Vatican: condoms dont stop aids


May 5, 2004
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"The Catholic Church is telling people in countries stricken by Aids not to use condoms because they have tiny holes in them through which HIV can pass - potentially exposing thousands of people to risk.
The church is making the claims across four continents despite a widespread scientific consensus that condoms are impermeable to HIV.

A senior Vatican spokesman backs the claims about permeable condoms, despite assurances by the World Health Organisation that they are untrue.

The Catholic Church is telling people in countries stricken by Aids not to use condoms because they have tiny holes in them through which HIV can pass - potentially exposing thousands of people to risk.
The church is making the claims across four continents despite a widespread scientific consensus that condoms are impermeable to HIV.

A senior Vatican spokesman backs the claims about permeable condoms, despite assurances by the World Health Organisation that they are untrue. "


according to the catholic church death is preferable to condom use. It just angers me to no end that the church can still put out such nonsense. According to the vatican this is the only prevention:

"Radical prevention in this field must come from a correct conception and practice of sexuality, where sexual activity is understood in its deep meaning as a total and absolute expression of the fecund giving of love. This totality leads us to the exclusiveness of its exercise in marriage, which is unique and indissoluble. Secure prevention in this field thus lies in the intensification of the solidity of the family."

or how about a freakin' $1 condom?

some scientists believe the church's ban of condoms is directly responsible for the widespread of aids in africa. The church goes to great lengths to defend their stance but indirectly or not they have a share of blame for aids in africa amongst the faithful. But not all catholics believe the only way to prevent aids is abstinance
why post twice sterny ya kerrazy canook! :O

but hey
religion = pure, maybe unintentional but still, evil
Haha I was just reading one of the articles where they show you various subliminal messages to try and sway your religion. Here is a great quote about the mac OS.

Darwin OS is released under an "Open Source" license, which is just another name for Communism.

I can't believe that guy is trying to be serious.
Yes, everyone should stop using condoms, they are clearly the source of HIV.
kirovman said:
Yes, everyone should stop using condoms, they are clearly the source of HIV.

but not married people ...they should have unprotected sex at all times, because the world needs more people

had I followed christian guidelines I'd either have blue balls or there'd be a school's worth of little sterns running around :O
The church needs to understand science. I am a christian..but what the catholic church is saying about that is about following the faith rather than saving lives. It's more important to save your life than to follow a faith of any kind. You can follow it again, once your life is back together. They can't go on like this forever. They will have to change.

dream431ca said:
The church needs to understand science. I am a christian..but what the catholic church is saying about that is about following the faith rather than saving lives. It's more important to save your life than to follow a faith of any kind. You can follow it again, once your life is back together. They can't go on like this forever. They will have to change.


I doubt it ....not with this guy in charge
I saw a tv documentary on this a few years back when a Vatican cardinal first started spouting this bull. They did an investigation and this is based on really bad science. For example in the experiment that proved condoms are permeable, they used water. In real life, Jizz is considerably thicker than water, and cannot fit through the 'holes' in the condoms.
gick said:
I saw a tv documentary on this a few years back when a Vatican cardinal first started spouting this bull. They did an investigation and this is based on really bad science. For example in the experiment that proved condoms are permeable, they used water. In real life, Jizz is considerably thicker than water, and cannot fit through the 'holes' in the condoms.

it really says a lot about how they'd rather save face than face facts. Hypocrites, plain and simple.
so in other words it's a possibility that if adamm and eve lived for hundreds of years they could potentially reproduce enough that their would be a problem genetically? about a leap of faith. They'll just make up any old BS to suit their needs. what a crock of shit:

" Once sin and death started adding flaws to a person's genetic code, God in His wisdom made some rules against marrying close relatives. God is SO SMART!"

who are these people and why are they allowed to publish such utter nonsense?
Don't forget that secular movies lie! T-rex was not a meat eater...he had sharp teeth for shredding plants!
CptStern said:
so in other words it's a possibility that if adamm and eve lived for hundreds of years they could potentially reproduce enough that their would be a problem genetically? about a leap of faith. They'll just make up any old BS to suit their needs. what a crock of shit:

" Once sin and death started adding flaws to a person's genetic code, God in His wisdom made some rules against marrying close relatives. God is SO SMART!"

who are these people and why are they allowed to publish such utter nonsense?

If they are truely Catholics or Christians, they would not make up any rules. To do that, is concidered a Sin in the faith. Religon can change, but they can't change it everytime they fear they're losing out on their point.

EDIT: 2000 posts :thumbs:
it's the church itself that changes doctrine, people just follow it

the church consistently flip flops
Theres a decent enough point buried under a lot of really bad rhetoric and stupid ideas in there. Which is basically that condoms aren't failsafe, and having sex with someone you're not positive is 'clean' (ie disease free) isn't going to be safe even with a condom.
Direwolf said:
Theres a decent enough point buried under a lot of really bad rhetoric and stupid ideas in there. Which is basically that condoms aren't failsafe, and having sex with someone you're not positive is 'clean' (ie disease free) isn't going to be safe even with a condom.
Safe enough.

Alot better than sex without a condom which is what theve caused for a while now.
ya this clarifies it:

The term “condom failure rate” isn’t very specific. Any assessment of condom effectiveness must distinguish between user effectiveness (or failure) and product effectiveness (or failure). “Condom failure rate” is often imprecisely used to refer to a percentage of women who become pregnant over the course of a year in which they reported using condoms as their primary method of birth control, even if they didn’t use condoms every time they had sex.

Studies that don’t distinguish between consistent, inconsistent, and non-user cannot adequately address the issue of condom effectiveness. A simple analogy would be to say that seat belts don’t work because there are accidents in which passengers are hurt because they are not wearing them. Clearly, seat belts don’t work unless they are used. Equally as clear, condoms don’t work unless they are used.

At other times, “condom failure rate” refers to the percentage of condoms that break during laboratory stress tests — a measure of product failure. Or it refers to the number of couples who report that a condom broke or slipped (typically the result of user error, not product failure).

The average published condom breakage rate is around 3 percent. The majority of breaks do not result in exposure, and it is clear that most breaks occur as the result of incorrect use. A recent study (Albert, Warner, Hatcher, Trussell, and Bennett) suggests that regular condom use may lead to condom mastery and the development of techniques to reduce the likelihood of breakage and slippage.
their point about condoms is wrong, but their underlying point is completely correct. the AIDs epidemic in (say) africa, is caused not just by casual encounters with people and getting aids. there is a whole trade in subsaharan africa involving the exploitation and prostitution of children and teenaged women. thats why aids spreads - there's so many effing whores. you can use condoms, but it requires an entire change in a cultures sexual mentality.

the catholic church is adopting the proper stance, in my opinion. throwing out condoms like candy at subsaharan african nations isnt going to do shit. there are dozens of programs like that over there and they simply arent effective because it requires that people NOT have sex with whores.
Glirk Dient said:

that link says it all. It isn't even a joke.

Go read the professor Giraffenstein part. I LOLed at it.
*Double takes*

Not a joke? If so, that is seriously the most scary thing I have ever seen. Come on, LOL = Love Our Lord? Bible rap? 4Kidz on Atheism/Other Religions? This has to be the best parody site ever. Surely?

This really makes me angry. It's practically bloody brainwashing for the young generations.
Thats stupid racist and ignorant all in one.

If everyone had sex with a condom on in Africa they Aids epidemic would be much less a epidemic, if existant at all.
Axyon said:
*Double takes*

Not a joke? If so, that is seriously the most scary thing I have ever seen. Come on, LOL = Love Our Lord? Bible rap? 4Kidz on Atheism/Other Religions? This has to be the best parody site ever. Surely?

This really makes me angry. It's practically bloody brainwashing for the young generations.

I was sure it was a hoax ..I spent 20 minutes searching but the person who wrote it does exist ...he even wrote an article detailing why Apple is in league with satan (seems one of their OS codenames was "Darwin")
Hard to say...but ghost has a point. People need to be more educated about this kind of stuff. The fact that there are people who believe that virgin women can't get pregnant on their first time is kind of a big signal. You can hand out all the condoms you want, but getting the men over there to wear them is a whole different issue.

Anyways, I think you guys should really take it easy on bashing the hell out of the church and start discussing ways to better the situation in Africa.

EDIT: Just as a side note to all of this : What is with the horribly anti-religious sentiment around here? It's really quite frightening some things I've been reading as of late.
People who are stupid enough to not realize that using a condom is a bad excuse to avoid STDs, shouldnt have sex.

Condoms are mainly for pregnancy, not STD prevention. In for a rough surprise if you expect otherwise.
Condom doesn't avoid STDs. It avoid AIDs and pregnancy. That is it. The rest of the STDs are small enough to travel through the rubber.
Glirk Dient said:
Condom doesn't avoid STDs. It avoid AIDs and pregnancy. That is it. The rest of the STDs are small enough to travel through the rubber.

It even does a sloppy job of avoiding AIDS. What with spillage, possibility of tearing or slipping.
Full body condoms made of kevlar reinforced micro structure silicone ftw.

.....or do what i have done and don't have sex.
short recoil said:
.....or do what i have done and don't have sex.

A solution so horrifyingly simple compared to the alternative of a life threating disease.
Condoms are mainly for pregnancy, not STD prevention. In for a rough surprise if you expect otherwise.
Condom doesn't avoid STDs. It avoid AIDs and pregnancy. That is it. The rest of the STDs are small enough to travel through the rubber
We would be in a whole load of trouble if we took advice from you two.
"The rest of the STDs are small enough to travel through the rubber" You what?! Where do you find such useless disinformation? A bathroom wall?
SAJ said:
We would be in a whole load of trouble if we took advice from you two.
"The rest of the STDs are small enough to travel through the rubber" You what?! Where do you find such useless disinformation? A bathroom wall?

So you're telling me condoms don't break? Don't tear? Don't slip from frictioned, gripping sex? Don't spill over the fluids if a guy isn't careful?

Don't think condoms are your 100% guarantee for aids protection. My statement has nothing to do with anything seeping in, it has to do with the other fallacies of a condom.
So you're telling me condoms don't break? Don't tear? Don't slip from frictioned, gripping sex? Don't spill over the fluids if a guy isn't careful?
Nothing and I do mean nothing, in life is perfect and foolproof.
Your line I took issue with was....
It even does a sloppy job of avoiding AIDS. What with spillage, possibility of tearing or slipping.
Thats like saying that a parachute is useless for skydiving with.
The fact is that there is no better method of safesex, other than with a condom, 100% effective or not.
Did I say people shouldnt use them? NO. I said don't expect that you're 100% safe from infection just cause you're wearing a rubber.
My penis is impervious to your meager venereal diseases. I dare you to challenge my word.
Absinthe said:
My penis is impervious to your meager venereal diseases. I dare you to challenge my word.

I could stab it with a needle and inject it with various STD's. Either straight up through or from the side. Your choice.
I have a steel condom bolted to my dick. Good luck.
Did I say people shouldnt use them? NO. I said don't expect that you're 100% safe from infection just cause you're wearing a rubber.
Thats not exactly true is it?
To refresh your memory....
Condoms are mainly for pregnancy, not STD prevention.
The fact is that condoms are the only method of contraception that prevent STD`S

Its ironic that in a thread about the church`s willful spread of disinformation, that such ignorant statements should be passed around like a bad case of the clap.