Vampire: The Masquerade: The Movie


Oct 10, 2003
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More Vampire goodness for us! :E

Adam Fields will produce the Vampire movie under the supervision of New Line executives Luke Ryan and Magnus Kim. Variety reports that New Line is looking for a screenwriter to help groom the property to be a franchise. No director or stars are attached to the project.

Not anywhere near finished yet, but it's a start :)
hope its good as Interview with a vampire cause all the new ones suck!
I hope they actually focus on vampires, and not vampire slayers. There are way to few Vampire movies from a bloodsucking POV out there :P
I hope its going to be a real dark movie, I dont like vampire movies where the vampires are cheesy -.-
"AHA! Finally I have caught you! Here, in my dark tower, where my minions are nowhere to be seen, where I've carelessy left a stake on the table infront of you, and where your chains are rusty and old! I have you now, slayer! Prepare to die!"

Like that? ;)
i cant wait for

vampire: the masquerade: the movie: the sequel
Don't forget the title of the sequel, so Vampire: The Masquerade: The Movie: The Sequel: The Revenge of the Mighty Grumbledook.
Varg|Hund said:
"AHA! Finally I have caught you! Here, in my dark tower, where my minions are nowhere to be seen, where I've carelessy left a stake on the table infront of you, and where your chains are rusty and old! I have you now, slayer! Prepare to die!"

Like that? ;)

Yea pretty much.... x.x
Wonder what clan the movie will centre on? Something easy for the audience to identify with, so probarly one of the more "human" ones.
Toreador? Tremere? Gengrel maybe? (Gengrel makes sense, think lonely and tragic hero. Plus shapeshifting makes the audience happy :E)
I hope its Malk, Im abit board with seeing the same old super smart super sexy super horny super boring vampires.
You guys are way too much into this. It'll just be a new Blade.
Sprafa said:
You guys are way too much into this. It'll just be a new Blade.


God I hated the blade films.
I hope this movie will be good. most of the time movies based of games suck :(
Yeah, Hollywood has a tendancy to screw up established stories.
Well, one can always hope eh?
*Varg crosses his fingers.
MaxiKana said:
I hope this movie will be good. most of the time movies based of games suck :(

Its not based of a game, its based off the D+D stuff...

And the D+D movie was'nt that..bad..

Nevermind >_>
Another article.
Not really that much more info, but still interesting.

introduces a contemporary horror universe that details the night-to-night life of vampires.
Hmm. Well, sounds like they haven't screwed it up yet :P