Valve pwns Europeans


Party Escort Bot
Sep 16, 2003
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According to Valve 1 dollar = 1 euro. When Europeans buy a game of Steam they will pay the same price in euros as Americans do in dollars. Which is weird since the euro is worth a heckuvalot more. A couple of people started a Steam group urging Valve to use normal exchange rates.
Welcome to last week.

Not saying it isn't an important issue that needs to be fixed but we already have two threads that link from the frontpage about it...

Also the link in your post is dodgy.
In that case ...

This thread will self-destruct in 2 minutes.
What i don't understand is why we have to pay tax yet the Americans don't.
'make a steam group in protest!' always gets a chuckle out of me.
Valve, giving into greed I see, that or developers are consistently stupid and fail to realize that 1 dollar and 1 Euro/Pound/Whatever are not of equal value at any given time.
This is what Europeans get for not just going with American Currency! ;)
Why the hell did we have to change currency? What 2-bit retard would care about paing in dollars instead of sterling/euro when they're using a credit card anyway. What, could these pillocks not use a calculator to figure out the relative price?
Why the hell did we have to change currency? What 2-bit retard would care about paing in dollars instead of sterling/euro when they're using a credit card anyway. What, could these pillocks not use a calculator to figure out the relative price?

I cared cause my bank charged me for paying in Dollars.
I was happy purchasing with the dollar - in fact it was usually the main reason why I purchased games on Steam.
Why the hell did we have to change currency? What 2-bit retard would care about paing in dollars instead of sterling/euro when they're using a credit card anyway. What, could these pillocks not use a calculator to figure out the relative price?

It meant things were a helluva lot more expensive (at least here in the UK). Also exchange rates fluctuate between purchase and the bills so you end up paying more than you were going to.