Valve's Gift To Half-Life Fans *spoilers*



I recently (read: 5 minutes ago) finished Half-Life 2. Of course it's a great gameplay experience, but there were so many un-answered questions.
I first came here to try to find out the "unanswered" questions we are left with by the ambiguous ending, but soon, I had more questions than when I arrived, many of you have brought up some very interesting questions that I hadn't thought of even asking at the end of the game. Why so many unasnwered questions, VaLve?
And then it hit me. The people at Valve have spent many hard hours on this game, and it really shows. The gameplay, whole new engine, storyline, easter eggs, incredible writing/voice acting, etc... and through all the work they poured in, they did everything in their power to give us, the fans, teasers, tests and even PHP to keep us occupied.
These unanswered questions are the their final gift to us as it comes to the HL2 experience.
Here we gather, on forums, IRC chat, instant messenger and even in (dare I say it) real life to discuss and disect every little bit of the story, from Dr. Kleiner's prescription glasses to why Alyx has purple underwear.
Imagine if valve had left us with no questions, nothing to churn over in our heads after the G-man walks away... that'd be it. Game over, now the 17 year wait for Half-Life 3 (sure, mods will come out but nothing beats Valve's work).
So here's what I'm trying to say:
Be thankful for all the unanswered questions. If it weren't for them, we'd be stuck "getting over" half-life 2 and we might have to go out into the real world, rather than stay plugged into the eternal warmth of internet forums.
Unanswered questions? Valve's Chrismahanakwanzaka present to all of us!