Valve Stuns Gamers - EA Conference

So TF2 equales TF2 source? Awesome! Except I feel bad for the Fortress Forever team who have done so much hard work for a while.
the only downside to all this is it might delay ep 2.....but if thye are saying November...then nice
It'll be a really dumb move for Valve to make TF2 a Pixar-ed TFC. Fortress Forever is looking to be 1 of the most promising mods that'll ever be created for HL2, and Valve makes the same game except it looks like a cartoon? No thanks, Fortress Forever for me. If I want cartoons I watch Family Guy/Simpsons.

I'm not trusting Gamespot's word yet tho. I have faith that TF2's gonna be the 12 classes it was originally, and that cartoon would be more NOLF and less Toy Story.

However if it's TFC: PixarSource I'll be pissed, as will many people who see my point of view. Just because it's official it'll suck a HUGE playerbase out of Fortress Forever. I don't wanna end up playing TFC as a cartoon in the future because that's the official one and that's where I can find players.
I never cared much for TF and I was hoping that TF2 would be set in the HL universe, ah well. I hope they really do make it a good game though. Sadly the Steam market does feel like it's getting saturated :| dont ask me why.
Tyguy said:
the only downside to all this is it might delay ep 2.....but if thye are saying November...then nice
Might be delayed. EA yesterday announced their 2006 winter line-up - Episode Two wasn't on there.
I'm still waiting for FF, regardless of what Valve puts out.
I cant wait to watch the conference. Love when Gabe talks! Very entertaining.
Thats awesome news. Need screenshots and! :D
:( TF2 will just be TF: Source? Huge dissappointment. I was always hoping for TF2 to be a great new teamplay oriented game. Instead it will be the same old zero-teamwork TFC where everyone is a lone wolf running a gauntlet to capture a flag. Which we would've gotten with Fortress Forever anyway. Now the FF team is screwed and the promising original TF2 concept is no more.

Oh, well. Portals sounds like a really cool concept. But I will be angry if EP2 is delayed because of console versions.
The people that bought HL2 for Xbox just got owned HARDCORE! :laugh: They say they had a preview of EP2 and TF2 and I want to see them now. Right NOW!!!!!111
ElFuhrer said:
:( TF2 will just be TF: Source? Huge dissappointment. I was always hoping for TF2 to be a great new teamplay oriented game. Instead it will be the same old zero-teamwork TFC where everyone is a lone wolf running a gauntlet to capture a flag. Which we would've gotten with Fortress Forever anyway. Now the FF team is screwed and the promising original TF2 concept is no more.

Oh, well. Portals sounds like a really cool concept. But I will be angry if EP2 is delayed because of console versions.

What TFC are you playing? The remaining players are pretty much professionals of the game and all tend to work together.
TFC started my addiction to valves online games, i feel speechless, im just so excited about this news, ive been telling my friends valve has been developing it since they first gave the info on CSS back in e3 2003. Gabe said "soon, you will be playing all your favorite games using the source engine, hl, cs, and even team fortress" though the SOON part wasnt true, i believed him. this is awesome news, just hope its not cartoony, but ill still play it, cuz valve knows how to please their fans, and us TFC fans are "few and far between these days" :)
Qhartb said:
Hey waitaminute. If the console folks get HL2, Ep1, Ep2, TF2, and Portal all in one package, how is Valve going to release Ep3 to them without them feeling like they're not getting as good a deal as they did with the first package?

download it? both the systems the games are going on are suppose to allow you to download content. So why not an episode?
How do we not have some illegal hand-held footage yet? What's the interents coming to? Surely some geek at conference recorded this!!

-Crispy- said:
If TF2's a port what does that mean for Fortress Forever? You would have thought that Valve would have been kind enough to forewarn the FF team about it before they got knee-deep in development. Oh well, if they do both come out at the same time and they're both similarly comparable, Valve could have a hard time shifting copies to clued up HL2 owners.
Although we were never explicitly warned, we have been in contact with Valve and read between the lines; also there have been numerous rumours & accounts of visits to valve which reported as much. We would've kept going regardless of being warned, anyway -- we enjoy developing FF and (nearly :P) everything that goes with it. There's also more to it than "they should warn us", because Valve owns the rights to TF. I'm pretty sure they could shut us down if they wanted to, so you have to give Valve credit for letting us keep going.

Also, although the FF community is fairly active and a lot of people know about the mod, I don't think it's going to dent Valve's sales of Episode 2. Valve has huge advertising clout so even if our vision of TF is well balanced and enjoyable, word of mouth can only do so much. I think it's fair to say we won't be seeing any mod advertising for FF that other mods have enjoyed. Like I said though, on the flipside, Valve could've just shut us down.

I'm also very disappointed to hear that TF2 has basically turned into TFC:Source, by the way. I say this not from a selfish perspective, but from a gamer's perspective. Valve has a tonne of talent and can achieve things that other companies can only dream of, so to learn that Valve has scrapped the outlandish & far-reaching cool stuff that TF2 promised and simply gone back to the traditional TF design is bad news indeed. I'm sure they could've knocked out a TFC:Source port in a similar timeframe to CS:S, yet we've had to wait 7 years for it. I'll still buy it anyway. If it's half as good as TFC then they'll have a hit on their hands.

So yeah. Positives and negatives all round.
Tyguy said:
the only downside to all this is it might delay ep 2.....but if thye are saying November...then nice

November is code for "November 2007 + 4 months"
HAH! I told everyone that TF2 was coming out!!!!! HAH, jokes on all you non-believers out there who could put a doubt on one of the most looked-forward to MP games ever.

Vaporware... what the hell do you doubters know about vaporware??? You guys still think DNF is vaporware just because you haven't seen it... wow, I feel totally vindicated.

Had to get that off my chest! :E
dys-Fuzzy said:
The "old" TF2 got canned because it was too complex.

This "new" TF2 is a source version of TFC. Expect to see the same old maps, touched up to look more like realistic environments with all the source bells and whistles.

As much as Id like to celebrate this is bad TF2 news to me! :(
dys-Fuzzy said:
The "old" TF2 got canned because it was too complex.

This "new" TF2 is a source version of TFC. Expect to see the same old maps, touched up to look more like realistic environments with all the source bells and whistles.
Is this just your opinion or do you have some valid source of information backing these claims up? Just curious.
D3pth Charge said:
Is this just your opinion or do you have some valid source of information backing these claims up? Just curious.
I vote full of crap :D
AgentXen said:
November is code for "November 2007 + 4 months"
I really hope it doesnt slip past November. They went to episodes to speed up development and EP1 still took ages so delaying this will further dent my belief in episodes.

Its not bad news, Portal does sound interesting and I had alot of fun in Prey with them. I am a little upset on whats been said aout TF2 but. Like others I was looking forward to the grander vision of the before planned release. That said it's too early to really say alot so I'll pass judgement later and since it's free as I'm getting EP2 it doesnt bother me. If I dont like it I'll stick to CSS, if its good Ill have a 2nd game I can play.

Hopefully its different enough to TFF to be its own game. It will be rather annoying to see the community split between two games that differ only in graphics style. We shall see soon I guess.
I dont know if this is good news or bad news... I hope they make a 'True' TF2 one day.

I also have the 1999 PCGamer mag with a TF2 article in it. When I read that i thaught it would be the best game ever, expecialy how they described the way the voice communication would work. Where if you said somthing everybody who was close to you could hear it but people far away couldnt. I thaught that was a great idea.

Cant wait till those screenies come out of it though :D
Where do you get this stuff? TF2 = TFC source?! Stop spreading BS.

We havn't seen any media from the game and you already calim it to be some thing.

Gabe said they want to make the best looking and best class game there is , and I believe him.
Stop with the tfc source bs , wait for the media and for more info.

I'm sure however the game turns up to be ot look like , the decisions that are taken by Valve are ment for the betterment of the game.

Now , I want to see pics! the "pixar" look sound weird in a good way , the design sound very stylish.

Portal just sounds sweet.
well, I loved TFC, use to play it on national level so I am going to buy it for sure.................or should I get fortress forever ? (I bet those guys are pissed off right now)
This is ****ing sound! Don't give a damn if EP2 is delayed now. Can't believe they're running a cross-platform release
I just knew valve's silence when the TF2 question dropped meant something....

I believe valve is planning on conquering the console world too. With HL2+Ep1+2 on 360 & PS3 there is no mistake here! New gameplay, features, gfx, physics game, Gabe, you have been waiting so long for this moment :)
Best news ive heard all year with TF2, my jaw dropped. Hope this is a gold mine for valve, but I wish they wouldnt partner with EA, even if they do im sure they have their shit together so they don't get screwed.
Finally...TF2. I knew it was coming. I knew it would come, I knew it was coming soon, I had a feeling. When Valve said that EpTwo would have a new multiplayer game I knew this was it. FINALLY. I don't think anyone's waited with bated breath for this game more than me. I always kept the hope alive for this thing; got every TF2 article tucked away in a box, and I knew that despite all the hush-hush and "neglect" it was still in production.

So it's kinda anti-climactic then that all this waiting for a game I'd become so familiar with turns out to be something that sounds like cartoon TFC, at least in the art style. "Pixar-esque CG?" Who wants that? There was a toon textures pack released for TFC if people really wanted it. Maybe it's too early to rag on it but I think it's safe to say if this is the art direction then we're not going to get the gritty TF2 that was promised in 1998. TF2 was supposed to be the original Valve Team Fortress mod to ship a few months after HL; it had basically all the features TF2 was supposed to have, but they ended up releasing Team Fortress Classic instead as an ode to old QWTF, and their plan was to use the TF2 design in its own game. So really, we were promised TF2 originally and that got replaced by TFC (not complaining), then TF2 was to be its own game that fell by the wayside because they scrapped the engine like twice, then the Source engine came and they didn't want to talk about it. So now, they're releasing's called TF2...but it looks like it isn't Brotherhood of Arms. That's wildly disappointing to me.

I have great faith in Valve and I'm going to say the game will probably be fun, but it's not going to be the same. Likeness to Battlefield series of games be damned, I want a war not cartoon caricatures. I want my squad-centric gameplay with a machine gunner, a marine with a one-fire rocket, an officer class that increases the squad's accuracy and abilities, and medics that can revive the newly dead. Commander mode and engineer resource management. That's TF2, man.
i dont think TF2 will be just a source version for TFC, that cant be
TFC TFC TFC...I dont care about the other games hes talking about...all i want is TFC!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ep 2 with the freaky portal gun.
That would be cool.
But it would grow old too quickly, so no.

Anyone know when a teaser for any of these is coming out? Or where to find one if it's already there? I didn't think it was terribly obvious...
Rennmniscant said:
Ep 2 with the freaky portal gun.
That would be cool.
But it would grow old too quickly, so no.

Anyone know when a teaser for any of these is coming out? Or where to find one if it's already there? I didn't think it was terribly obvious...
There are no videos D:
VALVe should improve thier Media Service in Steam