Valve read this and take heed, please.

I agree with you, the Halo is the best way. Even if you dont shoot for a sec, its faster and dosent stop the action.
Throwing nades at the same time as shooting is not realistic.. and it would make the game a bit to "doomy" for my liking.. i hope they keep it the same, you can always use the hud_fastswitch to get to nades quick.
SnowBall said:
Unless your very skilled with your pinky or something).

You're right of course. Nobody could ever pull the pin with their teeth.
make it like halo, where u press and u just toss one without switching numbers etc.
I like the HL style. It then is just one less HUD piece that gets in your way so you don't have a grenades remaining thing.

It lets you run around with the grenade, maybe increasing speed like in CS and such, and I think it's easier to aim in all honesty.

You can set it on Fastswtich like in the original and all you do is hit like 5 and then throw. Happens quick enough IMHO. Because if you don't have enough time to do that, then the grenade probably wouldn't explode if it's on like a 2 second timer.

Bah IDK I just like that style :\
Like earlier posters, I'm completely shocked to see that the majority of you guys probably haven't even touched TFC. What do you mean, "grenades like Halo"? TFC (and TF especially...) have been doing it for way longer. Valve obviously knows about this option for throwing grenades, and they know that people like it. However they feel it's not right for HL. I happen to agree, actually.
If they keep the original style, then they better gave toggel crouch :) because it's hard to crouch behind a crate and then reach all the way to the number 6 button to select the granades (or was it five). Already imagening how I am going ot play HL2 :).
lazicsavo said:
If they keep the original style, then they better gave toggel crouch :) because it's hard to crouch behind a crate and then reach all the way to the number 6 button to select the granades

Hmmm buy a mouse with a mouse wheel and/or five buttons ;)
hmm...i use the numpad = i rule :p ...u can only hold 10 nades at a time in HL, so its not like you'll be using them every 2 seconds... when going into a fight where you'll be using grenades, simply select them and then go back, so you can use the last-weapon-used key (my num5) to switch and throw in no time flat...
Abom said:
There's speculation that that may have been a fill-in model for the OICW, as there's no place that the Mp7 could fire grenades from.

There's also fact that say they added a 20mm grenadelauncher(Not that much difference from the other barrel to shoot normal rounds out of)

Being able to throw a grenade while you're using a weapon is ridiculous, a keybind is included for weapons as far as i remember.

Could be cool if the keybinds can be done like UT2004.

Edit: Maybe some kind of abillity to do it, if your weapon isn't in use. Like you press and hold a button, and you weapon gets lowered or something, and you throw/cook(all depending on how long you hold the button). And when thrown your weapon is ready again.
I think this is a great idea. This was one of the reasons I liked Halo.
I hate to bring up the helmet debate again, but Gordon can't use his teeth because he is probably wearing his helmet. So, he would need two hands to use grenades.

Plus, grenades this way make the gameplay slower and more tense, as well as more challenging.
Mechagodzilla said:
I hate to bring up the helmet debate again, but Gordon can't use his teeth because he is probably wearing his helmet. So, he would need two hands to use grenades.

Plus, grenades this way make the gameplay slower and more tense, as well as more challenging.

You haven't seen a vending machine with an inbuilt opener before?!

That's right HEV Suit mach V has it all. Can opener, Bottle opener, even split-puller!
It's funny, you guys get hung up about how Gordon can hold a gun and pull a pin, but non of you ask how he can carry around 15-20 guns at the same time :).
Gordon has an invisible caddy that hands him the weapons upon request.
Yes, and who says that Alyx can't pull the pins for him, I mean she has to be good at something :)
lazicsavo said:
Yes, and who says that Alyx can't pull the pins for him, I mean she has to be good at something :)
Gordon: *Stares blankly at Alyx, grenade in hand*
Alyx: What?...WHAT?!?!
Gordon: *More silence and staring*
Alyx: I'm already carrying all of your guns, I've reloaded all of them, I'm carrying your ammunition, I've done your laundry, waxed your HEV suit, what more could you want?
Gordon:*Waves grenade angrily at Alyx*
Alyx: You want me to pull the pins on your grenades too? Forget saving the human race, I'm outta here. You can go fight by yourself.
Gordon: *Decides to pull his own pins, the old fashioned way, like he did during his days at Black Mesa.*

Whew, what a waste of time that was...:p
Half-Life's grenade style is great for the game.

I think TFC's style is nice too, but then again it's for that type of game. Conc jumping isn't exactly "realistic".

I've gotten used to fast-switching WITHOUT binds in a lot of my games. It's really not all that hard to hit 5 or whatever the key is then click to have your grenade ready, click again to throw, then switch back to a weapon. After a little practice it's super fast. If you're using the mousewheel of course it will be slower, and that's why they give you the number keys for weapons in the first place. If you have trouble reaching the grenade key, put it on something close like "R" or "T" and make something else the previous weapon key.

I'm a big fan of the grenade being a separate weapon in games like Counter-Strike. Part of the downside to throwing a grenade is that you're vulnerable for a few seconds, and if you have good teammates they should cover you anyway.

However, having keys throw grenades would NOT limit secondary fire on grenades. By default in TFC, F was a primary grenade and G was a secondary grenade type. The same COULD be done in HL2 except have some key be the normal toss and some key be rolling the grenade. I just prefer that for HL2, grenades be considered a weapon-type you switch to.
sHm0zY said:
I don't understand how you would throw a gernade and shoot a gun at the same time.. if you're useing 2 hands to fire the gun then wtf?

Maui said:
Granted you shouldn't be able to toss a frag while you're firing, but then again you shouldn't have to put away your gun to do it either. Maybe make the weapon lower for a second (like when you're looking at friendly NPCs?) while you toss it?

It this so hard to understand? You guys never tryed Halo/Max Payne 2/Far Cry?

Ofcourse you lower your weapon when you press the throw grenade button!
You cant shot with one hand! You stopp shoting for a few sec.

Dead-Inside said:
... It might be useful in HL2 SP, but no in MP and CS:S/Other MP:S
So basically, they aren't going to do such a thing when everything else isn't synced with it.

I dont think hes talking about MP. Halo and Far Cry use it, but they are different games.
ecchi said:
Like earlier posters, I'm completely shocked to see that the majority of you guys probably haven't even touched TFC. What do you mean, "grenades like Halo"? TFC (and TF especially...) have been doing it for way longer. Valve obviously knows about this option for throwing grenades, and they know that people like it. However they feel it's not right for HL. I happen to agree, actually.

Well, I guess they use Halo because more people know about it. :upstare:

Frosty207 said:
Gordon: *Stares blankly at Alyx, grenade in hand*
Alyx: What?...WHAT?!?!
Gordon: *More silence and staring*
Alyx: I'm already carrying all of your guns, I've reloaded all of them, I'm carrying your ammunition, I've done your laundry, waxed your HEV suit, what more could you want?
Gordon:*Waves grenade angrily at Alyx*
Alyx: You want me to pull the pins on your grenades too? Forget saving the human race, I'm outta here. You can go fight by yourself.
Gordon: *Decides to pull his own pins, the old fashioned way, like he did during his days at Black Mesa.*

Whew, what a waste of time that was...:p

Someone should make more of these Silent Gordon storys, they are so funny, cracs me up :LOL:
Well some people like one way, some like another... so lets have both ways!

In some kind of shock idea, you could keep grenades as an inventory option, but also have a key to throw them quickly.

In CS i find it really annoying having to switch to grenades, pull the pin out and then throw, adding up all the animation time it takes too long. I have been killed many times by the person im trying to gren running around the corner while im waiting for the guy to finish pulling the bloody pin out.. :)

Also if you make the hot-key just a quick throw, so you havent got much control (it has a set timer etc). Then when you select grenades, you get more options. Holding down the mouse button allows you to waste a few seconds giving enemy less time (a badly needed option I think) and secondary fire allows you to roll them.

As far as I can see this is the best of both worlds. I don't think games should have 1 defined control set. They should include all the options and allow people to choose. "But I dont have enough keys to set all the controls!". Well then don't use some of them.

I like CoD's stance system where you have "go down" and go up". means I only need 2 keys, and one of them can be space (you couldn't jump in crouch mode tho, I'm sure all u die-hards would hate such a limitation :) ). In Joint Ops I really dont like the way they do it, with no toggles.
FISKER_Q said:
There's also fact that say they added a 20mm grenadelauncher(Not that much difference from the other barrel to shoot normal rounds out of)
This fact is where... ?
I saw it last in that bin along with the duck but it may have gotten away through the air ducts
Abom said:
This fact is where... ?
Interview with Gabe Newell

McDank: If someone were to ask you if the machinegun in the E3 video had been inspired by H&K's MP7 PDW, would you slap them?

Gabe: I'd probably ask Ted.

Ted: The weapon you see in the E3 videos is in fact based off of the HK MP7. It has elements from both the prototype PDW and the production version, the MP7. The game version has been further modified with the addition of an integral 20mm grenade launcher, much like the 40mm grenade launcher under the MP5 in the original Halflife.

The site that has the interview is down right now(unless it's a mirror)
But here's the source: (just google it and cache it)
The point is you cannot fire a weapon and throw a grenade with one hand. Unless it's one of those dramatic action movies where the hero grabs a nade and removes the pin with his teeth.
Abom said:
There's speculation that that may have been a fill-in model for the OICW, as there's no place that the Mp7 could fire grenades from.

If I remember correctly, there was an e-mail that said that that gun is merely based on the mp7, and they took some artistic liscence.
That would kind of be cool, but yet less realistic. Considering when you throw grenades you have a pin to pull, and then throw, so unless Gordon bites off the pin...thats the only other explanation you know?
Seems a bit silly to allow both the OICW and Mp7 to equip explosive secondary fires, but whatever.
Abom said:
Seems a bit silly to allow both the OICW and Mp7 to equip explosive secondary fires, but whatever.

I thought that the OICW's alt func was the use of a scope..
Gordon seems to be able to scope anyway... like in the e32004 vids where he scopes in on the vautiguant while holding the pistal and in the Barracade Bink, when he's shooting scoped with the submachine gun. they might take this out though.
Six Three said:
I thought that the OICW's alt func was the use of a scope..
From the footage we've seen, it fires 20mm explosive shells.
I thought it had a scope in the footage, and the little MP7 PDW fired shells, but it's been a long time since I watched the vids..
Crusader said:
I thought it had a scope in the footage, and the little MP7 PDW fired shells, but it's been a long time since I watched the vids..

If i knew which video it was in, i'd go back and watch it, and find out...
Crusader said:
I thought it had a scope in the footage, and the little MP7 PDW fired shells, but it's been a long time since I watched the vids..
There was footage a long time ago of an OICW firing shells at a Strider. They may have changed the secondary fire by now, but that's the last (legal) footage we've seen of it in action.
Was it 2003 E3 footage?

Oh damn it doesn't matter, I ran out of space on my HD anyway... :(
Crusader said:
Was it 2003 E3 footage?

Oh damn it doesn't matter, I ran out of space on my HD anyway... :(
Nope, it was a short trailer video.
I see, well if anyone finds it I'm sure they'll post it *hint hint* :D

It would certainly make more sense to have it on the OICW-esque weapon, anyway!
Abom said:
There was footage a long time ago of an OICW firing shells at a Strider. They may have changed the secondary fire by now, but that's the last (legal) footage we've seen of it in action.

Hm...I think I remember that. or was where he used manipulator and threw a crate...i dunno
TST_Devgru Seal said:
Hm...I think I remember that. or was where he used manipulator and threw a crate...i dunno

That was different :S