Valve Week at -- Day Two


Jan 15, 2004
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The second day has dawned in’s VALVe week, and with it comes their new article; and this time around, Sin Episodes is in the spotlight. [br] The bulk of the piece reveals how Ritual are going about this daunting task of Episodic content, what new gameplay features they have planned, and that VALVe are backing them wholeheartedly.
Ritual Entertainment is running out front with its upcoming SiN: Episodes -- the first installment of which is due this winter. A better poster-child for episodic content couldn't have been found. Not only does the game play to the strengths of the format, it owes its very existence to them.
The article also asks probably the most important question of all; will gamers actually like Episodic content, or will it be rejected by the community? I guess we’ll have to wait and see, but if you feel like expressing yourself on the matter, head over to our affiliate [br] To read the full article, click here. Tomorrow’s 1UP article features Half-Life 2 modifications, and some info on the Xbox incarnation. Don’t miss it!
Well, I can't say I'm too psyched about episodic, but then again, I'm not too psyched about online delivery either. I like having a game that comes with a hefty manual full of fun stuff. I don't even like DVD cases with games for the same reason. You can't fit as much into those. But from what I've heard, Episodic sounds like a really good idea. You can finish an episode and move on to other stuff, as opposed to getting bored(which happens alot), and moving on, then maybe coming back in the future. I think this is a change I could get used to...
Manuals for a game and other shit like that are for Nerds, and for people with too much time to read them.
What are you? A nerd?
That I am, good sir, and I'm quite proud of it.

Come on! Material possessions are the best! We all want that disc and the box with the pretty graphics! Well, maybe I'm just different...
Ermac said:
Manuals for a game and other shit like that are for Nerds, and for people with too much time to read them.
What are you? A nerd?

And what are you, browsing on a games forum? :rolleyes:

Im not too fond of episodic content, it does seem to have a few interesting pros though, like the fact that they can change the story based on what people do...
So you can get the first episode to try it out and see if you like the game. Don't have to put $50 down on a game. Also I like the idea of having it come out on steam as well without having to wait an extra few weeks for it to run through a publisher. Having the box and manual is nice as it's something to do while installing the game but after that my game box always ends up in the trash and the manual is in the box where all my other manuals are that I don't touch.
Hugh_Jazz said:
That I am, good sir, and I'm quite proud of it.

Come on! Material possessions are the best! We all want that disc and the box with the pretty graphics! Well, maybe I'm just different...

No, I also love having a thick manual :) I bought the retail vertion of Halflife 2 for that very reason, and I was dissapointed that all I got was a lousy "referance card"... :(
I think an episodic style could really take off, and if it does, it will be revolutionary. I am very eager to try this out.

Now I don't mind not having the box and manual because that's where the future is headed; all digital. I used to
think the box was so cool when I was younger (iam 21 now) and I used to read the manual up and down but now
ever since I bought Half Life 2 thru Steam I haven't looked back. Welcome to the future :dork:
Manuals for a game and other shit like that are for Nerds, and for people with too much time to read them.
What are you? A nerd?
What does that have to do with being a nerd? Posting things like that make you look like a nerd. I dont think that you never buy games in a shop, so you are a nerd to!
Betelgeuze said:
What does that have to do with being a nerd? Posting things like that make you look like a nerd. I dont think that you never buy games in a shop, so you are a nerd to!

I dont buy the damn game just for a manual, i buy it for the game.
I enjoy a good game every once and a while. Especialy one that lets you add on to it. Whitch is what keeps me coming back to this forms, to check on mods.
I dont come here to socialize.
The last game I bought in the stores was World of Warcraft (my friends forced me)... Jesus Christ was there too much stuff that came with it, I just wanted a serial code, because I already had the game installed from the beat. So, they gave me a bunch of cards and pamphlets and books and Cd's that I never needed or even used.
To each his own, I suppose. I think it comes from the fact that we always went to a town an hours drive away when we needed to shop, and if we bought any games there, it would be so much fun to open it up in the car home, and just read the manual and check things out for that hour until we got home...
So if you buy a game in a shop you open the box en throw the manual away because you only want the game? Do you ask of they can lower the price for it?

If I pay for a game I want everything like it is supposed to: the game, a nice box and a good manual. If Im a nerd because of that Im proud to be a nerd!
You can always wait until they release a retail package of some of the SiN Episodes and buy it just for the manual (If they even make one).
Yeah, I used to be all over the idea of having a box and manual and in fact I kept all my boxes just for that sake. But honestly, I don't really care anymore. I like the idea of being able to just download it and get it directly onto my comp. Especially for only a mere $15 an episode. I also like where Valve is headed with it's new episodic material for HL2. Sounds good to me!
Yes looking good

-Damn, havent posted here for a year, nice to be back :cheers:
Haha, that's not what I meant, of course. I would've gotten the HL2 for "free" with my ATi card, but since I live in Finland, I decided not to because it would've been such a hassle. So it's not a life or death issue, but I like to see a tangible result of spending my money, and a box does that. Besides, I like to expand my collection of games for bragging rights...
Betelgeuze said:
So if you buy a game in a shop you open the box en throw the manual away because you only want the game? Do you ask of they can lower the price for it?

If I pay for a game I want everything like it is supposed to: the game, a nice box and a good manual. If Im a nerd because of that Im proud to be a nerd!

Yes, i throw the box away after about a week. And i would rather download a game like in steam, and have the price be cheaper.

I love that idea. BEST IDEA EVER!
Men dont need Boxes, Nerds do.
I quite like this idea of episodic games. Or year or so ago I might have been dead against it via Steam. I hatted the idea of Steam at first. Especially the distribution aspect of it (which is obviously set to become one of the main features if Steam). But I'm warming to it now. The idea behind Sin:Episodes is certainly an interseting one & it will be even more interesting to see how it pans out.
Ermac said:
Yes, i throw the box away after about a week. And i would rather download a game like in steam, and have the price be cheaper.

I love that idea. BEST IDEA EVER!
Men dont need Boxes, Nerds do.

I think posting in an internet forum at all pretty much qualifies you as a nerd.
I was going to make a detailed post as to why I really don't care about the manual, but I love them anyway, but I'd feel that if any part of it agreed with someone as unintelligent as Ermac, then I might have to kill myself.
Ill be waiting for a retail copy. Ill be sure to pick one up. If there isnt one anytime soon, well ill just have to get it on steam. :/