though it is supposed to have exploded.

I think its just to have full control over whats happening in the movie, since it is a demo running directly in the game, it may have some randomness. I doubt the AI is "faked". If it is, it is just to have control, and they made up something that can really happen with AI. Otherwise they would loose all their credibility. It's not what a company with lots of future projects wants.
FuNkYViNcE said:
The new movie still show some scripting. Like in the crane scene, when he blows up the Combine with the RPG, you can see the actual rocket continuing its way behind the tower, even though it is supposed to have exploded.

What does that have to do with scripting? Very little, methinks.
FuNkYViNcE said:
The new movie still show some scripting. Like in the crane scene, when he blows up the Combine with the RPG, you can see the actual rocket continuing its way behind the tower, even though it is supposed to have exploded.

Actually if you look closely you will see that the rocket missed it's target and circled back around.
The rocket doesn't keep going. It misses and then turns around and hits him from the other side... just like it used to do in HL.

EDIT: Damn you BlazeKun.
No i mean after it exploded, look carefully, you see the trail of smoke continuing behind the tower.
FuNkYViNcE said:
No i mean after it exploded, look carefully, you see the trail of smoke continuing behind the tower.

Even if that was true, it has nothing to do with scripting..
Wouldn't the trail of smoke be from where it missed and approched the combine from the back??

I can see it either.
oh i looked at it again... yeah I think your right, it goes back, my bad :/
Nope it... the rocket goes behind the crane and comes back... the rocket then blows up... Look again you see the flashing rocket come back and blow up.
IF half life 2 is going to be this good, I just cant imagine what HL3 will be like! I'll probably be dead before that comes out, lol
I love how the guidance of rockets works now. It looks so cool to see the rockets all of sudden change their minds and jet off in a new direction, rather than doing it slowly. It's almost scary the way they work.
Yeah... like I sadi before somewhere, the rocket actually seems to home in on the laser spot now, not like HL, where it homed in on infinity in the direction of the spot.

(Least, that's how it aways seemed to me...)
Artificial Intelligence = Reactive... an example of this would be mosquitos which only seem to react to things around them and what time it is. No conscience.

Lol, I don't think anyone would agree that living things have "artificial intelligence." :)