Vatican: condoms dont stop aids

The next James Bond film:

The man with the steel dick. Starring Roger Moore and Absinthe.
SAJ said:
Its ironic that in a thread about the church`s willful spread of disinformation, that such ignorant statements should be passed around like a bad case of the clap.

Hey man. If you want, go **** a disease ridden whore, since you think condoms are perfect in every way.

They can prevent some sexually transmitted diseases, but they are still fallable. They're a great contraceptive... however, the SAME problems in the condom that I mentioned, can help it fail in that regard too.

I think people should use condoms, but obviously you don't think I feel that way? Do you also feel that condoms cannot rip, cannot tear, cannot break? Cannot slip, cannot spill over if the man is not careful?

The percentage is there... even if its small.

My view has nothing to do with the Vatican. I don't give a shit what they think. Mine is of common sense. Don't stop using condoms, but don't think they're perfect.
Ouch - usually their socially backwards advice is a little more subtle. I can hear their evil laugh from here.
Adabiviak said:
Ouch - usually their socially backwards advice is a little more subtle. I can hear their evil laugh from here.
yeah, really evil of them. suggesting people not have sex to stop an aids epidemic. you know some places 58% of the population is infected with aids? imagine going to someplace, and of 5 girls you could potentially **** 3 of them would have aids. what would you do? not wear condoms or throw one on your dick and hump away at those fetid vaginal swamps.

apparantly it wouldnt matter to a lot of the people here. they'd do exactly that. which ****ing sucks.

a whole generation is infected with aids... throwing condoms at the situation isnt going to help. they are useless without education. who knew to pop the little bubble that forms at the tip of it to prevent it breaking? i know i didnt until i had sex ed. problem is no one in these poor central/south american countries HAS sex ed. meaning they can do any number of things wrong. they might even stick it on their head. who knows? but the solution doesnt rest with a bunch of aids infected people having sex, thinking they are safe because of a latex barrier on their johnson.

which makes the catholic church's stance, while unrealistic in its expectations given the culture and context of the situation, the best one. if they all STOPPED having sex in unsafe ways (ie with the village bicycle(s) next door) they would be a whole ****ing lot better off.

the outraged tone of some of you criticizing the church really shows contempt for them and or lack of knowledge of african aids as it exists...

i can imagine all of the anti-churches stance folks saying that to prevent aids from spreading amongst the american drug abusing community you should just give them clean needles instead of FIXING the problem. people need to learn not to give into their primal urges, its ****ing sick.
If it were for the church, would the human race die off?
Safe sex is exactly that safe sex.
Protected sex is exactly that.

It is bloody irresponsible for somebody like the Vatican to start promoting nonsense that condoms do not protect against STD's.
Bottom line........ They do.
There is always a risk of catching a STD from any stranger whom you have sex with, especially a prostitute.
Condoms reduce that risk, anybody can argue percentages but I have read that the chances of catching HIV from a single episode of unprotected sex ( with somebody who is HIV +)are approx 1 to 1000. These odds drop to an almost zero with the use of a condom.
(Check out the STD section in

To wear a seatbelt or not?
To WEAR A COMDOM or not?

It’s all about reducing the risk.
baxter said:
To wear a seatbelt or not?
To cross the road or not?

It’s all about reducing the risk.

Although wearing condoms are not inforced by the law....
I'm sorry to all those catholics here, but I really think, that...

If somebody doesn't prove christianity wrong soon, then the world is in for a wild and bumpy ride.

Seriously. Somebody has to get to work trying to prove that there was no man named jesus, that there never were biblical books, that the great flood was nothing more than a worldwide flood, that there was no ark, there was no ark of the covenant, that there is no holy grail...

And that the entire thought of christianity was invented by some mentaly unstable monks.

The catholics will probably just turn it around, saying "yeah, well, if you have faith, then you know that all this stuff is really true, and that these scientists were wrong, cause god wants them to be". But really. These guys are just screwing up society.
a whole generation is infected with aids... throwing condoms at the situation isnt going to help.

What a laughable statement. Yes, throwing condoms at the problem WILL help reduce the spread of STDs. Anyone that claims otherwise is talking just plain crazy talk. No, condoms aren't perfect, but neither are seatbelts. That doesn't mean we should deny the worth of seatbelts just because we also want people to drive less and more safely.

if they all STOPPED having sex in unsafe ways (ie with the village bicycle(s) next door) they would be a whole ****ing lot better off.

Sure, but people aren't going to stop having sex, or using herion for that matter. But teaching people to use condoms or clean needles IF they are going to do these things is proven effective at reducing the spread of AIDS. Lecturing them on not having sex at all is pretty darn ineffective. Would it be better if they didn't have lots of sex with multiple partners (well sort of: actually in some cases, if _particular_ people have more sex, the overall spread of the disease would slow: strange but true)? Sure. But you can tell people that AND teach them how to use condoms and give them access to them.
sinkoman said:
I'm sorry to all those catholics here, but I really think, that...

If somebody doesn't prove christianity wrong soon, then the world is in for a wild and bumpy ride.

Seriously. Somebody has to get to work trying to prove that there was no man named jesus, that there never were biblical books, that the great flood was nothing more than a worldwide flood, that there was no ark, there was no ark of the covenant, that there is no holy grail...

And that the entire thought of christianity was invented by some mentaly unstable monks.

The catholics will probably just turn it around, saying "yeah, well, if you have faith, then you know that all this stuff is really true, and that these scientists were wrong, cause god wants them to be". But really. These guys are just screwing up society.

Why bother?

If they want to kill themselves off, let them?

Oh, wait, that's an irresponsible viewpoint.
Abstinence education is a failure even in the US.
Kids taught pure abstinence are more likely to have sex.

It's not an and/or scenario where abstinence and condoms can't co-exist.

There is NO REASON not to promote contraception, yet there are many millions of reasons to continue.
If 100% success was a requirement... there would be NO inventions.
gh0st said:
yeah, really evil of them. suggesting people not have sex to stop an aids epidemic.
But I thought that this thread was about how the Catholic Church was telling lies about how condoms don't protect against the spread of AIDS? Which they do. Hence the "lies." I didn't see where it had anything to do with the Catholic Church telling people not to have sex. Anywhere. At all.
gh0st said:
a whole generation is infected with aids... throwing condoms at the situation isnt going to help.
So you suggest spreading lies about how condoms don't protect about AIDS instead of at least trying to get people some sort of protection?
gh0st said:
they are useless without education. who knew to pop the little bubble that forms at the tip of it to prevent it breaking? i know i didnt until i had sex ed. problem is no one in these poor central/south american countries HAS sex ed. meaning they can do any number of things wrong. they might even stick it on their head. who knows?
If you have ever bought a packet of condoms, usually they have a little instruction booklet which tell you exactly how to use them (including that COMPLICATED bit on the tip-bubble). You don't need a high school Health class to properly use a condom, unless you're an extremely dumb f*ck.
gh0st said:
but the solution doesnt rest with a bunch of aids infected people having sex, thinking they are safe because of a latex barrier on their johnson.
But... they ARE safer. There's a lot of proof behind the fact that they are SAFER. No one is promised 100% protection, but if someone is gonna have sex anyway, they might as well use a condom.

This thread is about how there are LIES being spread to people by the Catholic Church about how CONDOMS don't protect against AIDS (which they do. Not perfectly, of course, but they provide some protection).

Glirk Dient said:

that link says it all. It isn't even a joke.

Go read the professor Giraffenstein part. I LOLed at it.
Actually, I really just wanted to hear about this post. Someone needs to confirm that that is a real link. Because it is just so ridiculous, so very ridiculous, that it cannot possibly be real. LOL = Love our Lord? The whole "scientist" thing? What the F*CK?!

Edit: It can't be real. Look at those fanarts. Futurama? Hip-hop Jesus? Coffee is Evul? No. Not real. But hilarious anyways. :p

gh0st said:
yeah, really evil of them. suggesting people not have sex to stop an aids epidemic. you know some places 58% of the population is infected with aids? imagine going to someplace, and of 5 girls you could potentially **** 3 of them would have aids. what would you do? not wear condoms or throw one on your dick and hump away at those fetid vaginal swamps.

apparantly it wouldnt matter to a lot of the people here. they'd do exactly that. which ****ing sucks.

a whole generation is infected with aids... throwing condoms at the situation isnt going to help. they are useless without education. who knew to pop the little bubble that forms at the tip of it to prevent it breaking? i know i didnt until i had sex ed. problem is no one in these poor central/south american countries HAS sex ed. meaning they can do any number of things wrong. they might even stick it on their head. who knows? but the solution doesnt rest with a bunch of aids infected people having sex, thinking they are safe because of a latex barrier on their johnson.

which makes the catholic church's stance, while unrealistic in its expectations given the culture and context of the situation, the best one. if they all STOPPED having sex in unsafe ways (ie with the village bicycle(s) next door) they would be a whole ****ing lot better off.

the outraged tone of some of you criticizing the church really shows contempt for them and or lack of knowledge of african aids as it exists...

i can imagine all of the anti-churches stance folks saying that to prevent aids from spreading amongst the american drug abusing community you should just give them clean needles instead of FIXING the problem. people need to learn not to give into their primal urges, its ****ing sick.

...Apos beat me to it.
Axyon said:
Yeah, they're pretty proficient MS Paint drawings for children. Still, I can't actually fully decide on the site's authenticity.
Some of the site, I think, seems real because there are articles in it written by people who are real. But I think they are just cited within the website somehow, and the rest is just a parody.

Just look at that photoshop and the caption. It can not be real.

This is gonna bother me until I can prove it one way or another. :|
Erestheux said:
Some of the site, I think, seems real because there are articles in it written by people who are real. But I think they are just cited within the website somehow, and the rest is just a parody.

Just look at that photoshop and the caption. It can not be real.

This is gonna bother me until I can prove it one way or another. :|
As I mentioned above, I checked around a little and most seem to agree that it's a parody. The page on Wikipedia confirms this. Still, the Internet allows for expression of any extreme, so I'm hardly surprised at myself for thinking it was real... there are genuine sites to this degree around for most religions, atheism etc.
holy shit (excuse my blashphemy) there's a link to a Chuck Norris video talking about making public schools more bible friendly first I thought it was a joke ..but lo and behold, there's chuck in all his chop-socky glory going on and on about the bible

freakin unsettling ...I mean it's [GONE] for gods sake
Axyon said:
As I mentioned above, I checked around a little and most seem to agree that it's a parody. The page on Wikipedia confirms this. Still, the Internet allows for expression of any extreme, so I'm hardly surprised at myself for thinking it was real... there are genuine sites to this degree around for most religions, atheism etc.
when in doubt, check wikipedia :D

I know that there are lots of crazy fanatic websites just like that, but it just seemed to be subliminally mocking itself in some way, and I just needed proof. :p
CptStern said:
freakin unsettling ...I mean it's Chuck for gods sake
oh god stern take that horrible link out!!! "Don't REMOTE images you ****!" it says!! :*( and then there is a rectum and some other terrible images OH HOW IT BURNS!
CptStern said:
holy shit (excuse my blashphemy) there's a link to a Chuck Norris video talking about making public schools more bible friendly first I thought it was a joke ..but lo and behold, there's chuck in all his chop-socky glory going on and on about the bible

freakin unsettling ...I mean it's [GONE - DON'T BLOODY QUOTE IT] for gods sake
Erestheux said:
oh god stern take that horrible link out!!! "Don't REMOTE images you ****!" it says!! :*( and then there is a rectum and some other terrible images OH HOW IT BURNS!

huh? wtf! that's not what I posted .. I posted a pic of chuck norris holding 2 uzis

google images: chuck norris. 6th picture
it's been removed ...looks like I pulled an el chi ...he posted a pic (by accident) of a parrot perched on someone's dick last week :LOL:

freakin bastards's an internet conspiracy I tells ya!!
It beggars belief that they would do this. Is keeping a small fairly insignificant and inconsequential part of Catholic guidance really worth consigning millions of people to illness and death?
Apparently so. well done for flying in the face of common sense.
Erestheux said:
But I thought that this thread was about how the Catholic Church was telling lies about how condoms don't protect against the spread of AIDS? Which they do. Hence the "lies." I didn't see where it had anything to do with the Catholic Church telling people not to have sex. Anywhere. At all.So you suggest spreading lies about how condoms don't protect about AIDS instead of at least trying to get people some sort of protection?If you have ever bought a packet of condoms, usually they have a little instruction booklet which tell you exactly how to use them (including that COMPLICATED bit on the tip-bubble). You don't need a high school Health class to properly use a condom, unless you're an extremely dumb f*ck.But... they ARE safer. There's a lot of proof behind the fact that they are SAFER. No one is promised 100% protection, but if someone is gonna have sex anyway, they might as well use a condom.
if you were capable of reading inbetween the lines (which youve proven time and again you arent) the catholic church isnt endorsing condoms as the preventative measure to stop the aids epidemic. i had health class in 5th grade where you learned that, i dont know why it took you until high school.

that bit about "if they are going to have sex anyway" illustrates the problem. its not merely having sex its the way in which they do it. if you airdrop a bunch of condoms into a primitive village they arent going to know what to do. youve failed to address the issue of printing these condom manuals in every language imaginable (of which there are thousands in africa), educating people how to use them, and then finding someone who wants to donate them given their cost.

they are safer. the catholic church is wrong in that condoms are safer but they are not the way to stop aids in africa which i think is their underlying point.

by no means am i saying condoms should not be used to their fullest possible extent but they arent going to stop anything. many people just dont use them for religious or cultural reasons.. there are just too many variables.
by no means am i saying condoms should not be used to their fullest possible extent but they arent going to stop anything. many people just dont use them for religious or cultural reasons.. there are just too many variables.
And what are those religious reasons against condoms?
Thats right, the bloody catholic church`s ideological preachings.
that bit about "if they are going to have sex anyway" illustrates the problem. its not merely having sex its the way in which they do it. if you airdrop a bunch of condoms into a primitive village they arent going to know what to do. youve failed to address the issue of printing these condom manuals in every language imaginable (of which there are thousands in africa), educating people how to use them, and then finding someone who wants to donate them given their cost.

they are safer. the catholic church is wrong in that condoms are safer but they are not the way to stop aids in africa which i think is their underlying point.

Actaully you are correct, airdropping a bunch of condoms into a remote africian village is no more likely to resolve the rampant HIV/Aids crisis in Africa than airdropping a bunch of cream buns is going to resolve the starvation and famine crisis.
Stopping the aids crisis in Africa is a mammoth task and is certainly not helped by the view now being put forward that condoms are unsafe.
The rampant poverty that is evident in many if not all African countries is the underlying problem.
These people live in conditions that many, myself included, find difficult to understand. Living in nothing but huts, which stretch for miles with no electricity, no running water, no TVs, no internet....nothing. They have no education system, no welfare system, and no health system. They literally have nothing, and I mean nothing.
All the things we take for granted, does not exist to the majority of the people out there and this they live with every single day of their lives.
When people have nothing, they have nothing to lose. So hey how do they escape?
The only way they know how to by having sex. This, to us in the civilised world seems unreal, how could they be so stupid? They are not; they simply are so desperate that any escape route, anyway to forget for that moment is a way out.
A condom to these people is quite literally a luxury, when you bear in mind many of them live daily on less that what a condom cost.
Wrtiing off of all third world debt and massive investment in Africa is one step forward. Real education in safe sex is needed and not fairy tales from the Church.

So hey good for the Catholic Church, a loud and rapturous applause, as they further blight the plight of the down trodden in the third world.
Well done to the Vatican for their overwhelming sense of humanity.

Maybe the Muppet that first thought this gem up should go take a look himself, hand out a few cream buns and thank the lord for his sterling efforts to resolve all the famine crisis's in Africa while he's at it.
gh0st said:
the catholic church is wrong in that condoms are safer but they are not the way to stop aids in africa which i think is their underlying point.

Condom use is one way to help reduce the spread of AIDS. Period. And so, the CC's stance is wrongheaded. Period.
Apos said:
Condom use is one way to help reduce the spread of AIDS. Period. And so, the CC's stance is wrongheaded. Period.
correct. but the threads title is condoms dont stop aids. condom use/proliferation alone wont stop it.
gh0st said:
correct. but the threads title is condoms dont stop aids. condom use/proliferation alone wont stop it.

The Vatican were stating that condoms don't physically stop the transmission of AIDS, which they actually do.
CptStern said:
had I followed christian guidelines I'd either have blue balls or there'd be a school's worth of little sterns running around :O

omg Stern... :|
trying to paint a mental image of that to others is a crime ya know? :p

condoms don't stop aids huh? the Vatican must have some proof of this :upstare:
Dr. Freeman said:
omg Stern... :|
trying to paint a mental image of that to others is a crime ya know? :p

well if my first child is any indication, there'd be a lot more cute kids running around (not open to debate :) )

Dr. Freeman said:
condoms don't stop aids huh? the Vatican must have some proof of this :upstare:

yes ....extensive field testing

oh my stars and garters I'm going to hell :LOL:
Stern, I have a question, and don't worry its not a knee-jerk to this post here (I've actually thought about this one for awhile). Is your problem with Gods in general? Or the organized religions around them?

Me ... I just don't like it when they organize ...
K e r b e r o s said:
Stern, I have a question, and don't worry its not a knee-jerk to this post here (I've actually thought about this one for awhile). Is your problem with Gods in general? Or the organized religions around them?

Me ... I just don't like it when they organize ...

I couldnt care less what people want to believe in .....however as soon as they start infringing on other people's rights that's when I cant keep silent

people have a right to worship whom/whatever they want just dont shove your rhetoric down other people's throats
I can see it now. Aids will become the number 1 killer virus in the world Fabulous!
I couldnt care less what people want to believe in .....however as soon as they start infringing on other people's rights that's when I cant keep silent

people have a right to worship whom/whatever they want just dont shove your rhetoric down other people's throats

Yep. Same here -- I was just curious, because the more and more I see ... well, look at Iran. If America wants to be like Iran, just allow the Christians more footing in the political process.