Vaporization in HL2 looks retarded...


Dec 2, 2003
Reaction score
If there is one thing that instantly became my pet peeve was the "vaporization" of the rebels when the strider shot at them and when Gordan vaporized the combine soldiers coming out of the house right after the buggy sequence. I personally don't think that Gordan should be able to carry a weapon powerful enough to vaporize people, but I'll let that slide. What was the most annoying was how the bodies kinda floated away in little yellow sparkles. Ugh. I'd rather have them slowly fade away or just get blown apart, or something, anything other than the yellow sparkles. This is not Mario here. Everything else was fine in the strider attack, the redness, the high pitched whine, the purple beam, BUT NOT THE YELLOW SPARKLES! Does anyone agree with me?
Omg Thats It I Wont Buy Hl2. The Vaporizationizorz Iz Not G00d Enuff 4 Me. **** Hl2!!!! Noone Shuld Buy This Piece Of $hit Game The Vapoirizationzorz Sux0rz!!
I like the origional style of it, i dont agree. sorry :rolleyes: , calling it retarded is a bit harsh
There was vaporization? :p

Guess I'll have to watch again... damn... :)

The gun that vaporizes people, is that the same gun as the one in tunnels, and if it is, can it also light people on fire? I'd way rather light things on fire...
lol Letters .. you didnt notice that!, :p. heh check out tha bit where hes fighting the combine and the roller mines. 2 of them get vapourised, with a bounce shot thing, its ultra kool!

its the combine incindiary rifle, but i dont know weither theyve changed its function , or its the alt fire
Man as much as some people bellyache about different things they see in the videos it will be a miracle if Valve sells any copies of HL2. Quit yer bitchin' and just enjoy the game when it comes out. No game is perfect.
lol some would say the gluon gun in Half-life 1 was to powerfull, but then u rarely had enough uranium cells to use it, if u check his ammo readout, the gun had 20 somthings loaded, and 20 in stock, the single shot took 20 whatevers to vaporise the 2 guys, who knows how few shots u would get.

as for the effect i like it lol, esspeacialy the sound just after they dissappear, the only thing i dont like is the black siluette of the citizens when they are hit by the strider cannon, just the white frizzy stuff would have been enough.
Man as much as some people bellyache about different things they see in the videos it will be a miracle if Valve sells any copies of HL2. Quit yer bitchin' and just enjoy the game when it comes out. No game is perfect.

Halflife 2 is...
:D At first I thought the effect was a teleportation to somewhere else. Yes that is the same weapon used in the Tunnels video(well it looks the same) I am guessing the "vaporizing" effect is an alternate fire... it's cool how it hits one enemy then seeks another one, like seen in the e3 '04 video.
you're forgiven for your opinions. but please, it's Gordon. not Gordan...
I heard someone call it the ' I-rifle ', sounds pretty catchy to me, 'I just vapourIsed a few Idiots with the I-Rifle :D
vaporization did look funky... it looked like giant yellow rice....
i could see where it would bother you. personally though, i liked it. i'm glad there are some outlandish weapons like the one gordon uses for vaporizing people. there were the gauss gun and the gluon gun in the first game... kinda strange weapons, so another one, to follow suit. :D
Christ.....someone got out of bed the wrong side :hmph:
I thought that was actually a cool effect. My pet peeve that I noticed almost immediately was when the zombies caught fire. After the fire is there for a while, instead of slowly fading away, it just disappears. Watch the e3 video from about the 20:30 mark to 20:33 and you'll know what I'm talking about.
antimatter said:
I thought that was actually a cool effect. My pet peeve that I noticed almost immediately was when the zombies caught fire. After the fire is there for a while, instead of slowly fading away, it just disappears. Watch the e3 video from about the 20:30 mark to 20:33 and you'll know what I'm talking about.

that will most likely be fixed I am sure. They probably don't have a model for fire getting small or something and just made it disapear.
guinny said:
Omg Thats It I Wont Buy Hl2. The Vaporizationizorz Iz Not G00d Enuff 4 Me. **** Hl2!!!! Noone Shuld Buy This Piece Of $hit Game The Vapoirizationzorz Sux0rz!!

Yeah!!!!! MAAANNNN!!!! I won´t be able to sleep tonight!!!!!!!!!!!!
PatPwnt said:
that will most likely be fixed I am sure. They probably don't have a model for fire getting small or something and just made it disapear.

I did notice that but i have seen the fire go out slowly, probbally another damn beta video, but the fire dissappearing could have been caused by the angle of the view in a badly (or not fully) compiled map, same thing happened with sprites in the HL1 engine, or maybe its just one of those little bugs that every piece of coding has dureing its development.
it clearly looked ridiculous, how could you like it? it was the only thing that really stuck out and bugged me in the e32k4 vid.
:cheers: You're right it does disappear instead of fading away, I hope the developers notice this before the official release, well along with some other stuff that needs to be fixed.
The effect sucks, i hope VALVe will take it out...
I tell you what :upstare: ,, why dont you take the effect out and add your own when you get the SDK, as most of us seem to think its neat :p
Cyperious said:
If there is one thing that instantly became my pet peeve was the "vaporization" of the rebels when the strider shot at them and when Gordan vaporized the combine soldiers coming out of the house right after the buggy sequence. I personally don't think that Gordan should be able to carry a weapon powerful enough to vaporize people, but I'll let that slide. What was the most annoying was how the bodies kinda floated away in little yellow sparkles. Ugh. I'd rather have them slowly fade away or just get blown apart, or something, anything other than the yellow sparkles. This is not Mario here. Everything else was fine in the strider attack, the redness, the high pitched whine, the purple beam, BUT NOT THE YELLOW SPARKLES! Does anyone agree with me?

Seems like I'm about the only one on the forum that agrees with you.

Seriously, we don't have to flame someone just because they have an opinion... jeez... there are bound to be things about this game that not everyone is going to love. Did he say HL2 is going to suck? No. He just pointed out that he didn't agree with one of the design decisions.
I thought it was a sweet ass effect. I've always wished for a weapon in a FPS that vaporized people, and when I saw the combine floating in the air slow motion while disintigrating I almost creamed my pants.

Oh, plus, if you don't like it, just make a mod that replaces the sprite or whatever.
maybe the effect isnt random, like with valves other sci fi weapons, they seem to have a realistic explaination to their effect, . like the Zero point gun. maybe to make the combine appear like a more advanced and different race, they had to implement a weird effect from gun when they vapourise, if you ask me, im particularly fed up of seeing boring Star wars and star trek style vapourisation.
I think we've all seen plenty of games where dead people fade away or get blown apart that most gamers would rather see something new than more repetition of the same old.

Two of the guns used in the demo are placeholders as well, the MP7 in place of the OICW, and the IRifle in place of the aforementioned gun that disintergrates in burst of short yellow light beams.
Two of the guns used in the demo are placeholders as well, the MP7 in place of the OICW, and the IRifle in place of the aforementioned gun that disintergrates in burst of short yellow light beams.

Both the MP7 and the OICW are going to be in the retail version...same with the Irifle
Cyperious said:
I personally don't think that Gordan should be able to carry a weapon powerful enough to vaporize people, but I'll let that slide.

If you paid attention, that attack costs him 20 rounds, so it's not some kind of superweapon.

And it doesn't look retarded, it looks cool.
Cyperious said:
If there is one thing that instantly became my pet peeve was the "vaporization" of the rebels when the strider shot at them and when Gordan vaporized the combine soldiers coming out of the house right after the buggy sequence. I personally don't think that Gordan should be able to carry a weapon powerful enough to vaporize people, but I'll let that slide. What was the most annoying was how the bodies kinda floated away in little yellow sparkles. Ugh. I'd rather have them slowly fade away or just get blown apart, or something, anything other than the yellow sparkles. This is not Mario here. Everything else was fine in the strider attack, the redness, the high pitched whine, the purple beam, BUT NOT THE YELLOW SPARKLES! Does anyone agree with me?

...and then Cyperious gets vaporized :flame: :smoking: :E :cheese:
FoB_Ed said:
Both the MP7 and the OICW are going to be in the retail version...same with the Irifle

I meant they are using those weapon models as substitutes for the two others that probably have not yet been finished. Though we've seen the OICW in screenshots and in the Bugbait video. I never said the MP7 or IRifle are not present in the game.
Cyperious said:
I personally don't think that Gordan should be able to carry a weapon powerful enough to vaporize people, but I'll let that slide.

Why the hell not?

You don't mind the guns powerful enough to shoot through walls, pick up objects by invisible forces and fling them at high speed, or displace a 200-pound object -- but the VAPORIZATION GUN, that's just too powerful for Gordon? It's okay that Gordon can fling a sawblade at a monster fast enough to decapitate it but ridiculous if he vaporizes someone with a charged alien weapon?

As for the "realism" of the effect, I'm sure Valve studied all the real-world vaporization guns they could find when designing that weapon -- I mean, what would be more embarrassing in a super-realistic game like HL2 if the vaporization gun didn't look right?

I love the way people get so worked up about someone not liking the effect. Quick! Defend HL2 with your lives!