Vatican updates list of mortal sins

Would he really have explained the Big Bang in detail to people with such a basic knowledge of maths, physics and astronomy?

He could have bestowed the knowledge on them through his divine powers.

It's God, duder.
What difference does that make? In the end it's still one of the most destructive ideologies ever invented by mankind, even moreso than the religion you have such fun trying to bash (but fail to do so in an effective or logical manner).
Nationalism is an essential enabler of local government.
Religion on the other hand, serves no purpose (except maybe as a very weak placebo).

That's a pretty significant difference.
He's the Deus Ex Machina for a very good reason.
You're operating on this absurd train of thought where if you don't criticize things equally, you're hypocritical.

coughcoughcoughhackcoughspitcoughcough ..coughcoughcough

sorry I have irony stuck in my throat, dont mind me

Except I think you are being truly hypocritical when you excessively criticize the US while shielding other nations (Canada for instance) from the same. Or when nearly every topic that can be vaguely related to US foreign policy is derailed into a tirade against America, sometimes under the thinly veiled excuse of playing devil's advocate. This is exacerbated by the multitude of stories and reports detailing crimes and atrocities from other countries or groups that prompt from you either silence or another "but the US is just as bad" comparisons. I don't see an analogue here.

In short: It's the persistence of many other contributing factors to your posts that made me level criticism against you. You may not actually be a hypocrite at heart, but it's any easy impression to make. In any case, my argument with you was not so much about hypocrisy, but your rabidness.
rabid? where? *wipes froth from mouth*

funny how you still dont understand the points made in that stupid nemesis thread on the canadian human rights commission

George bush doesnt like Terrorist people <- just filling my quota for the day
Another example of your selective reading/understanding. As I said two or three times previously in this thread, it was a sin. The pope just clarified that it is a sin, I believe it falls under the headings of Pride, Sloth and Greed.

First off, I'm an agnostic so don't start getting your patnies in a twist. But that's a retarded argument. Assume for the sake of argument that there is a God and he did talk to the ancient Jews, sent his son Jesus etc.
Would he really have explained the Big Bang in detail to people with such a basic knowledge of maths, physics and astronomy?

They realised that it was wrong perhaps? You know, not actually falling under the headings of love thy neighbour etc?

I'm only defending it from the ridiculous. ^^

What difference does that make? In the end it's still one of the most destructive ideologies ever invented by mankind, even moreso than the religion you have such fun trying to bash (but fail to do so in an effective or logical manner).

1. no wait? i believe he explicitly said polluting. i never heard somebody being damned or prosecuted for polluting before?
basically he can condemn or praise anything based on those vague words?
that is so handy don you think?

2. why assume there is a god in the first place. but ok i'll play it your way.
what the **** would he achieve by just giving them an ultra simplified version of the big bang. what's the point? if he's god wouldn't you think he could teach them a bit more?
why, what is the point for him doing what he did? is he bored?
why did he went trough all that trouble to teach man, when he could just integrate the knowledge?
seriously to me god looks like an old, bored to death wise man. oh and he's a prick for making us suffer for no reason whatsoever.

let's not start on the contradictions found in the bible.

3.oh yeah, so what they can just make things up, kill thousands and then say they were wrong, despite being "sacred law" and accepted by all clergy and possibly the bible?
so they can basically do anything they wand and have the bible to back them up.
love thy neighbor...well if the pope was gay he would interpret it as allowance to bang him.

4. try harder

5.whatever man, reason is slapping you in the face but you fail to realize it.
The primary difference between religion and nationalism,is that nationsilsm doesn't demand that you hate gays, women, etc. for no reason other than its a doctrine from 1000 years ago.
Another example of your selective reading/understanding. As I said two or three times previously in this thread, it was a sin. The pope just clarified that it is a sin, I believe it falls under the headings of Pride, Sloth and Greed.

1. no wait? i believe he explicitly said polluting. i never heard somebody being damned or prosecuted for polluting before?
basically he can condemn or praise anything based on those vague words?
that is so handy don you think?
Are you actually this slow or are you trolling? Either way,
4. try harder
Nope, the difference between religion and nationalism is that they serve the same end by different means, mobilize the masses for the benefit of those leading them.

Many of you say religion is ridiculous, but I find it more ridiculous that you're taking the bother to mind it anyway. If you think that every religion is bad why don't you just ignore whatever religious leader says? After all, for you those are just empty words.

Or maybe you're just dead bored and wanna kill some time picking on someone? I for one hang around here when bored, so at least I must thank ranters on both sides of this discussion for the little entertainment you provide. Thank you :D
Nope, the difference between religion and nationalism is that they serve the same end by different means, mobilize the masses for the benefit of those leading them.

Many of you say religion is ridiculous, but I find it more ridiculous that you're taking the bother to mind it anyway. If you think that every religion is bad why don't you just ignore whatever religious leader says? After all, for you those are just empty words.

yes I'll try to remember that the next time I go to the local ABORTION CLINIC OR GET MARRIED TO THE GAY

If you have abortion clinics then it doesn't matter if any religion says abortion is bad, any woman can go have one.

As for marriage, homosexual or heterosexual, that's law stuff, and as far as I know Church and State have been separated for a long time now.

Depends where you live, Yakuruto.

Also, drop the smug act, or I'll track you down and strangle you with a keyboard mouse. It bothers me.
Nope, the difference between religion and nationalism is that they serve the same end by different means, mobilize the masses for the benefit of those leading them.

Many of you say religion is ridiculous, but I find it more ridiculous that you're taking the bother to mind it anyway. If you think that every religion is bad why don't you just ignore whatever religious leader says? After all, for you those are just empty words.

Or maybe you're just dead bored and wanna kill some time picking on someone? I for one hang around here when bored, so at least I must thank ranters on both sides of this discussion for the little entertainment you provide. Thank you :D

Just because I personally ignore religious nonsense doesn't diminish the effect it has through people who don't.
I'll track you down and strangle you with a keyboard mouse. It bothers me.

Be my guest. If you want we can even play cards before getting down to business.

Just because I personally ignore religious nonsense doesn't diminish the effect it has through people who don't.

Believe me, just because I personally don't eat whales it doesn't diminish the effect Japanese whalers have on their population :upstare:
Oh, yes, scones and tea and murder, what fun.

Also, yeah, it kind of doesn't. I'm not seeing your point here...
Ah nuts. I was well on my way to 'catching them all' and they go add more to the list? It was like this with the Pokemon and the STIs too.
Believe me, just because I personally don't eat whales it doesn't diminish the effect Japanese whalers have on their population :upstare:

Thats pretty much exactly his point. Non-believers just ignoring religion doesnt solve the problem of religion.
Because it's only non believers who see it as a problem.

Anyway, I bet there's not much you can actually do to abolish religion, but in case you decide to embark yourself in an epic quest to do it, good luck!


Oh, and about the whales, my point is that you don't see me whining about that. If I would want to stop those whalers there are lots of better things I could do than just posting in an internet forum "Whalerz are TEH sux"
And... that's pretty much what he said...?
Are you actually this slow or are you trolling? Either way,

that answers nothing. it just goes to prove they can apologize anything by poor reasoning.

answer my other questions, please.
1. no wait? i believe he explicitly said polluting. i never heard somebody being damned or prosecuted for polluting before?
basically he can condemn or praise anything based on those vague words?
that is so handy don you think?

Neither have I ever anything heard about church vs. pollution, it is indeed a NEW specific reason for which, according to them, you can be damned.

And of course is handy to be able to adjust religion regulations as you see fit, haven't you noticed that's exactly the way things are designed for? If it wasn't like that, how could religious leaders assure their benefit? Just like politics, as long as the people is happy and don't know what really happens backstage, leaders usually do as they please with power, and if they can't cover their actions they brainwash people to support them. There are even rumors about pope John Paul I's death, claiming that he was poisoned by Vatican officials about to be dismissed under suspicion of corruption.

But why can do that? Because people give them the power to do it So sad for those who feel constrained by religious laws even when they don't share those believes... then again, such is life. Don't like it? Then change it IRL, don't just rant about it :upstare:

Can't change it? You can always turn emo :thumbs:
that answers nothing... [snip]
answer my other questions, please.
4. try harder

5.whatever man, reason is slapping you in the face but you fail to realize it.
Yeah, as soon as you answer mine.

Neither have I ever anything heard about church vs. pollution, it is indeed a NEW specific reason for which, according to them, you can be damned.

They aren't actually new though. They're examples of how the old sins apply in the modern world, and the social dimensions to them.

Environmental pollution - pride, greed, sloth, gluttony
Genetic manipulation - pride and possibly greed/sloth to some extent, potentially envy in some cases if used on humans
Accumulating excessive wealth - greed, sometimes pride
Inflicting poverty - greed, sometimes envy
Drug trafficking and consumption - pride, greed
Morally debatable experiments - pride, sometimes greed
Violation of fundamental rights of human nature - usually greed, envy

You'll notice pride is there a lot since theoretically all other sins stem from it.
Yeah, as soon as you answer mine.

They aren't actually new though. They're examples of how the old sins apply in the modern world, and the social dimensions to them.

Environmental pollution - pride, greed, sloth, gluttony
Genetic manipulation - pride and possibly greed/sloth to some extent, potentially envy in some cases if used on humans
Accumulating excessive wealth - greed, sometimes pride
Inflicting poverty - greed, sometimes envy
Drug trafficking and consumption - pride, greed
Morally debatable experiments - pride, sometimes greed
Violation of fundamental rights of human nature - usually greed, envy

You'll notice pride is there a lot since theoretically all other sins stem from it.

you really didn't ask nothing, what should i be answering?

now isn't that fabulous? with those few leads, the church can manipulate into believing anything.

lets see now.

according to their interpretation, the catholic church would be one of the biggest sinners around.

accumulating excessive wealth (st. peters cathedral, ownership of companies, land, valuable items,sale of indulgences...)
inflicting poverty...we could argue about that, the church doesn't have a spotless record
drug trafficking and consumption...possibly, they deal with other stuff that's for sure
morally debatable experiments...i believe there are Catholic "scientists" making something morally debatable
violation of human rights...greed, envy. hoho...i don't even want to start such an endless argument (crusades, witch burning/inquisition, suppressing knowledge, ordering deaths,...)

yup..that there buys you a ticket straight to hell.

anyway, that's not the point. the point is that as long humans will be humans as we know today, those "sins" can be applied to anything. it just takes a bit of manipulation.

seriously...god is an idiot for making us follow him by such poor directions.

one thing bothers me though...the Catholic church only accepted Galileo/Copernicus fact, somewhere in the half of the last century i think it was 1960. wonder where they found that in the bible, since obviously there were 1600 years of believing the sun orbits the earth. or did they just decide they cannot bluff anymore since it was more and more self evident that the world is round and that it orbits the sun.
As I said before, I'm not defending the Church in general. Just against these attacks against their position with regard to science (actually one of the most up-to-date of mainstream religions) and their position with regards to these simply being new examples of their old sins rather than the (mis)interpretations most of you are putting on it.

You don't have to be a fan of an organisation to defend it from unjust criticism.
As I said before, I'm not defending the Church in general. Just against these attacks against their position with regard to science (actually one of the most up-to-date of mainstream religions) and their position with regards to these simply being new examples of their old sins rather than the (mis)interpretations most of you are putting on it.

You don't have to be a fan of an organisation to defend it from unjust criticism.

it's not unjust criticism. they should be criticized for what they have, are and possibly will do.
if we wouldn't criticize it then there would be no renaissance
or modern age whatsoever.

their position to science...yeah right, they change that seasonly. one time you burn on a stake, next time they acknowledge it. what a load of bullshit. the magistrate is unmistakable right? bring my ****ing witch burning back!:rolleyes:

catholicism is possibly the most up to date religion, mainly because they need to adapt to their followers being more and more knowledgeable and thus the fear of loosing power.
the Catholic church is a load crap and you know it, it's not much different than most global corporations.

i'm willing to bet that if the church regained full power it once had and succeed to destroy any opposition, then the world would come to a full stop in terms of progression. the church makes things up to survive the test of time, there is no doubt about it.
Erm, so genetic modification is a "sin"... Now, some viruses are known to be able to integrate into host genome.
Is getting infected by such a virus a sin unto itself?
Erm, so genetic modification is a "sin"... Now, some viruses are known to be able to integrate into host genome.
Is getting infected by such a virus a sin unto itself?

hmm...probably not, since god made the virus and therefore it's not unnatural.
but on the other hand god made humans to and he programmed them to do hmm...seriously religion is extremely complex or just plain stupid. let me guess...hmm...probably the first :angel:
jverne you make me want to facepalm. How can you be so narrowminded and bigoted? You even say things like the Church is probably into drug dealing! Based on what? The fact that you don't like them?

You're just making an ass of yourself.
jverne you make me want to facepalm. How can you be so narrowminded and bigoted? You even say things like the Church is probably into drug dealing! Based on what? The fact that you don't like them?

You're just making an ass of yourself.

haha, i love it how you pick on one thing and try to slap me with it.

i said possibly (i'm looking at Columbia,...) , but i've read somewhere they sold some historic artifacts.

but yes i agree it's really a bit far fetched accusing them of that. that's why i was a bit reluctant to accuse them directly.

anyway, nice try :dozey:
It's like talking to the wall...

I'm done here.
It's like talking to the wall...

I'm done here.

yeah ok, but it would have been nice of you to actually give some proper explanations, since you were so zealous in defending the church.
Ah nuts. I was well on my way to 'catching them all' and they go add more to the list? It was like this with the Pokemon and the STIs too.

Soon they will outlaw lolcats, and there will be no more cheezburger. ;(

On another note, the new pope is quickly becoming "The Most Deranged Pope Evar! TeH Po0pe!"

If you catch the joke on the last word (not too hard.) 5 internets for you. :D