VEGETA DANCES to some shit

Dude, he doesn't need you to bring teh ghey over from the exercise thread.
Vegeta, you should do this on some school campus somewhere, it would awesome! and btw the video was also awesome, gunna subscribe
Vegeta threatened to torture and rape me unless I saw the video, so I've seen it.

I now wish I had been raped and tortured.

I am forever scarred.

but I still love you ok? ;_;
How does one even play 7/8?

Play 7 beats then do something different on the eighth. Or basically randomly play notes like an idiot and you'll probably end up in 7/8.

With electronic music, it's a pattern that repeats itself every seven beats instead of eight (or four). It automatically sounds more complex to the casual user because they can't just count "one, two, three, four" evenly and have their numbers fall on major beats of the song. But if you divide the beats in half you can keep track of the omitted 8th count, something like "ONE-and-TWO-and-THREE-and-FOUR-ONE-and-TWO-and-THREE-and-FOUR-ONE ..." you know, why am I doing this? Just watch Vegeta's headbang video.
Exactly, Mutoid, well said. It's really not that complicated guys D:
It is when you're trying to figure it out while a half naked vegeta is dancing in front of you.
Needs more "My Guide To Dancing 7/8s like a Pro."

Also, this has so much potential. Just set it to different music or something.
It's an acquired taste :p
Almost all Venetian Snares is 7/4, among others like 5/4 and even 11/8.

Also, this has so much potential. Just set it to different music or something.
How insulting, my dancing is perfectly synced with the music, you'll ruin it!
For your effort, not hotlinked!

Needs more "My Guide To Dancing 7/8s like a Pro."

Also, this has so much potential. Just set it to different music or something.

I would love to see that. Somebody rip out the sound track, pop in some country line dancing music, some hip hop, or anything else.

Banjo music...
With electronic music, it's a pattern that repeats itself every seven beats instead of eight (or four). It automatically sounds more complex to the casual user because they can't just count "one, two, three, four" evenly and have their numbers fall on major beats of the song. But if you divide the beats in half you can keep track of the omitted 8th count, something like "ONE-and-TWO-and-THREE-and-FOUR-ONE-and-TWO-and-THREE-and-FOUR-ONE ..." you know, why am I doing this? Just watch Vegeta's headbang video.

In other words, seven quavers in a bar. Odd number makes it difficult to split naturally.
I guess the hard part would be catching something that ends on an off beat which then turns into the on beat then the off etc.
I felt strange things in my down there place whilst watching that. :eek:
Haha my eyes kept flickering from you to your avatar.