Valve Pulls a 360!

Mouse & keyboard for 360!

I might conisder buying one then. Can't be playing FPS's on a bloody joypad! I was waiting on the PS3 but looks like that's gone the same way as HL2 ...... DELAYED! + Sony's claims of xtimes the power of a G5 & those early demo videos? I reckon it's hogwash!
Buveed said:
I'm sure that a source 360 or what ever they're calling it is nothing more than a simple port to run on the X-Box's hardware. They may change some things, such as live capability, and the future technologies they plan on adding to the engine (HDR, and whatever else they're planning on adding). X-Box uses similar hardware to a PC, so a port shouldn't be too difficult.

PS3 will be a different story.
The original Xbox was much like a PC, but the new Xbox 360 is quite different with it's PowerPC processor. But when you factor in things like XNA the differences get blurred.

I'd guess that there'll be some DirectX 10 updates to the engine around about the same time any new Source game gets released for the 360, but I have no evidence to prove that.

dogboy73 said:
Mouse & keyboard for 360!

I might conisder buying one then. Can't be playing FPS's on a bloody joypad! I was waiting on the PS3 but looks like that's gone the same way as HL2 ...... DELAYED! + Sony's claims of xtimes the power of a G5 & those early demo videos? I reckon it's hogwash!
The Xbox360 does have USB ports. It's up to Valve if they want to put support for a keyboard and mouse in. The online Final Fantasy for the 360 supports a standard USB keyboard.
gabe musta decided to go 360 when he realized how as owner he doesnt actually have to do the programming, he can pay someone else too. sides, while he was complaining about it other devs were already developing awsome games for it, its better to get on the front end then the back. but we'll find out in 4 years when the game actually comes out .

REVOlUTION FTW!!!! btw, the best controls on an fps were in goldeneye, not the PC, and if the revolution revolutionizes interface like they say, maybe the keyboard will be the input device of the past for fps
Aww, now I can't tease my Xbox friends stuck with the low res Xbox 1 HL2 :(
I think it's actually kind of neat that valve is doing this. Perhaps it will lure some of the 360 users over to the PC once they figure out how bad the 360 fps play.
Like many I'm also surprised at this turnaround from Valve, given the disparaging remarks Gabe made last year during his 1UP interview about the prospect of developing for either the X360 or the PS3. I was rather hoping that if Valve were going to do anything in the console market that they would in fact choose the Nintendo revolution/Wii as the platform of choice.

I suspect that the whole development issue might have something to do with promoting the Source engine for further licencing to outside developers. Valve haven't sold as many engine licences as I suspect that would of liked to (probably partly due to developers concerns regarding the leaked code). A source engine optimised for Xbox development might garner them a few more sales from developers who operate within that realm.
ZOMG vzlve r such n00bs fps 4 pc not xbox wat noobs