Vampires release NEXT TUESDAY!!!

Well they need to get the game out.

Vampires is pretty much a cult game anyway so if half life 2 or halo 2 wern't coming out it would still probably get the same amount of units sold.

I forsee,

Very little advertising.
Picking up in advertising once the dust settles from HL2 and H2
Hmm...HL2 is about 20 hours Vampire is about 40 or more.....

I wonder if I can stay up for 60+ hours? Better start stocking up on coffee now.
I'm going to have HL2 on the 16th and I have Bloodlines pre-ordered for 3-day hopefully by the time I get it, I'll have beaten HL2 a few times
Different genres, no matter what people have been saying Troika have been sitting on this game for a while and Activision is really eager to get the game out the door. If the stores run out of HL 2 games what'll be sitting there? Vampire. I think it could possibly be a very clever marketing move.

I still want this game more than hl2.
Nige_Reconman said:
Different genres, no matter what people have been saying Troika have been sitting on this game for a while and Activision is really eager to get the game out the door. If the stores run out of HL 2 games what'll be sitting there? Vampire. I think it could possibly be a very clever marketing move.

I still want this game more than hl2.

What you want this game more than HL2? Plz just shoot yourself in the head!
colson said:
What you want this game more than HL2? Plz just shoot yourself in the head!

It's about equal for me. I'm still undecided over which game I would prefer to play first.
Neutrino said:
It's about equal for me. I'm still undecided over which game I would prefer to play first.

OMG. Wtf is wrong with you people?!
^Ben said:
Well they need to get the game out.

Vampires is pretty much a cult game anyway so if half life 2 or halo 2 wern't coming out it would still probably get the same amount of units sold.

I forsee,

Very little advertising.
Picking up in advertising once the dust settles from HL2 and H2

maybe.. but the pple deciding on this release date still aren't doing any favours for this game...i think releasing it even a month later than HL2 and Halo2 would help because most of the hardcore fans of these other games will have their copy and that would leave the impulse buyer for X-mas time.

anyway thats my thinking when u release a game which isn't well known around the same time when huge titles as HL2 and Halo2 are releasing.
HL2, MGS3 and Vampires all within the same week.

My wallet is crying.
Getting both games of course, god I won't have much of life next week :(
antimatter said:
HL2, MGS3 and Vampires all within the same week.

My wallet is crying.
Don't forget Metroid Prime 2, God, life is sweet if video games appeal to you in any way.
colson said:
OMG. Wtf is wrong with you people?!

I lost most of my excitement for Half-Life 2 over six months ago. It will still be fun, but a 14 month wait tends to suck the enthusiasm right out of a person.

If it had been released last year it would have been truly awesome, but now I don't consider it to be all that innovative anymore.
Bloody idiots...
Too much games at once is never good, now I have to buy the game later...
Mr.Reak said:
Getting both games of course, god I won't have much of life next week :(

Agreed. Not only that but...

My wallet is empty for november

Halo 2, WOW, bloodlines, hl2 = $200

this is perfect ill have hl2 as soon as it comes out via steam but bloodlines will take around 5 days to ship !! just enough time to play hl2 :D:D:D:D:D BRING IT ON !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
colson said:
What you want this game more than HL2? Plz just shoot yourself in the head!

Nah, that would be bad.

I liked the previous Vampire Game more than Half Life and i'll assume the trend will continue, i prefer RPG's over FPS games.
im also upgrading my computer for this game first ,theres never been a vampire game with this awsome source engine,just imagine the characters faces reacting to your questions,its perfect for an rpg.
This quarter was foreseen as the most commercial in gaming history, in actuality it's fallen short - no WOW for Europeans, no GT4!!! and quite a few other titles have 'slipped' too. Already GTA:SA and Halo are selling more that record blockbuster films, the media seem suprised by this, i was reading in the Times today their explanation on how and why H2 has made more money than Harry Potter films. Ultimately it still seems gaming has this stereotype geek image of hard-core gamers, even the Times couldn't realise that it takes more than a few geeks for a game to sell in the millions.

Anyway, onto Vampires; i see this as no bad thing releasing it on the same day, if a gamer doesn't have the cash on that day, it's still going to be on the shelf after he/she finishes HL2, and it may make a savvy xmas present for people who are definetely known to have HL2. I think the main impulse on Activision's part is just to avoid the delays of HL2 and just get the product on the shelf, i'm sure after the debacle between Valve and Activision, Troika sure don't want to piss Activision off as well.
Neutrino said:
I lost most of my excitement for Half-Life 2 over six months ago. It will still be fun, but a 14 month wait tends to suck the enthusiasm right out of a person.

If it had been released last year it would have been truly awesome, but now I don't consider it to be all that innovative anymore.

Thats probably the stupidist thing I"ve ever heard.
I wonder what Wabe thinks of this (commercial suicide)? Now you can finish VampireB and get straight on to HL2 instead of waiting...:p

Same day as HL2? Thanks for the information.
Do you think it's a worldwide release (as the contrary has not been mentionned) or an american release only?
I'm surpised this game isn't as popular as it is.

Guess a lot of people are turned off by the whole vampire theme
Activision has to get this game on the shelves pronto - Christmas is everything in the gaming business.

The longer Activision waits, the fewer 'units' will be sold.

It's best if they can get their games on the shelf by Halloween.

(edit: I'm probably the only person here who's really pissed: I don't have a PC yet.)
Wabe you need a PC to play the games' do want to play them don't you? :p

I have my Athlon FX-51, 2Gbs, 22inch monitor, x800xt waiting for HL2 and VampB:D