Vatican: Hitler and Stalin were possessed by Satan

What if the Vatican was possessed by demons?

:O :O :O :O
I'm sensing you've been influenced by satan

/me flings holy water in kirovman's face


I'm melting, I'm melti-

Oh wait, thats the wicked witch of the west....ern world
from the people who brought you "condoms dont work" comes this little gem of a story:

this is the same loon that said this:

ummm harry potter is fictional

this new Pope Palpatine is really pushing the fire and brimstone rhetoric

he sure does look evil ...perhaps he's the anti-christ

chill dude. It's just not your perspective. I don't get why you have to attack it, it doesn't hurt anyone to express those views, especially as a religious leader. I may not be a Catholic but I respect the voice of a guy that can become head of the Catholic faith, he has his reasons.
No he doesn't. :p

Seriously though, why should we respect him?
Why should we respect the perspective of this guy, by default, just because he got to become captain of the gulliboat?
How did he get elected pope? -In a secret cerimony led by his secret friends.
Did he get to be leader through hard work, or with promises of free handjobs? -No-one knows.
Why should we respect him in spite of that?

What are his reasons?
What is your reason?
Is there even a single reason in the entire world?

You wouldn't say the same thing about a quack doctor.
You wouldn't say the same thing about a corrupt dictator.
You wouldn't even say that about the chef who gave you the wrong meal.
"Oh, his perspective is just different."

Why the sudden lack of standards when we're talking about the pope and his veritable rulership over this world?