Valve Take note of Crytek's Example..!

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Jul 13, 2003
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These new people making FarCry acctually let people know the TRUTH about their game release date and schedule. They do not hype or lie about it in anyway. They even respect the people who are going to buy their product. Valve you might learn something about customer relations from them.
Your constant, unbelievable, and continuing LYING will be your downfall, and I for one will not be at least upset if you do go down. It would be your own damed fault.
On a last note, I have no intention now of buying HL2 at anypoint in time, my money is going on a really great game called FARCRY, so valve because of your irrefutable lying BS you will NOT be getting a cent out of me period. Your last lie was mentioning the imminent release of the SDK, what BS, how do you live with yourselfs.? If I were a artist or level designer at Valve I would have walked out of the door ages ago in disgust.!

Valve you now Officialy SUCK.. :frown: :frown:
Jesus shut up already! How many frigging threads complaining about Valve do we need?
slap said:
These new people making FarCry acctually let people know the TRUTH about their game release date and schedule. They do not hype or lie about it in anyway. They even respect the people who are going to buy their product. Valve you might learn something about customer relations from them.
Your constant, unbelievable, and continuing LYING will be your downfall, and I for one will not be at least upset if you do go down. It would be your own damed fault.
On a last note, I have no intention now of buying HL2 at anypoint in time, my money is going on a really great game called FARCRY, so valve because of your irrefutable lying BS you will NOT be getting a cent out of me period. Your last lie was mentioning the imminent release of the SDK, what BS, how do you live with yourselfs.? If I were a artist or level designer at Valve I would have walked out of the door ages ago in disgust.!

Valve you now Officialy SUCK.. :frown: :frown:

Hi im gabe newel.

ill go kiss you ass now that you have shown me the light!

Power to the people and so and so forth!
Wow, another valve flame thread.

First, valve did not lie.

Second you are going to buy hl2 as soon as it comes out, face it.

Third, they only want hl2 to be as good as possible, its their game, not ours.
1. this is not an officail valve forum, go bitch at valve somewhere else.

2. no one cares if you dont buy hl2 ....hundreds of thousands of people still will.

3. when has it ever been provin that anything valve has said was an outright lie? far as im concerned its been a case of plenty of mistakes and badluck on valves part, and some of the right hand not knowing what the left was doing ....and enormous amounts of internet kiddies getting overly excited and hyped up...and then blaming valve and picking at every possible inconsistantcy that no one should even be concerned about.

4. have fun playing farcry. i personally am not impressed with it, but tht doesnt mean it sucks.
MaxiKana said:
Wow, another valve flame thread.

First, valve did not lie.

Second you are going to buy hl2 as soon as it comes out, face it.

Third, they only want hl2 to be as good as possible, its their game, not ours.

LOL, Valve didnt lie ehhh..? Where have you been the last 7 months buddy..? They have repeatedly indirectly Lied on many occasions. And no I will NOT be BUYING HL2.., so dont pretend you know what Im going to do.
I have been coming to these boards for quite a while now and it amazes me that people like you still buy into their BS, quite funny, I guess you havent the hind-sight of age ehh..! Im just sick of Valve leading us all up the garden path..
Rant over..
ahahahhah he thinks someone from valve will actually read it


Ahem sorry. Another thing. The didnt hype the game at all. They have released far less media than the Cyteck team as an example.

Now, please go to your room and think about what you have done! :)

Edit: When did they lie besides the sept 30th thing.... Thats the only one I can really think of. :)
slap said:
LOL, Valve didnt lie ehhh..? Where have you been the last 7 months buddy..? They have repeatedly indirectly Lied on many occasions. And no I will NOT be BUYING HL2.., so dont pretend you know what Im going to do.
I have been coming to these boards for quite a while now and it amazes me that people like you still buy into their BS, quite funny, I guess you havent the hind-sight of age ehh..! Im just sick of Valve leading us all up the garden path..
Rant over..

Wow age rasism, talk about beeing mature. Valve has never lied, doug lombardi has been speaking out of his ass though.
Ban him we all know where these idiots are comeing from.
slap said:
I guess you havent the hind-sight of age ehh..!

Haha, and you do? Oh Jesus, I can’t believe people still post topics like this one.
Point is, nobody cares if you will buy this game or not, it will sell millions either way.

Fun fact: did you know that Half-life 1 was delayed by a year, totally re-designed and people still bought the game.
Yup that includes you Slap!!

You will buy this game and you know it. So stop talking bullshit..

Heheh this is a win win situation for us. If he buys the game then he is proved wrong and if he doesnt we may never have to see him in multiplayer :)
Now you see, I'm from Valve, and I realise the error of my ways, I will now cry, and release HL2.

Oh wait. I'm not. Closed.
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