Vampire for Minnesotta candidacy?


Space Core
Nov 10, 2003
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I was looking through stories on the coast to coast website. Funny as hell itself. Anyway if anybody from Minnesota has a newspaper article that they would like to quote from about Jonathan Sharkey, please put it on this thread. Are there any other candidates that are rying to run for Minnesota that just out-of-the-box as this chap is?

For starters, he describes himself as a "sanguinary vampyre ... just like you see in the movies and TV, I sink my fangs into the neck of my donor (at this time in my life, it is my wife, Julie), and drink their blood," he said in an e-mail.

The whole article can be found here
I've never even heard of this guy, has he been elected?
Dalamari said:
I've never even heard of this guy, has he been elected?

One of the candidates, don't believe he has been elected....YET! :(

Take a gander at Jonathon (The Impaler) Sharkey, who will launch his gubernatorial campaign in Princeton, Minn., on Friday the 13th as a "satanic dark priest" and the leader of the "Vampyres, Witches and Pagans Party."

The pagan community might have something to say about being in the same sentence as satanic

Quite some distance from the mainstream, however, is his pledge to execute -- by impalement in front of the State Capitol -- terrorists, rapists, drug dealers, child abusers, repeat drunken drivers and anybody who preys on the elderly.

My kind of Candidate
Haha sweet...let's go run ourselves...we can be the anti-vampires and promise to rid MN of those evil satanic vampires!
As long as his personal life doesn't get in the way of his work, I would be fine with him.

But I live in the United Kingdom, so its all full of Sex, Lie, Scandals, etc.
Pssh, the UK doesn't come close to the US. We pwn you in terms of corruption and general suck.