Valve's Break:

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oldagerocker said:
Two Unlimited - No Limits... have to see it first though, cuz it'll have to go to a beat :)

Even better, that "Everybody Dance Now" song.. quite an old one, but a classic :borg:

could you send me those songs if possible? i dont have and thing like kazza to get them. Thanks!
please for the love of god, no more "You're the man now, dawg" movie quotes ...most offensive phrase ever

I'm not you're man, I'm not a dawg
I think it would lift Valves' spirits if we just wait a month and all buy the game. Then they'll be happy and can start on Half-Life 3.
oldagerocker said:
Thats not what you said last night

oh jebus that was supposed to be our little secret!!!!!

lies all lies
so when people complain about valve, mods and others tell them valve isn't watching and they don't care, its fruitless etc..

yet if everyone is praising valve, somehow valve seem to be watching now? pfft
poseyjmac said:
so when people complain about valve, mods and others tell them valve isn't watching and they don't care, its fruitless etc..

yet if everyone is praising valve, somehow valve seem to be watching now? pfft

It’s not about that BIATCH! Its about all the free shit we'll get for doin' it! Yeah!!!
Spooky Barnes said:
It’s not about that BIATCH! Its about all the free shit we'll get for doin' it! Yeah!!!
Is it really necessary to call people a "biatch"?

Some people are going to get a major shock when we start issuing bans for attitudes like this. As we haven't made the rules public yet you've escaped this time, but next time you'll be spending some time away from the forums.
SO Close to finishing the movie... just adding sounds now, and touching it up... Anyone know where i can upload so Valve can see it =P

dont do that again ...your link is full of pop ups, ones that wont go away ...way to go, some of us are at work, you could get me in shit for that
ok, im done. Where shall i upload this thankyou card? (its a flash movie) or sall i just send it strate to Valve?
Chris_D said:
Is it really necessary to call people a "biatch"?

Some people are going to get a major shock when we start issuing bans for attitudes like this. As we haven't made the rules public yet you've escaped this time, but next time you'll be spending some time away from the forums.

So bitch is okay, but not biatch? I've seen plenty of bitches, but not a whole lot of biatches... I didn't mean it anyways, hot damn...
Chris_D said:
Is it really necessary to call people a "biatch"?

Some people are going to get a major shock when we start issuing bans for attitudes like this. As we haven't made the rules public yet you've escaped this time, but next time you'll be spending some time away from the forums.

Now that I've had time to contemplate your response of me saying "biatch," all I have to say is **** YOU! Take me off your damn site. I don't give a shit! I say "biatch" two or three times and this BIATCH throws a got damn hissy fit. I've read plenty of threads and posts to know people say a lot worse like ****, ASSHOLE, DICK, ******, PUSSY, **** and MOTHER****ER for instance. If I've learned one thing from this site its that all these moderators ever do is bitch, I mean biatch. So peace out biatch. Talk to you guys on the flip side. Fallout's site is much better anyways... BIATCH!!! No one biatches over thour.
Spooky Barnes said:
Now that I've had time to contemplate your response of me saying "biatch," all I have to say is **** YOU! Take me off your damn site. I don't give a shit! I say "biatch" two or three times and this BIATCH throws a got damn hissy fit. I've read plenty of threads and posts to know people say a lot worse like ****, ASSHOLE, DICK, ******, PUSSY, **** and MOTHER****ER for instance. If I've learned one thing from this site its that all these moderators ever do is bitch, I mean biatch. So peace out biatch. Talk to you guys on the flip side. Fallout's site is much better anyways... BIATCH!!! No one biatches over thour.

As you wish you rude little boy.

This thread has gone way off *locked*
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