Vehicular Manslaughterrrr!!!!!


The Freeman
Dec 2, 2003
Reaction score
post your great ut2k4 vehicle kills here

i have some great manta "PANCAKE!!!!" ones to show if I can pull them up.. .or maybe il have to get new ones...
Well, I've run over seventy bots in five minutes in BF1942 (secret weapons). Me and a friend jumped in a jeep and we were off. Christ, hurtling across the bridge, bodies flying everywhere, rockets whooshing right overhead, dodging two errant tanks, an oncoming motorbike and an APC, charging through the nemy bse, turning round and doing it all again. Only the fourth time we got a body stuck on the windscreen and we couldn't see so we went off a cliff. Oh well.
ive been in a scorpion and i was driving around and got 10 kills around a power node- then guess what? one of my sythes broke of and i thought- that guy is gonna die... turned around and a tank was positioning its gun at my face. at onbe of those moments all u can say is... "eep!"
I got "Pancake!" when I jumped from a mountain in my buggy and then totally squashed an enemy on the ground... :)
I got pancake today when I jumped ino the blue base with my mantha then crushed varg.
MaxiKana said:
I got pancake today when I jumped ino the blue base with my mantha then crushed varg.
*grumble* *grumble* *grumble*
How come the red guys barely ever win that map?

And I personally prefer "CAR JACKED!!"
Even though it should be, "TOTALLY CAR JAXXORED!!!"
I think I'm gonna go play some of dat right now...
/me painfully injects screenshots with a long needle.

note-photobucket has automatically resized some of my images.












Pendragon said:
The problem with threads like these is that a) remembering to capture screens of your best moments (Monster Kills, Top Guns, Carjacks) is a herculean task, and b) even when you remember, screens don't capture the moment--to really do that you need video clips, unfortunately.

yeah that's true. I did remap the screenshot key to C to help out with this task though.
Ooh, I've had my share of road kills, fender benders and all that, but never a Pancake or Carjack... And screenshots? Meh, if I captured all of my fantastic kills my screenshot dir would soon be larger than the UT2k4 demo itself :P
Three easy steps to a WOW moment:

Scorpian, blades outstreached.

three snipers on a hill...go get em.

Hit a bump, get airborn, fly over the hill, slicing all three snipers, and land to hear "DARE DEVIL"

THAT rocked. :D
but never a Pancake or Carjack...

Carjack u just stalk an enemy player, wait for him to get out of his vehcle (to stock up on ammo, etc.) then jump out from behind some bushes, jog over the their car in a childish fashion, jump in and drive away sticking ur middle finger up at the previos owner. Well, that what UT2004 intends when it says "carjack" but what usually happens is u just get in a stray vehcle, usually the sole survivor of some sort of battle that occured recently.
You generally get pancakes if you descend straight down onto a stationary target in a Raptor. Jump out, grab his weapon and get back in - off you go. Works best on solitary snipers who can't see or hear you approach in this manner.
Do this: in ons take the tank ontop of the hill beside the opposite teams base, now spawn 32 bots, fire= megakill, fire again= HOLY SHIT!!!1
I survived my own Redeemer explosion (I stood right in the explosion) when I played today, some bug or maybe lag?
Carjack is really funneh, you hear this car alarm sound , always makes me laugh. I love squashing enemies with the Manta though, by far the coolest. Or just crushing their every bone with my jeep that has "CRZYHRJ" on it's plate.
Wow, after playing the convoy map on assault mode, I'm even more impressed with the demo.

Spreading the good name of :E


To be honest, I don't take as many screens when I'm doing crappy, but who wants to do that? :p
LOL Fortis, you roxx0rs.. WTF do you have to do to get such high score on maps like Convoy and Onslaught? I mean, you can't get like 60 points of just killing ppl.
Exactly. I know I didn't get the most kills that round, but I did get 3 "objectives".

so 55 - (15 x 3) = 10. So I really just got 10 kills, if I'm figuring it right. I could have sworn I had more kills then that on that match, guess I should have looked at the stats screen.

The best part was getting the first two objectives within about 20 seconds of each other. I ran from the first to the second with the minigun on all alt-fire the whole way.

For me, I've found the minigun to be the most effective in assault, followed by rocket spammage.