Valve want a Wii (Game)


May 6, 2005
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Doug Lombardi has revealed to CVG that there is a desire within Valve to make a Wii game, and there is also an interest in making an MMO RPG.


"I mean, I'm not making any announcements", he continued, "but there's a lot of desire internally to do something for kids, do something on the Wii."


Valve has also taken a shine to the MMO scene: "Gabe (Valve co-founder, Gabe Newell) is a huge fan of MMO RPGs and he's always wanted to make one," Lombardi said.

This all stems from Valve's plans to move further out of their comfort zone and try something new. However Lombardi also reveals that if anything happens, we won't see it for a few years.


The CVG interview with Lombardi should be arriving soon, but for now head here for the latest on the Wii issue.
A Valve MMORPG... I could die a happy, content man.
I couldn't. I mean, its still a mumorpuger...

A Valve Wii game on the other hand, I would willingly die early.
If Valve were to make an MMORPG, I might not play anything else.
Valve making a MMORPG would be the Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny...
But valve (with Infinity Ward) is the anti-grind.

**** it, if they do I hope it's a kind of garry's mod mumorpuger.
I really hope Valve pursue both. If they start out on the Wii with games for kids then they might get enough out of it to progress to other titles for Nintendo. That's complete win in my opinion.

I'd probably be up for actually playing a MMORPG if was Valves. Probably.
If it's an MMORPG make it near-futurist like Half-Life2, mix in some Necromunda, and you're onto a winnar!
Given how slow Valve are to develop things I think a Valve MMO is a pipe dream. Much as I admire them as developers , they just don't have the delivery track record required to be successful in the MMO market place, or do they have the expertise in terms of their staff (they don't even have any SP RPG experience in their ranks), plus the MMO market is already pretty saturated with larger more experienced companies competing against each other. I can understand the appeal from a business viewpoint (regular monthly income/micro transactions) but unless Valve actually had a completely new and totally compelling take on a fairly established formula, I think they would struggle to find a niche. Naturally peoples first thought is 'HL2:MMO yay!!' in all seriousness, there's only so much Zombie shooting and headcrab crushing a guy is interested in doing. You either develop a completely new IP from the ground up (v. time consuming, v.expensive) or buy an IP in ("Valvesoftware to develop Heroes Base MMO") which brings it's own problems.
Why, for wanting to make games out of their 'comfort zone'??

I think a MMO is a step or two beyond them at present (see earlier post), but I've always wanted them to step beyond HL2, esp with the Source Tech and develop an RPG game. I thought Troika did a bang up job with VTM:B, and something similar wouldn't be a bad move by Valve themselves.
They should just stick to PC/Xbox/PS3.

I'm a former owner of a Wii, and it is a fail console. :smoking:
In comparison to the other next-gen consoles, I'd say the Wii is definitely the "kiddy" one. Nintendo has a long and deliberate history of fostering a "family friendly" image, and aside from a slow trickling of M-rated games finally making their way onto their consoles, this still pretty much holds true today.

I don't see why this should matter. :|
Given how slow Valve are to develop things I think a Valve MMO is a pipe dream. Much as I admire them as developers , they just don't have the delivery track record required to be successful in the MMO market place, or do they have the expertise in terms of their staff (they don't even have any SP RPG experience in their ranks), plus the MMO market is already pretty saturated with larger more experienced companies competing against each other. I can understand the appeal from a business viewpoint (regular monthly income/micro transactions) but unless Valve actually had a completely new and totally compelling take on a fairly established formula, I think they would struggle to find a niche. Naturally peoples first thought is 'HL2:MMO yay!!' in all seriousness, there's only so much Zombie shooting and headcrab crushing a guy is interested in doing. You either develop a completely new IP from the ground up (v. time consuming, v.expensive) or buy an IP in ("Valvesoftware to develop Heroes Base MMO") which brings it's own problems.

But they also have the habit of announcing new games out of the blue and suprising the industry. Most people were surprised when they revealed TF2 , L4D and Portal. For all we know, another valve team could be working on something quite special. If I recall correctly, just after HL2 was released, someone asked Gabe what he had planned next, and he was like, "More HL2, obviously, but I really want to make something in a totally different genre once we're done with the HL2." or something along those lines.
Valve is about 120 staff total where as Blizzard are about 300+. When Valve start snapping up former Black Isle Studio employees I might buy the notion they've a super secret MMO development team beavering away in the background. It's not enough to say they might be doing this or doing that, you have to look at the hard evidence. We knew Portal was coming and despite all the talk of Vapourware we knew they were working on Team Fortress 2.
I doubt they're developing either an MMO or a Wii title at present, but they're clearly thinking about it. I have no doubt they'd also heavily upsize the company if they make an MMO.
Oh they'd definitely have to upsize considerably, but they'd also probably gave to go ball and chain with EA as well to cover development costs, and that would be a bad thing.
They should hire all the former troika en back isle employees, set them to work and oversee them like they do with turtle rock.
valve has such huge ideas...i thought steamworks alone was a huge move.

but besides that, if they could actually FINISH the half-life series...plzkthx.

i just hope valve doesn't get too hyped up like a lot of other companies, cause hype = disappointments in my opinion. i like how their games are great while staying under the radar.
They should just stick to PC/Xbox/PS3.

I'm a former owner of a Wii, and it is a fail console. :smoking:

I'm a current owner of a wii, and I don't know how you can possibly associate it with the word fail
Some would say they already have a MMO, in the works. It's called Team Fortress 2.

I'm hoping those people are wrong.
Half-Life 3 first, then do whatever you want.
Oh they'd definitely have to upsize considerably, but they'd also probably gave to go ball and chain with EA as well to cover development costs, and that would be a bad thing.
Do you have any idea how much money Valve has? They could easily afford to double their staff.
Oh they'd definitely have to upsize considerably, but they'd also probably gave to go ball and chain with EA as well to cover development costs, and that would be a bad thing.

Valve is loaded as hell because of Steam and the fact that all of their games are insanely popular.
I hope they do something original with an MMO. A Valve made MMOFPS would pretty much make my life complete
A Valve MMORPG? Would they resurrect Prospero?

I'd like to see Valve do a Wii or DS title, though it would seem kind of odd to see their logo on something happy and bouncy. Better still, they could leave the old 'valve-eye-man' start-up logo with the SRS MUSIK in the game's start-up. That ought to hold the little bastards.
If valve made a mmo, well, our children would be the ones playing it. It takes them way long to make their games, and MMOs usually take longer any way...
Id estimate 15 years untill it goes into beta testing
Valve is loaded as hell because of Steam and the fact that all of their games are insanely popular.

I'd say they are in the green as a company, but I wouldn't quite go so far as to say they are 'loaded as hell'. They're still a company with overheads (120+ staff salaries to pay every month), and their own games sell once and once only (unless your banned), so it's a fixed return. Sure they get a cut of the action on 3rd party Steam sales, and generate a bit from Cyber cafe licencing, but it's not a consistent Stream, and nowhere likely to be near the kind of income, say Blizzard generate from WoW every month.

Going in whole hog solo on developing an MMO without a track record in that sphere is probably entirely possible for Valve, but they'd be leaving themselves pretty vulnerable financially if it didn't pan out for them. Going in with a Publisher would significantly reduce the risk as it's a shared loss.

When all the hacking thing kicked off, the year delay, and the lawsuit with Vivendi over Steam, Gabe Newell did not look like a man in a particularly comfortable spot. The whole ATI x800 promotion smacked of a degree of financial desperation tbh. Sure things turned out rosy with the release of HL2, but Valve looked pretty vulnerable back there.
A Valve Wii game would be extremely interesting. An MMO on the other hand. I've never been interested in the genre at all. Unless they can really do something different to other MMOs I'd have little interest. I wonder, if they were going to make one, would they go back to Prospero? Some of the initial ideas for that were a bit MMOish, IIRC.
A Prospero MMO would be excellent.

I really doubt they have anything planned or in progress on that front. Just a future ambition. I think they'd have to have a different approach to such a game. An MMO requires a lot of upkeep, and with deadlines 'n all not really being Valve's strength, I think they'd need some time to be up to the challenge.

Still, I look forward to the day.
Frankly, I've always wished that Valve would make another fps game, but of a whole different setting and story, and perhaps build it from there.
A Valve MMO could be good, but I absolutely REFUSE to play a game that you have to pay a monthly fee for. So lets hope valve stays with its "free content" policy on a MMO.
If "no fees" means "like Guild Wars", I might pass. =P
A Valve MMO could be good, but I absolutely REFUSE to play a game that you have to pay a monthly fee for. So lets hope valve stays with its "free content" policy on a MMO.

There's no such thing as a free lunch, somewhere someone ends up footing the bill. Now before you retort with 'But Counterstrike is free!!, TF2 is free!!' you have to understand it's only free for you, because someone somewhere else is footing the server hosting bill, whether they be a clan, a company or an individual. It is only through their benevolence and generosity you get to spend endless hours playing those games for free.

Unlike an SP game, an MMO has tremendous overheads after launch, server costs, support staff, bug fixing and updates. They are incredibly complex game spaces and require large amounts of post release management, and maintenance, and the money to pay for that has to come from somewhere. Now a flat monthly fee isn't the only way to go on these things, you can do micro-transactions (the good items you pay real money for), or in game advertising as a way to generate revenue, but it's the most fair, balanced and certainly least offensive way.

Personally having worked behind the scenes on an MMO for a couple of years, I don't think they actually offer up that much in terms of actual gaming. Lack of long term persistence in games like WoW means that the experience when stripped down, amounts to little more than players traipsing around an endless series of repetitive roller coaster rides whose requirements are you be yay high (in level) before you can go on them and collect the shiny toys you get given at the end. Clearly a lot of people like it, but I think that's principally because that's all they know, and so far no developer (save the guys behind Eve which is effectively a sandbox) have really tried to change the formula. From a developer/publisher perspective they are attractive because they generate regular income. But despite their allure, I personally feel they short change players in terms of gameplay. When I kill the demon of Usark I expect him to stay dead, not respawn half an hour later.
Maybe a (free) hl2 MMORPG? cool.... On the other hand a valve wii game..............nah
I'm not happy about that. I don't have a Wii and I don't want to ruin my life with playing MMORPG.