Valve Software Linux Server Boycott

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Don't shoot the messenger:p

from the site:
"When you sign this petition, you agree to possibly boycott Valve Software by refusing to run a Linux dedicated server unless they give us Linux native clients of their software. Long live Linux Gaming!"
As much as I would like to see Linux beat the crap out of Microsoft I won't be boycotting Valve.
I don't think it says "don't buy HL2", but it is saying "don't run your linux server until they give us a linux client". So buying the Windoze client is perfectly OK, right? Just make em suffer with the Win servers? Is that what its saying? :afro:
"you agree to possibly boycott Valve "

linux users, gotta love the comitment to their own causes.
Let's force companies to work harder, even though they have enough problems already.

Originally posted by GhostValkyrie


You really don't have to sign your post, your name is clearly visible to the left hand side of the screen.
Last time i checked my windows system does everything i need/want it to do.

so f*** linux.
I thought half-life 2 did have linux, read the stolen source code, it has a linux folder :D
Originally posted by nw909
You really don't have to sign your post, your name is clearly visible to the left hand side of the screen.

lol yeah, i hate it when people do that.
Seeing as people are entitled to tell others what to do; I guess I'll have to stop.
How does this help things? Valve isn't going to port HL2 to Linux so get over it already :/ They would also have to port Steam to Linux too. And a bunch of other shit. It's simply not feasible. Just run linux servers and maybe you'll convice some newbie windows users to try linux. Windows really is a big peice of shit. And it's only getting worse as of late. First spy-ware! Now MS-ware! Woot! Everyone line up and get your office 2003!

anywyas.. petition = gay. Go port the leaked source if you're so damn desperate :D
Petitions never have a warm reaction therefore I'm putting a stop to this now. If people want to sign it, follow the link. I doubt you'll get many hits.
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