Valve's Good At Giving Me Goosebumps - Easter Egg Related Discussion


Sep 4, 2003
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Well before i get to the point i remember when i first played HL1 a few years back the black mesa catastrofy scared me, all those red lights and zombies freaked me out, now this damn easter egg thing is even worse! lol. check these pics out i took.

* these were taken at the end of the Video where it shows some stuff fly by before you see G-Man say " isnt this just like old times , also sorry if this has been posted MANY times i used the search and didnt find much topics about this *


does this mean gordon likes horse back riding? ;)


this guy looks like the one when you started up half life and saw the valve logo with tha guy and that fosset stuck in hiseye or however you call it


HOLY SHIT this pic made me wanna shit my pants, looks like some kindof zombie but when i was backtracking in quick time it was going slowly so when this zombie thing jumped out at me i was freaked out big time! now i got some goosebumps lol.


some jibberish lettering all i can make out is
" gordon freeman subject availiablity "
its hard to make out the rest maybe itsthe story line intro to HL 2 ?


another fraakish zombie thing , make your settings a little brighter and it looks lke its got a BIG smile, freaky!


7 or 9 , maybe something with sepetember or july?? hmmm......

post any opinions you have on this and please don't flame i couldnt really find many topics with this. thanks.
This has been pulled apart so many times we can almost tell you what they are in our sleep

1)The horse is from a statue in City 17.

2)That's The Gman

3)It's too distorted to tell what it is.

4)That is medical garbage related to Gordon being in a coma.

5)We think that one is Eli Vance.

6)They are Hydras, check out the Tunnels Bink video.
#5 eli vance? no way it looks like a deranged clown with an evil smile, lol but how can eli have such big teeth ?
the "teeth" was just his beard, it got distorted or somthing i guess.
Originally posted by not28
Damn, #3 is pretty scary.

your telling me! you try back tracking in the video slowly and see thisTHING just appear, i was like omg and i had goosee bumps all over i still do it freakes me out!
I've been reading #4 - seeing some interesting stuff:

... of 30ml Sample Sustained
... of seizure and muscle...
Freeman, Gordon...
No Responce Subject to...
Unknown Year at this time Requirements of...
Originally posted by BloodyL
This has been pulled apart so many times we can almost tell you what they are in our sleep

1)The horse is from a statue in City 17.

2)That's The Gman

3)It's too distorted to tell what it is.

4)That is medical garbage related to Gordon being in a coma.

5)We think that one is Eli Vance.

6)They are Hydras, check out the Tunnels Bink video.

IMO, Number three seems like someone new. I'm guessing Father Gregory.
Originally posted by maSterminD
im fairly certain certain 3 is eli vance. anyway i think i found something no ones seen. at about 3 minutes 40 seconds (i think thats what it was) into the tech demo when hes checking out the wall, you see an original half life scientist standing on the wooden beams. hes miniature though so it looks kinda weird blends in with the wall. check it out let me know what you guys think.

Been seen by lots, discussed by many. :cool: Many speculate it is just someone used to give you a sense of the height of the wall, others think he may be just a normal "easter egg" (hey, look at that guy... didn't see that before!) and a bunch more think he's signifigant. ;)
Gah, bandwith limit exceeded? Get a real server man! I didnt get to see anything :(
this is like looking at pictures at the shrink.... all i see is 'a delay in killing aliens'.
ok the things you see are..

hyras from the tunnel video

horse statue.

g-man are all the looking human figures you see.

the letters...well all i can read is..

"Freeman Gordon Subject....(dunno the rest)"
This is my first proper post, so here's hoping that it's useful...

I believe that the writing screenshot says, as best as I can make out:

incidence (evidence?) of seizure and muscular catatonia (think this means he can't move - not paralysis, more like being uncontrollably relaxed?)... recci? rec'd?... titration (chemistry term) of 30 ml sample sustained...can't tell what the next bit is, looks like "along active"...Freeman (F is missing), Gordon, increased activity in response. Subject to availability...can't read next bit, looks like "and uga", or something, could be "urgency".../unknown vector at this time ("Vector" refers to a method of disease transmission. Like a mosquito or bad water. Is he in a coma because of a virus? Perhaps he caught it on Xen.). Requirements of...beyond(B missing) current threshold of amgydalic(? Don't know if this is accurately interpreted) Suppression?

So, to recap, interpreted as best as I can:

incidence of seizure and muscular catatonia ... rec'd titration of 30 ml sample sustained along active ... Freeman, Gordon, increased activity in neural ... no response. Subject to availability and urgency ... /unknown vector at this time. Requirements of ... beyond current threshold of amgydalic supp...

Gives me the mental image of poor old Gordy lying in bed hooked up to an IV drip.

can any1 get me a ss of that original scienist in the movie?
Heres a very improved version of the #4 pic that someone posted a while ago.
I'm guessing that's the easter egg. Gordon has been in some sort of coma/paralysis between games, and something causes him to 'wake up' for HL-2.

It's not "sustained along active", it's "sustained alpha activity". That would refer to Gordon's brain waves. Maybe it refers to him waking up.:dozey:

But...what put him in the coma?:sleep:

yes people has taken DNA and with that information they made the combine soldiers

Originally posted by Matrix
Well before i get to the point i remember when i first played HL1 a few years back the black mesa catastrofy scared me, all those red lights and zombies freaked me out, now this damn easter egg thing is even worse! lol. check these pics out i took.

* these were taken at the end of the Video where it shows some stuff fly by before you see G-Man say " isnt this just like old times , also sorry if this has been posted MANY times i used the search and didnt find much topics about this *


does this mean gordon likes horse back riding? ;)

That Looks Like They Took That Picture with X-Ray Enabled.
Do you think They Will Have X-ray Vision? That Looks very similar to Perfect Dark's X-ray Vision. And Metroid Prime's X-ray Vision.
Originally posted by Brian Damage response. Subject to availability...
That sentence gives me goosebumps.
I imagine the game starting with a black screen.
You hear some "beep.....beep..." in the back.
You hear someone speaking. He talks about you. " response.".

goosebumps i tell you.
Here's what I gather from that picture (I can't make out two of the words):

incidence of seizue and muscular catatonia. recoi(?)
titration of 30mL sample. sustained alpha activity
[F]reeman Gordon increased activity in neural
no response. subject to availability and urgency
(lambda) unknown vector at this time Requirements of
beyond current threshold for amgycalc(?) suppre[ssion]

EDIT: The best match that I could find for amgycalc is amygdalic... which means "Of or pertaining to almonds; derived from amygdalin; as, amygdalic acid" but I seriously doubt that is the correct word.
X-Ray Vision Would Be Cool, But I Don't Think So, Mr Capitalist.:E

Could probably be done in a mod. I think I remember someone from VALVe saying that you'd be able to do X-ray and thermal vision with materials.



Just letting my imagination running here. How about when GF stepped into the differnet looking portal at the end of the game. You hear the same heavy breathing as when he was knocked out at the accident.


So, maybe that could be a reason for this text.

I am done now.
Originally posted by Brian Damage
The amygdalia is a part of the human brain. I think.:dork:


Yes, the amygdala is the part of the brain that controls fear and aggression. I seem to remember that it's been shown that electrical stimulation of the amygdala can trigger the flight/fright response.

Also, certain anxiety-relieving drugs work by affecting the amygdala.

Cool stuff! Maybe poor Gordon's been turned into a super soldier by the G-man and now has to be kept on drugs lest he turn into Mike Tyson!

MK-ULTRA, anyone?
hmm first off i have to say mark laidlaw is a friggen genious! i wish i could write like this guy, well maybe i could you just probably need a VERY good iamgination, he has madethe story so puzzling and yetthey give us clues leading us to theories to think of, i have to hand it to valve even if the game is delayed at least they left us with some clues to figure out.

But those sentences, maybe when gordon stepped into the portal at the end of HL 1, G-Man said " Good choice Mr.Freeman, I'll see you on the other side ! " , maybe gordon died and G-Man maybe changed his body into something more powerful then put him back in it? jus ta theory because other side sometimes can refer to after life.

Although theres the theory why Gordon won't wake up from his coma because his life force isn't present so Gordon won't wake up until he's ready to be woken up. Any speculation to all this? it's all rather interesting.
D'oh I forgot about that... It's called the "amygdaloid nucleus" (or just amygdala) because it is shaped like an almond... I was so close but I didn't make the connection.

... and if that is what the text is supposed to say there is a typo because you can clearly see that they spelled it with the G before the Y.

Someone should e-mail Gabe and tell him about the typo.
freaking angel fire is suspended, some SMART person please attach the pictures...
sorry stupid ass angel fire has ran out like 10 times every day, it usually lasts like a week or 2, but lately......

KEEP REFRESHING sometimes itll showthe picture.
Ok to add a conspiracy theory im gonna add words from what Brian Damage found in the picture, to try to make it have some sense.

evidence of seizure and muscular catatonia ... recived titration of 30 ml sample sustained along active *duty?*... Freeman, Gordon, increased activity in neural *synapses?* ... no response. Subject to availability and urgency ... /unknown vector at this time. Requirements of ... beyond current threshold of amgydalic supp*ort*...

Basically could this mean that gordon did actually fight the monsters on xen? that is chose the second option at the end of hl? and then only to get almost killed but rescued by someone, possibly dr. kleiner with some kind of teleportation device? did he say anything in one of the videos to support this? and then to be in a coma for 4 years? then only to be awaken and found in europe? and also could you have all of those symptomes if you were in a bad fight and got some alien stuff on/in you?

Also from another post:
Yes, the amygdala is the part of the brain that controls fear and aggression. I seem to remember that it's been shown that electrical stimulation of the amygdala can trigger the flight/fright response.

Also, certain anxiety-relieving drugs work by affecting the amygdala.

So that could mean that he was very frightend, wich supports my theory that he took the second option and got back to xen.

What do you guys think?
guys it might be up in a bit give me 5 mins tosee if i can set up my providers free internet page thing.
I really hope we don't see skeleton faced monster zombie things in hl2.
Originally posted by Matrix
hmm first off i have to say mark laidlaw is a friggen genious! i wish i could write like this guy, well maybe i could you just probably need a VERY good iamgination, he has madethe story so puzzling and yetthey give us clues leading us to theories to think of, i have to hand it to valve even if the game is delayed at least they left us with some clues to figure out.

But those sentences, maybe when gordon stepped into the portal at the end of HL 1, G-Man said " Good choice Mr.Freeman, I'll see you on the other side ! " , maybe gordon died and G-Man maybe changed his body into something more powerful then put him back in it? jus ta theory because other side sometimes can refer to after life.

Although theres the theory why Gordon won't wake up from his coma because his life force isn't present so Gordon won't wake up until he's ready to be woken up. Any speculation to all this? it's all rather interesting.

The G-Man says "I will see you up ahead" not "on the other side"
This has all been discussed a while ago and we pretty much got what the text said but I am to lazy to look it up right now.

The pics have also been discussed before, just look throught the forums, its all here somewhere.