Vatican updates list of mortal sins

Lucky I did all these things before they became a mortal sin :)
Social Injustice is a logical immorality, but it's so incredibly vague and general.

edit: oh, and in before theist vs. atheist bashing begins
I'm pretty sure due to the Catholic faith he can't do that.
lol they changed the word of god and the bible? Religion at its best, constantly changing in order to impose its order on the people its trying to control.

"BECAUSE...uh..ehhh...*writes in the margin of the bible* ITS IN THE BIBLE THATS WHY"

That's a bit broad.

Hey, if religion is the opiate of the masses, doesn't this make the Church a sinful drug?
It's unethical. Same with homosexuality.
catholics are better people, you guys just don't like to admit it because you are sinners
Pollution is now a sin? Well, there goes 99% of the American population.
This is bad but not entirely bad. I liked the part about not widening the gap between rich and poor. Of course the whole thing would feel more legitimate if one of those mortal sins was "hatred or prejudice against other religions". On the other hand this is gonna start up lots of religious protest.
zombieturtle is taking lessons from pesh, I imagine.
There are catholics on this forum? o_O

There are.
I am one of them.

But don't worry, I'm not crazy. I did some of those sins (pollution, just like 99% of the population) and frankly, I don't care and I'm changing over time, partly because of what I read in this forum.

You guys are evil for changing me.
I was talking to a Catholic genetic researcher, who is himself friends with a scientist sitting on the Pontifical Academy of Science of the Vatican. He was pretty confused about the statement, given the Church's recent stance on GM (they didn't really mind with regards to plants).

The new Pope is worse than the previous one -.-
catholics are better people, you guys just don't like to admit it because you are sinners

No, we're not better people, we're just people, the same as everyone else in the planet.

I was raised a catholic but don't agree with a lot of stuff that's obviously put into "God's mouth" by "religious men" through history to secure their position and privileges. Even so I see Jesus more like a Great Teacher, like Buddha, than a heavenly manifestation sent by "our Maker".

As with some other religions, like Islam and several Christian groups, the Catholic Church was turned into a mass control device a long time ago.
Inaccurate meme useage is inaccurate.
Now including drug trafficking, pollution, social injustice and genetic manipulation!

The sheer stupidity of the pope makes me sick: Catholics on this forum...why?

They were always mortal sins. The church isn't creating new ones, just restating the beliefs of the Catholic faith.

Lucky I did all these things before they became a mortal sin :)

They were always sins.

I'm pretty sure due to the Catholic faith he can't do that.

The Catholic faith holds that the Pope and the Magisterium (teaching body of the Church) is infallible in matters of faith and morals.

lol they changed the word of god and the bible? Religion at its best, constantly changing in order to impose its order on the people its trying to control.

"BECAUSE...uh..ehhh...*writes in the margin of the bible* ITS IN THE BIBLE THATS WHY"


Catholicism never changed the bible (Martin Luther did). The subject of gene manipulation falls under the sanctity of human life. A lot is permissible, it just depends where it comes from. If it comes from embryonic stem cells, for example, because of their origin it is immoral.
They were always mortal sins. The church isn't creating new ones, just restating the beliefs of the Catholic faith.

Not precisely. In Mexico, church's official posture was that they couldn't take action, such as excommunicate dealers and smugglers, because it was not specifically stated in whatever law they use to decide those things (nope, it's not the bible). So even if those acts were always against some fundamental principles of catholic faith they are now officially sins, brand new sins.
Ah, Catholicism. Where the answer to any genuine moral inquiry is "BECAUSE I HAVE A BIGGER HAT THAN YOU."
Person: "Is polluting a Sin Mr. Pope?"

Person: ":("
god pollution is a sin? Does that mean I need to turn off my gas generator that powers my electric generator that charges my batteries to run the starter for my gas generator that powers my computer?





god pollution is a sin? Does that mean I need to turn off my gas generator that powers my electric generator that charges my batteries to run the starter for my gas generator that powers my computer?

Indeed. Turn it off now, if you don't, you are going
I loled from the sheer stupidity.
Pollution is a sin indeed.

Not precisely. In Mexico, church's official posture was that they couldn't take action, such as excommunicate dealers and smugglers, because it was not specifically stated in whatever law they use to decide those things (nope, it's not the bible). So even if those acts were always against some fundamental principles of catholic faith they are now officially sins, brand new sins.

There are three sources of the Catholic faith: scripture, tradition, and magisterium. Scripture is the Bible. Tradition is the teachings and beliefs handed down from the Church Fathers and the Apostles. The Magisterium is the teaching body of the Church: the Bishops and the Pope.

Just because you've committed a mortal sin doesn't mean that you're going to be excommunicated. To be excommunicated you must make active attempts to turn others away from the faith. Such offenses include: ordaining your own bishops, abortion (though this is forgivable in the confessional, though it requires heavy penance, such as participating in Project Rachel and attending counseling), and making your own religion obviously does.

Pollution is only applicable to serious sources, such as the dead zone around the lithium mine where the Toyota prius gets the lithium for it's batteries. Ironically it has less impact on the environment to drive a hummer, over the expected lifetime of the vehicles. Another source could be the dumping of sewage by large corporations.
What a worthless religion.

I keep forgetting that this forum is inhabited by liberal atheists. Believe what you want, I'm not trying to convert you, just disprove you.
On the strength of this carefully drawn conclusion, I hereby nominate myself pope archbishop MCXXVIII of the internets. Bow down to my superiority BECAUSE I HAVE A BIGGER HAT THAN YOU.

First decree - lolcats are immoral and are henceforth punishable by excommunication. From YOUR FACE.
My point wasn't about excommunication, it was about making new sins, which is exactly what the Vatican did (even if they were bad actions, they just put the sin label on them).