Vecry funny clip

Y'know, this thing pretty much older than my grandma, but I never bothered listening to it until now. Sooo... thanks for posting it, I guess. Not really that funny but really well done.
"I thought he was the administrator, but I've met Dr. Breen!"
the only thing that would be funnier was if he said

"And Barney, that guy owes me a beer!"
I have just one word for this: OLD (still pretty funny though, and weird)
I too like the "I thought he was the administrator, but I've met Dr. Breen!" line. Nice reference to the popular theory that G-Man = Administrator before HL2 came around and disproved it.
Heh, made me chuckle. I thought the radio guy was playing along, but maybe not...
Hopefully this guy knows about the Half Life series... I mean come on!