Vatican updates list of mortal sins

On the strength of this carefully drawn conclusion, I hereby nominate myself pope archbishop MCXXVIII of the internets. Bow down to my superiority BECAUSE I HAVE A BIGGER HAT THAN YOU.

First decree - lolcats are immoral and are henceforth punishable by excommunication. From YOUR FACE.

Actually, the hat has gotten smaller. The Pope used to wear a triple crown.


My point wasn't about excommunication, it was about making new sins, which is exactly what the Vatican did (even if they were bad actions, they just put the sin label on them).
As I said before, they aren't new sins. Redefining old sins, maybe.
Again...the church hindering society. Why must GM be a sin? I honestly believe that jesus would have wanted us to save lives and reduce suffering if given the opportunity. Not make it a sin to save lives and advance science which theoretically could save infinite lives. Oh well, I guess the church just wants to throw around it's political weight and get in everyones way.
Well, Higlac, we'll never get anywhere because we both have different opinions based on personal interpretations of the same fact, and we both are wrong AND right at the same time. For you, they aren't new sins, but they are for me, it depends on how you look at it.

Glirk Dient, I doubt they really want to get in everyone's way since the only ones who pay them attention are those who actually believe they're the voice of god on Earth. I share some of their believes, but not that one. The way I see it, they try to pacify some groups that were desperately calling for an official opinion on those issues from their religious leaders, and attract attention at the same time. In the end, I think they would only be interested in getting in this or that government's way if their interests are compromised... God wants it!
Person: "Is polluting a Sin Mr. Pope?"

Person: ":("

I lol'd much.

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what about the Roflcopter?
Pfft, everybody knows God doesn't exist, and the universe was made from the Big Bang.

*waits for fun flames*

As for the OP...w.t.f. I didn't know you could "update" sins? Do you just gotta reboot them? Damned Catholics.
Don't be silly, CyberPitz, you and me know that there was no Big Bang, that it actually was the Flying Spaghetti Monster sneezing.
I can be considered a Catholic, i come from a Catholic family, however, never really followed what the Vatican says, though i would like to visit someday...Flame away!
I can be considered a Catholic, i come from a Catholic family, however, never really followed what the Vatican says, though i would like to visit someday...Flame away!

Well, I'm the local outspoken Catholic ultra-conservative republican.
Pollution a mortal sin, doesn't the Popemobile pollute?
Catholicism never changed the bible (Martin Luther did). The subject of gene manipulation falls under the sanctity of human life. A lot is permissible, it just depends where it comes from. If it comes from embryonic stem cells, for example, because of their origin it is immoral.

Fine, I'll go tell the millions of men, women and childeren who are going to die.

But then, the catholic church is already responsible for millions of deaths in Africa isn't it? CONDOMS!
You realise this isn't actually a list of new sins, it's a list of modern examples of the seven deadly sins to show that they're 'relevant'.

e.g. paedophilia would come under lust, pollution would be part of greed and pride, presumably they believe genetic modification to come under pride, etc.
Which is, to be fair, exactly what the Church should be doing. For a creed based on the authority of earth-born messengers, the least they could do is ensure that they keep their followers properly updated on the modern application of all those old scriptures. Of course, one is given to wonder to what extent they follow their own doctrines in accordance with the modern applications. Is the Catholic Church really such a tireless crusader injustice?
Would you rather they comdemn something they're guilty of as a sin or would you prefer they completely ignore the issue?
i think someone should say something funny now. this is turning into a serious discussion.
Seppo must be obeyed, his avatar has a huge hat.
Big words
That, or they're just trying pathetically hard to keep up with modern times by broad-brushing the ills that society generates.

Example; the current trend in Britain is climate change, being "greener", using less Lenor so they don't send out as many delivery lorries and all of that shit, perhaps the church are trying to recruit people on an eco-friendly basis.

Tree-hugging catholics would devour us all.
Would you rather they comdemn something they're guilty of as a sin or would you prefer they completely ignore the issue?
I'd rather they condemned something and then stopped doing it - or indeed, just stopped altogether, if that was an option.

But, given a binary choice, sure, I'd go for the former.

That, or they're just trying pathetically hard to keep up with modern times by broad-brushing the ills that society generates. Example; the current trend in Britain is climate change, being "greener", using less Lenor so they don't send out as many delivery lorries and all of that shit, perhaps the church are trying to recruit people on an eco-friendly basis. Tree-hugging catholics would devour us all.
Maybe, but to be fair, there is a certain tradition of agrarian 'stewardship' in Christianity, with mankind needing to preserve the beautiful earth that the Lord has given it dominion over. Hell, look at the Diggers.

Still, the image of the Pope with his trainers on his knees and wearing a baseball cap, pretending to be young, is both amusing and at least a little pertinent.
They were always mortal sins. The church isn't creating new ones, just restating the beliefs of the Catholic faith.

They were always sins.

The Catholic faith holds that the Pope and the Magisterium (teaching body of the Church) is infallible in matters of faith and morals.

Catholicism never changed the bible (Martin Luther did). The subject of gene manipulation falls under the sanctity of human life. A lot is permissible, it just depends where it comes from. If it comes from embryonic stem cells, for example, because of their origin it is immoral.

what a load of bullshit. it's pretty laughable that you believe in it.
wtf...the pope is what the sun orbits the earth?

i seriously can't believe you can't see the crap behind it. the church has been proven wrong so many times, there have been so many affairs. **** man...grow a brain seriously.
There are.
I am one of them.

But don't worry, I'm not crazy. I did some of those sins (pollution, just like 99% of the population) and frankly, I don't care and I'm changing over time, partly because of what I read in this forum.

You guys are evil for changing me.

there might actually be some hope for you yet. :)
I sure hope he did talk this over with God, because God never seemed like the progressive kind of guy.

It must be awesome to have a job where you just get to make shit up and pretend it's the truth, handed to you by your invisible friend, who just happens to be overlord of the universe.
Paedophilia is no more prevalent within the Catholic clergy than the average among the general population, despite how the media presents it.

I find the Church covering up of such incidents appalling though.
Fine, I'll go tell the millions of men, women and childeren who are going to die.

But then, the catholic church is already responsible for millions of deaths in Africa isn't it? CONDOMS!

Condoms can still transmit aids. Abstinence doesn't. Sounds like the Catholic teachings would work better.

what a load of bullshit. it's pretty laughable that you believe in it.
wtf...the pope is what the sun orbits the earth?

i seriously can't believe you can't see the crap behind it. the church has been proven wrong so many times, there have been so many affairs. **** man...grow a brain seriously.

You say these things, yet you cannot prove what you say. Give me a modern instance where the Church has been proven wrong?

wtf...the pope is what the sun orbits the earth?

If you look carefully I said in the matters of Faith and Morals.
Martian Luther didn't change the bible & he challenged the churche's authority to create new binding religious doctrine. He also translated the bible making it more accessible, where before everyone had to go through clergy.

Luther's theology challenged the authority of the papacy by holding that the Bible is the only infallible source of religious authority and that all baptized Christians are a priesthood of believers.[2] According to Luther, salvation was attainable only by true repentance and faith in Jesus as the Messiah, a faith unmediated by the church. These ideas inspired the Protestant Reformation and changed the course of Western civilization.[3]

Luther's refusal to submit to the authority of Charles V resulted in his being declared an outlaw of the state as he had been excommunicated from the Roman Catholic Church. Because of the perceived unity of the medieval Roman Catholic Church with the secular rulers of western Europe, the widespread acceptance of Luther's doctrines and popular vindication of his thinking on individual liberties were both phenomenal and unprecedented.

His translation of the Bible into the vernacular, making it more accessible to ordinary people, had a tremendous political impact on the church and on German culture. It furthered the development of a standard version of the German language, added several principles to the art of translation,[4] and influenced the translation of the English King James Bible.[5] His hymns inspired the development of congregational singing within Christianity.[6] His marriage to Katharina von Bora set a model for the practice of clerical marriage within Protestantism.[7]
Condoms can still transmit aids.

On very rare occasions (if it has holes in). EDIT: Plus, it is possible to inherit some STI's, meaning that without condoms you would infect the other person.

Abstinence doesn't.

No, instead its a backwards method that oppreses natural urges - a practice that has died out in most other churches. Africans don't get the chance to practice absintinece, assuming that they wanted to.

Sounds like the Catholic teachings would work better.

Not really, you repress natural urges because a 2000-year-old book with numerous contradictions, historical/scientific errors and tales that should make any sane person back away slowly and nod patronisingly (eg 6-Day creation story) tells you too. But then brainwashing childeren means they don't get the chance to have they're say.

And don't even get me started on the rampant sexism/homophobia/general intolerance the church still displays.
Higlac said:
Condoms can still transmit aids. Abstinence doesn't. Sounds like the Catholic teachings would work better

utter bullshit ..not unless there's a hole ..really you cant believe the nonsense the Vatican churns out:

The Catholic Church is telling people in countries stricken by Aids not to use condoms because they have tiny holes in them through which HIV can pass - potentially exposing thousands of people to risk.
The church is making the claims across four continents despite a widespread scientific consensus that condoms are impermeable to HIV.

the vatican needs to stfu and stop disseminating nonsense
Condoms can still transmit aids. Abstinence doesn't. Sounds like the Catholic teachings would work better.
The idiocy of this statement astounds me.
What if instead of vaccinating against smallpox, people had been told never to touch each other? How well would that have worked? :frown:

It isn't the western world's duty to help Africa. But if you're going to spend money to help them, do it properly and without an agenda.
I guess all the gene-manipulating druggie priests will think twice before going on doing their job now, then.
utter bullshit ..not unless there's a hole
the vatican needs to stfu and stop disseminating nonsense

You and me know that condoms are not 100% safe, not with pregnancy, nor with AIDS or other STDs. Even with an average 97-99.XX% efficiency there's still a little risk. Even so, it's clear that the Vatican does not present the info as it is, but slightly arranged in a way to supports their claims (come on people, who doesn't?)

If you don't agree with them, spread info about how their are wrong instead of just complaining and telling them to shut up, baseless or unstructured arguments only disqualify your point, but if you only want to state your opinion and don't really care if you're taken seriously or not, then all is well.


Condoms can still transmit aids. Abstinence doesn't. Sounds like the Catholic teachings would work better.

Not exactly. You realize that there are other ways you can get AIDS other than sexual intercourse, right? You can still get AIDS even if you lead a 100% sex-free, drug-free life. You can even born infected.
At any rate, Catholicism is not the only religion that preaches abstinence is better for people...
You and me know that condoms are not 100% safe, not with pregnancy, nor with AIDS or other STDs. Even with an average 97-99.XX% efficiency there's still a little risk. Even so, it's clear that the Vatican does not present the info as it is, but slightly arranged in a way to supports their claims (come on people, who doesn't?)

had you bothered to read the links I supplied you'd know that the Vatican was claining that hiv could travel between the molecules that make up the condom

The Catholic Church is telling people in countries stricken by Aids not to use condoms because they have tiny holes in them through which HIV can pass - potentially exposing thousands of people to risk

A senior Vatican spokesman backs the claims about permeable condoms, despite assurances by the World Health Organisation that they are untrue

Cardinal Alfonso Lopez Trujillo, told the programme: "The Aids virus is roughly 450 times smaller than the spermatozoon. The spermatozoon can easily pass through the 'net' that is formed by the condom.

The WHO has condemned the Vatican's views, saying: "These incorrect statements about condoms and HIV are dangerous when we are facing a global pandemic which has already killed more than 20 million people, and currently affects at least 42 million.

The organisation says "consistent and correct" condom use reduces the risk of HIV infection by 90%. There may be breakage or slippage of condoms - but not, the WHO says, holes through which the virus can pass .

Scientific research by a group including the US National Institutes of Health and the WHO found "intact condoms... are essentially impermeable to particles the size of STD pathogens including the smallest sexually transmitted virus... condoms provide a highly effective barrier to transmission of particles of similar size to those of the smallest STD viruses".

The Vatican's Cardinal Trujillo said: "They are wrong about that... this is an easily recognisable fact."

this isnt the vatican slanting facts to support their ideology this just them pushing bullshit as fact
You say these things, yet you cannot prove what you say. Give me a modern instance where the Church has been proven wrong?

If you look carefully I said in the matters of Faith and Morals.


my head hurts debating with you.

a modern example...hmmm...there are like millions of example, one being the condom transmitting aids.
condoms are impermeable to water...H2O...and now a virus can supposedly go trough it?
thing is that nowadays the Catholic church is more silent, that's why there aren't enough things to prove them wrong. well besides...intelligent design, evolution, quantum physics, astrophysics,...

matters of faith and wonder...any idiot can spew out some halfassed opinions on what is right or not.

seriously, do yourself some good and rethink your thoughts.
thing is that nowadays the Catholic church is more silent, that's why there aren't enough things to prove them wrong. well besides...intelligent design, evolution, quantum physics, astrophysics,...

matters of faith and wonder...any idiot can spew out some halfassed opinions on what is right or not.

seriously, do yourself some good and rethink your thoughts.


You clearly know the Church's position to science in so much detail!
I support this, because it just shows that the word of God is in fact the words of whatever Pope is in power at the time and fancies them.
heh for all intents and purposes I'm catholic ..I've been baptised, had my first communion, recieved Confirmation and even know the secret handshake that distinguishes catholics from those other pretending-to-be-christian cults