verifying resources = timed out from server


May 14, 2003
Reaction score
This is my entire experience with the new steam (this only happened rarely in the beta).

Find a server: 32 ping great! Join it.

Validating resources...............

5 minutes later....

Disconnected from server: reason, timed out.

The End. Every damn time I try. It's like a catch 22.

I understand that the network is overloaded. But stuff like this shouldn't be tied to content servers in the first place. It should be its own separate process, and it shouldn't take that long regardless.
validating resources usually means it checking to see if you have enough data to load the game.

in other words if you dont have all of CS, its going to do that. if you havent already I highly recommend getting the hl patch and cs combo download of steam.
Personally I think its good that the flaws are exposed now, rather than further on down the line. Doing almost anything in Steam seems to need communication with the servers.

I agree with Apos, the system is less than robust. If Steam is waiting for a response, the whole program hangs. You should be able to use the other components while you wait, like most other programs. Lack of bandwidth needs to be handled more gracefully, and keep you informed of progress. Needs more control and information.
I already have EVERYTHING. According the cache scan, I am at 100% on all content: on ready to play, on full content, etc.

Oh, and while it's "validating resources" it's basically hung: the canel button doesn't work. You just have to wait until the server gets bored with you and kicks you.
Yeah, Steam is a program that demands bandwidth and falls flat on its face when the servers don't oblige.
I would just like to add I have exactly the same problem. I'm sorry I do not have a solution.
Apos, how did you get your content though? through steam? or downloading it.

because if you got it through steam, chances are steam is lying to you when it says your at 100%.
it may say you have it but you dont, and thats why you hang.

gimme some more info
how did you get the content?
what are you trying to play?
Downloaded it over the course of three days.
If steam is lying, that's a problem. This isn't just me looking to see whether it's updating or not: this is what the whole "calculate cache status"

I was trying to play DoD.
i had this with the beta.. but it seems to have stopped with the final version..
i suggest you download the dod cache again.
like delete it, and do it over. could be something corrupted in the file
I've tried all my Steam games (HL, Op4, and Dod) and all of them have this problem. I ALMOST made it through the verifying resources sequence once, but the server had disconnected me. And cancel button is frozen for the whole 5 minute wait.
I also made it just to verifying resources... But it seemed to lock up there. Maybe should have waited another 10 minutes :dozey:
I have found RTCW: ET doing a good job at entertaining me for free in the meantime though :)

I havent even attempted to load DoD again... Steam is as bad as any virus I have had. Actually slightly worse.
doesnt matter that you have been downloading for 3 days, you just dont have all the content.
you need to get the content pack that has the hl patch (or whatever) and cs, not that you want cs, but at least you will have an updated HL as if you do not have an updated HL none of your mods are going to work

with the bandwidth problems you probably could download for a week and it wouldnt be done, open up your monitor and check to see if anything updates when you run DOD etc, If you see some activity, you dont have it all
if not, .. I can only assume its corrupt somehow.