vBulletin 4.0 Feedback

I don't like orange. I don't like the space between the end of my post and my signature, nor the space between the end of my signature and the start of the next post. Reply box should be grey, not white. Icons when looking at thread lists in each section are too large, and more importantly, too bright. Really distracting. I think the big button for the "+ Reply to Thread" at the top and bottom of threads is redundant with the reply box right below it, and the quick navigation thing should be below the reply box, not above.

But I like most of the other stuff.
I don't like orange.
Probably something you'll have to live with on a Half-Life site.

I really hate the white line between post and signature. It needs to be MUCH darker and more subtle, and maybe 50% the length instead of 100%
I feel like I came home to find all my stuff moved around and my walls painted black.

The borders are very large on a widescreen monitor. I want to change it.
I miss the blue theme.
It feels like I'm using a B&W monitor.
Dark grey and orange is... really ugly.
White textbox vs. Black = crazy eyes.

The smileys are like Atari 2600 shaped.

Another thing I dont like is when large images are posted, you have to scroll within that particular post to see it. Seems really annoying, especially since an image might have fit entirely if it hadn't been constrained.
We're going to have an automatic image resizer anyway.
We got the old emoticons back. :D

Also, I like the Top button. Not sure if that's even new, but it's new to me.
For the most part the new layout is good but these are the problems. To much clashing adn too many boxes with different colours. For instance I'm typing in the quick reply box now and the buttons above clash horribly with the quick reply box. They are the same colour as the old quick reply box and it all mixed nicely. This clashes. There is also grey boxes wrapped in blue under everything. The quick reply box has one with the post quick reply and go advanced buttons and then another, empty one under that! This is unessisary and I think too many different colours in one box is bad.

Posts now have a blue box with stats, then a light grey box for the member, then a dark grey box for the post, then a light grey box for optioons. This is too much. It makes each post looks cluttered and like a bunch of different things instead of one coherent item.

The online icon is also ugly and massive compared to the offline icon.

Edit: The sub-forum icons are dark when ther is new posts and bright when there are no new posts. This is retarded.
Well, we can't see the report a post button. It looks like a grey blob until you highlight it. Also, when you go into your settings, and let's say you go to edit general settings, there's black text in there which you can hardly see at all, or even like that quick navigation text next to the drop down box. Any black text needs changed almost immediately.
My profile page is making hairs grow on my chest. When can we expect flamboyant profile options?
First of all: +100 for the new forums. They look great.

I suggest one change. Before the upgrade my mobile version of the forums had dynamic width which made for easy reading. After the upgrade the width seems fixed which means I have to scroll from left to right. That is kinda annoying.

I will be introducing some software Glenn found that will customise the forums for mobile browsing on Sunday.

New post icons need to be brighter (not nearly enough contrast between read/unread). I'll give this more of a chance before I'm too critical of it. Thanks for the hard work getting this up.

Maybe it's because you are still working on it but the site seems to be running much slower.

Site is slow because lots of scripts and database tables are being worked on. This should speed up at the end of today.

one suggestion is, if possible to make the icons on the 'edit post| reply | reply with quote' buttons orange so they are easier to see. Other than that it's lookin' pretty good to me.

I have made them a little clearer but I still need to change the icon colours.

Not sure if it's re-creatable for all, but entering my username/pass was black on gray and nearly impossible to decipher, would it be possible to change it to white?

I am trying to fix this.

New layout and features is great, but is there any possibility to give an option to use any of the older layouts? In particular the dark one? Im on this forum 50% of my online experience. As i spend millions of hours a day on the internet, my eyes become uber sensitive to bright sites. The dark theme was really soothing for my eyes as i venture late into the night.

The old layouts may return but I need to figure out how to get the main theme working 100% first, then it will be a lot easier to introduce more themes.

Can you make it so larger images which stretch beyond the sides of the page are resized and give a clickable link to the full size image in a new window? Apart from that it all looks great :)

This will be fixed using a hack shortly.

Actually ignore me on the speed issues, I was connected using VPN and that was slowing me down.

I would still like to see more contrast on the new thread icons. Maybe something like this:


Our graphics wiz DigiQ might have another look at these icons.

Here's what I've got so far

  • Add an option or different themes to cater to people who want either a fixed width forum, or a dynamic width that doesn't have the big margins on the side. This current system is like a mix of both and nobody seems to like it.
  • Make the default font size smaller, like it used to be.
  • There's lots of vertical spacing within posts, see these images for some examples: http://img251.imageshack.us/img251/4784/20101012181137capture.jpg
  • Random white bg color colums in the member list
  • The 'Reply' button under everyone's post seems totally useless. I mean, I guess it's kind of convenient that you can make a quickpost box pop up right under someone's post, but it's kind of misleading because it looks like your message is going to appear right under their post. And it's like you're replying to their post specifically, when in reality you aren't. Just have a quote and multiquote button like the old style, and have a quickreply box always at the bottom of the page.
  • Make the usernames in people's posts larger. There's plenty of room, given the 70x70 avatars.
  • I'm sure you're aware of this but the quick reply tool buttons are not on theme
  • These buttons: http://www.halflife2.net/forums/images/statusicon/thread_new-30.png are bad and I don't like them. I want to be able to easily see which threads are unread and which threads I've posted in. The icons in the old blue theme, for example, were very clear. They were also smaller (better)

Vertical spacing is a bug that is still being worked on. Usernames have been fixed now, other theme issues are still being worked on.

WYSIWYG editor buttons need to be themed properly. Black text on settings page will need to be recolored, but I'm sure you already knew about those things.

Still working on fixing this.

Reduce padding of post text area on the bottom, and increase it a little on the top.

Having Join Date/Location/Posts and then the respective info for each of these fields aligned separately looks bad. The old style where there is only a single space between "Join Date" and "Dec 2003" looked better.

Will be fixed soon.

Thread icons are too large! Draws too much attention away from the thread titles.

Any better?

For the most part the new layout is good but these are the problems. To much clashing adn too many boxes with different colours. For instance I'm typing in the quick reply box now and the buttons above clash horribly with the quick reply box. They are the same colour as the old quick reply box and it all mixed nicely. This clashes. There is also grey boxes wrapped in blue under everything. The quick reply box has one with the post quick reply and go advanced buttons and then another, empty one under that! This is unessisary and I think too many different colours in one box is bad.

Posts now have a blue box with stats, then a light grey box for the member, then a dark grey box for the post, then a light grey box for optioons. This is too much. It makes each post looks cluttered and like a bunch of different things instead of one coherent item.

The online icon is also ugly and massive compared to the offline icon.

Edit: The sub-forum icons are dark when ther is new posts and bright when there are no new posts. This is retarded.

I'll fix these.

Well, we can't see the report a post button. It looks like a grey blob until you highlight it. Also, when you go into your settings, and let's say you go to edit general settings, there's black text in there which you can hardly see at all, or even like that quick navigation text next to the drop down box. Any black text needs changed almost immediately.

Needs fixing, there's a lot of css conflicts to work out.

My profile page is making hairs grow on my chest. When can we expect flamboyant profile options?

In the next version of vbulletin expected in the next few weeks there will be a huge improvement in the customisation of profiles.
Nice layout now, but light text on dark background = eye strain = migraines. Going to have to stay away from this forum until a negative colour scheme option is added.
I realise my previous post might have come across as a bit hateful. I'm digging the new forum for the most part. Just those things are bugging me. The new profile layout, of instance, is pretty gorgeous and most of the new buttons are a marked improvement.

One more thing though: The join date, location, etc info on the top right of each post could probably do with a smaller font.
My mind was blown for about 3 seconds when I first logged in today.

I rike eet.

Like someone said, make the username and password background white.
Nice work Munro. With some more tweaks it should look better than the old layout ever did. I do like the new round button style and feel of everything.

If we don't offer the classic blue theme though I'm afraid the townspeople and farm peasants will take to drinking and rioting, sir. They're already gathering in the village square with their pitchforks and torches.

Another suggestion: change the "Whats New" button at the top back to "New Posts"
"New Posts" is part of "What's New"

What's New includes other things besides new posts, such as new group messages, and new events.

I don't see the problem with this. Clicking What's New automatically takes me to the New Posts pages by default, so it's fine.
I just like the phrase New Posts more than What's New? :p

Also group messages and events are practically non-existent (I imagine that the average user would get a new group message or event notification about 1 time for every 2000 new posts on the forum) so I stand by my suggestion :P but it's not really a big deal either way
Well, it just wouldn't really make sense to have those things all under a tab named "New Posts" because new posts are only one aspect of what's new. Unless you're suggesting all those other features are useless, and we should just have the tab be New Posts without any other features listed under it. But I don't think that would make a lot of sense, organization wise.

As a new posts user I'm just happy it has a nice big button. Improvement over the previous theme.

And I'm also happy about no 60 second limit! pleasedon'tputthatbackin
What's New will shortly be including everything from the front-end and a blogging platform.
And I'm also happy about no 60 second limit! pleasedon'tputthatbackin

For posts or for searches? I didnt mind the post limit, but dear lord the time limit on searches was aggravating.
As long as the link still goes to the New Posts list (not other new stuff) by default I'm fine with that.
The color for codeboxes is atrocious... can there be more contrast please?

For posts or for searches? I didnt mind the post limit, but dear lord the time limit on searches was aggravating.

I didn't even realize there was a post limit. I bet some of you guys could crack out around three a minute, no doubt.
Give me the old look back. This one sucks. I caan't get used to it, and my eyes seriously hurt from the horrendous color.
I didn't even realize there was a post limit. I bet some of you guys could crack out around three a minute, no doubt.

To be honest, I think I've only ever run into it like two or three times. Its pretty hard to do unless you only have one short post to read before replying to someone. Otherwise you're usually reading like 5+ posts which will usually take more than 1 minute anyways.
New forum icons are good but at the top left of each post there is an icon that's supposed to tell you if a post is new or not, but the new post icon looks almost identical to the non-new post icon. The non-new one is white, and the new one is mostly white with some very light blue. This (like the subforum icons where like before you fixed them) makes the new icon posts darker than the non-new. Even so they look so similar anyway that it barely makes a difference. I use the new post icons a lot to find where I had previously left a thread but with the current icons every post looks new!
Is it possible in this version to get a PM if you're quoted?
If it is, why would we want to enable it?
Yeah, that sounds kind of silly. Don't you check/read the threads that you've posted in?

So what's taking so long on that 100% width? Is it that hard to change one number in a .css file?
Yeah, that sounds kind of silly. Don't you check/read the threads that you've posted in?

So what's taking so long on that 100% width? Is it that hard to change one number in a .css file?
Maybe the site admins prefer 80% width.
Munro has relatively limited time to work on it. There should be some more progress tonight.
Yeah, it's not like everybody else in here was expressing their disapproval of these pointless margins on the side of the page, or that all the people in steam chat I showed the 100% width thing to were all for it.

And it's not like this is a feedback thread, either.

Would you quit being a troll? Why do you have to attack me at every turn lately?

Edit: The allcaps filter has been gone for a while now.
Now when you all say "fixed width" do you mean you want it stretched to the full screen (how I prefer it) or that super narrow shit?
What most people want is for it to be stretched to the full width of your browser, like I showed in my screenshot. I understand that there are some people who will want a fixed width, because they browse the net with widescreen resolutions (to those people, I really recommend having your browser in windowed mode, taking up half or 2/3 of your screen. No website is designed for widescreen viewing, and you can put things like chat windows or what-have-you in the empty space where your browser isn't) and it's too much for the page to span that wide; it makes it not so easy to read.