Valve read this and take heed, please.

Jun 24, 2004
Reaction score
I don't know how many members agree with me, but we're bound to find out.

Newer first person shooters make the granades/flash bangs independant of the weapon you carry. This means that you can fire at your enemy and throw the granade almost at the same time. Far Cry and Max Payne 2 have that kind of system. In Far Cry you throw the granades with button G. This makes it easy to corner an enemy and then throw in the granade.

Now in the original Half-Life you had to switch your weapon for a granade, and from what I've seen in the older videos you have to do that in HL2 as well. Give us the option of putting the granade on a hot-key, since I personally find that much more conveniant and strategically sound. I never wanna be killed while holding a granade in my hand again :) (as was the case while I was playing Half Life on Hard).

Just my two cents.
That would be a button bind anyway though....I think you can do that now, no?
The mp7 has a grenade launcher attachement.. <---- Kewlies
Probably the worst suggestion i've ever read in my long history of reading forums.

But ...yeah WTF?
Six Three said:
The mp7 has a grenade launcher attachement..
There's speculation that that may have been a fill-in model for the OICW, as there's no place that the Mp7 could fire grenades from.
He means like in Tribes 1 and 2, where you can shoot and pound the 'g' key to whip grenades..It's a good idea for a large-scale fast-paced type game, but I don't think it's practical for HL2..
i like the fact that you can roll the grenade with the secondary fire, that wouldnt be possible with what your suggesting...
I don't understand how you would throw a gernade and shoot a gun at the same time.. if you're useing 2 hands to fire the gun then wtf?
You can roll the grenade like in DoD? Sweet, I never knew that...

Hmm actually I think I saw it in one of the videos but never caught on ^^

How do I go that dozey emote? ;)
Granted you shouldn't be able to toss a frag while you're firing, but then again you shouldn't have to put away your gun to do it either. Maybe make the weapon lower for a second (like when you're looking at friendly NPCs?) while you toss it?
I can't understand how you can walk up a ladder with no hands either.. but that is not the point.
sHm0zY said:
I don't understand how you would throw a gernade and shoot a gun at the same time.. if you're useing 2 hands to fire the gun then wtf?

assuming the grenades arent magical...
i liked mp2's way of throwing grenades, press the middle scroll button on your mouse...ingenious!

but it wouldn't work with hl2's grenade controll, the rolling of a grenade on secondary fire just wouldn't be possible
I agree with the idea I've never used grenades in games where you have to be looking for them in the inventory, still I found quite usefull the Halo method. Still it could be done whit the switch button which returns you to the previous gun used , still it'd be good to get a button where you can switch directly to grenades.
... It might be useful in HL2 SP, but no in MP and CS:S/Other MP:S
So basically, they aren't going to do such a thing when everything else isn't synced with it.
I definately am a fan of the way Halo handles grenades. You dont have to go dragging through inventory to get to them. I hope Vavle puts something like that into Half-Life 2.
Yeah, for all those that are confused about my thread, I don't mean that you can shoot and throw at the same time (except maybe the pistol). All I meant was that you don't have to put away your gun to throw a granade, especially in environment where you're running from cover to cover.
Some_God said:
Me = thinks you should prove it. :\
"Walks the halls of Valve and you'll see at least a couple devs browsing the forums.


That was from part of an e-mail to me. Proof enough? :p

It's exactly the same for everyone elses site. I'm pretty certain that Valve staff will be caught looking at most forums. We know a few of the bigger guys visit and post at HLSource and HL2Fallout but I bet there's loads of others that just visit all of the sites, even the smaller ones.
Well in real life you also have to hold the grenade in your
I like the way it was in HL1 and i like the way they have it in Far Cry.

The games are just different on how you throw them but each works well
Yeah, both methods require you to stop firing for a while, but I do prefer the way Halo does it, although Halo is fundamentally different from HL2 in that you can only hold two weapons, where in HL2 you have a magic backpack for all of them (or so I like to believe).
i think it's a great idea, like in halo... nobody would've beat that game if you had to switch to grenades... NOBODY!
Mr-Fusion said:
Probably the worst suggestion i've ever read in my long history of reading forums.

But ...yeah WTF?

what about the nuke
thehunter1320 said:
i think it's a great idea, like in halo... nobody would've beat that game if you had to switch to grenades... NOBODY!

well, it was a console game, and they wanted to keep the controls simple...
I liked the way grenades were handled in TFC, your weapon didnt have to bev lowered and you had the option of two different grenades.

Then again, I dont think this system would fit with HL2, which has a slightly more "realistic" feel (as realistic as shooting aliens can get, anyway).
I'd die if they changed it to the far cry style. Its changing Half-Life's gameplay. I like it how it is. Besides, it usually takes two hands to throw a grenade, not one.
(for any wise guys, I mean to pull the pin and throw it takes two hands. Unless your very skilled with your pinky or something).
I like the way it is. I think the other system is just not HL. I also think its a cop-out, but whatever. It works for HL's gameplay style.
No, I don't mean for Valve to change it, but to give us an option, ie: let us hotkey certain weapons if we want to.
I think it's possible to bind this even in HL1? Also, it's just 1 or 2 more presses to activate the grenades. It's not like it takes 15+ seconds to do it.

Also, mousewheeldown = buy grenade, mousewheelup = attack1 (instant grenade-fest) is possible in CS (not 110% on this) & that's more advanced than what you're asking for isn't?
SnowBall said:
I'd die if they changed it to the far cry style. Its changing Half-Life's gameplay. I like it how it is. Besides, it usually takes two hands to throw a grenade, not one.
(for any wise guys, I mean to pull the pin and throw it takes two hands. Unless your very skilled with your pinky or something).
You could bite the pin and pull. Just remember to floss later.
I agree with the thread author, though.
I just set keys to all the weapons :-/
but thats besides the point, how do you pull out ze pin with a gun in your hand? I mean you could do it...but would it be faster? wouldn't you drop the grenade from time to time?

I guess it sorta depends on whether you wear a helmet :p
I hate games that make me look for another button to do stuff. I fire and change weapons and everything with my mouse, I'm not going to look for a button on my keyboard to throw a grenade...
I like it just the way it is, and the majority seems to think the same, thus it will not be changed. Why change a winning formula anyway...

The only way it might work is to put it on a mouse button (and it still should lower your weapon then), but all 4 of mine are already in use. So, no. No, no, no.

Gasp, maybe, just maybe you could put the grenade onto quick switch. It would probably only take a second to do. Voila, problem solved.
Grenade pins aren't easy to pull out, as demonstarted by the deactivated grenades available at surplus stores. Pulling them out with your teeth would be extremely painful, and wouldn't save you much time. I hope they keep it the way they have it. Where you have to switch to a seperate weapon slot. Come on guys, it is pretty easy to switch to the grenade, throw it, then switch back :p The game is fundamentally different from Halo, and I'm glad that it has a different grenade throwing system.
you can bind this in hl1.. i am assuming you can in hl2. i use it myself for cs. basically you make two lines of script telling it to select grenade and pull pin out. after releaseing the key its throw and you will automatically switch to last used weapon... which would be the rifle if that is what you are using at the time.