Valve to Attend E3 and PAX


Content Director
Aug 27, 2004
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Confirmed over the last few days, it looks as though Valve's PR train is definitely going to be chugging it's way through 2009. Recently, it was found that Valve has been officially added to the exhibitor list for E3 2009. This year's event has been touted by industry leaders as a time full of software announcements, and those developers who plan to release a product before January are banking on E3 to get the word out. E3 2009 will be held June 2-4 in Los Angeles.
As well as E3, Valve has been listed as an attendee at this years Penny Arcade Expo (PAX), which is being held September 4-6 in Seattle.
Will we see more DLC for Team Fortress 2 and Left 4 Dead? What about Episode Three? I guess we'll have to bite the bullet for a couple more weeks before we see.

If there's no Episode Three news I'm going to have to shoot somebody.

If there's no Episode Three news I'm going to have to shoot somebody.

check please!

I hope I can get to Seattle this year. Valve+PAX=Weegee. That really means something to me. On a more serious note, I really hope that I can make it to conventions this year. Quakecon(just a few cities away) and PAX(across the country) are both really exciting, but most likely I'd need to pick only one(PAX is my choice in the end, but not without a dash of regret).
Awesome...between possible Episode 3 and Modern Warfare 2 news, I can't wait for this year's E3.

Slightly off-topic, but isn't this year's E3 the one which will return to the big convention it was before it was "restructured"?
Screw episode 3. I want something that's single player and not HL. Show us what you can do, Valve.
They have a meeting room, which probably means a full presentation; which will be cool.

I'm also interested in bethesda's two booths; guessing one is Fallout 3 DLC and New Vegas, whilst the other may be Elder Scrolls 5

Also, take-two is there, so hoping (not enthusiastic though) that DNF will be there. There is also a possiblity that will see some SupCom2 action
Current officially announced projects by Valve:

Half-Life 2: Episode 3
Another Portal
Team Fortress 2 (downloadable content)
Left 4 Dead (downloadable content)
I want to see more equipment ( not weapons ) in Portal 2.If they make a prequel i will seriously go mad.Everyone is making prequels now.It's getting quite monotonous
Today's OB sale... Might have to do with pushing out more HL to get people ready for the new stuff?

Or just Valve being nice. ;)
9.99 for the orange box? Valve you cwazyyyy
I can't imagine Valve signing up to attend not one but TWO trade shows just to talk about normal DLC for L4D or TF2, unless its DLC unlike any other. Its gotta be for a whole new game, which would mean Episode 3. Its gotta be Episode 3, just gotta be. Sure maybe Portal 2 but Episode 3 was announced much earlier so it would make more sense.

Like everything else, we'll have to wait and see...
cool, We'll see what we see. And it will be important info. I won't be disappointed in any way. :D
Seeing as there aren't any other games besides rumors of a Portal 2, it's gotta be Episode 3 info that's going to be released. They don't seem to need to go to conventions to release info about TF2 and L4D updates, so it's gotta be something new.
They could be going to the convention to promote Steam and it's new features, such as Steamworks.
I'm in agreement that they'll probably unveil some EP3 info - this could be why they haven't released anything about EP3 so far, they're probably waiting to reveal anything till E3.
Will they do what Nintendo do and release something within seconds of announcing it? That would be awesome.

I'm talking in regards to TF2 updates here by the way.

Episode 3 news is a given really. If they don't have anything now, people will surely begin to lose interest.
E3 will take place almost 2 years after episode 2 release. Let's hope they have at least a date...

P.S: i'm still leaning towards a new game anouncement. And hopefully is a new CS. It's time! :D