Valve Tour

Pretty cool. I was hoping for more of like a simple office tour rather than a tv show type thing talking about what valve is/has done.
I knew Gabe had a lot of knives but damn, thats a lot of knives.
Oh man, I can't believe Doug actually came out and said that Valve's single idea was Half-Life. I mean, common knowledge of course, but the fact that he had the balls to say, "We had one idea and everything else came from other people," is not only forthright but commendable. It's not entirely true, however: they had Prospero.

subsidized laundry
I would kill to have this at my office.
and the submarine game, if you count the cancelled titles.
Right. Oh, and the fairy game too. For that one though, I'm glad Valve got handed the L4D idea in its place.