Vehicles in HL2 multiplayer?



What are your thoughts on vehicles in multiplayer HL2 (CS, etc.)? Remember the armored vehicle in one of the old CS maps? It was great fun and since there's now the possibility of larger, correction: HUGE outdoor maps, wouldn't it be great to have for instance maps with canals or an open sea with islands for the hovercraft? Or armored vehicles/buggy in an urban enviroment? I guess I hope VALVe and the mod community are aware of the potential in that area, especially since it's so well implemented in other games these days, and it provides a whole new "tactical dimension".
here, here man! Though im abit concern about the impact big outdoor maps will have on the fps in hl2.
I guess you never heard the "THERE'S NO HL2 MULTIPLAYER (YET)" News.
lol they already said that CS:S is the only multiplayer. People still just keep believing there is . honestly it makes senes so to me... why take time to make your own MP when you have the internets (IIRC) most played game ever. Seems like a smart move to me...

besides they might make HL2 multiplayer later on who knows... or juts wait for the mods to come rolling in
hopefully they will add some sort of mp based on HL2 after the release, maybe added though steam as a patch or whatever

just have to wait and see tbh
Everyone knows there will be more multiplayer mods. Hopefully modders will make some open maps with vehicle use. Personally, that's the best part about games like Halo and Unreal 2004. Some good foot action with some vehicles mixed in, great fun.

But i think they should have, at least doom3 had even if it sucked like hell, but this game has vehicles and large outdoor maps im really sad it wont ship with mp.
People will make their own maps and steal some Vehicles from HL2 or create their own. Just wait...
hl2 multiplayer?LOOOOL.........halflife2 ships with no multiplayer, and its gettin extremely bashed for this on all other forums other than hl2 sites.

however when the mods roll in, the haters wont even talk.

i liked the jeeps in counterstrike they were fun....remember i made mine whenever you started them LowRider would start playing.....good times good times :afro:
jeepathon2k1, i dont remember laughing that hard for a video game ever....
it'd be kick ass to have a couple of armored transports carrying ct's ram into a t compound and then everyone storms out and all... vehichles could kick ass
Jeepathon2k was a freaking classic, even if only because half of the charm was driving around in crappy vehicles. Oh god, it was so satisfying to run into a person and then ram them into a wall.

I want vehicles implemented later, even if it's just in unofficial maps. They're fun.
I think that it would be cool if you can drive that boat in one of the cs s maps to the dock :D
yes of course their will be vehicles available in cs:s , its just down to the mapper to include them. People have already done it with custom maps using the stolen buil. They have even made flying vehicles! :)
Yeah I think it'd be great to have a armoured truck or something that had other players in the back of it, although with the "bounce" effect in CS:S I'm not sure how the other players in the back of the truck would work (unless you can remove the bouncing effect in other mods).
server side console command? or client... if its client do u know what it is?

actually... what is is either way

i'm not sure if it will work, set both of these to 0