very bad fps :s


Sep 23, 2003
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hi, ive recently bought a hercules radeon 9800 pro 128mb. my system specs are p4 1.6ghz 512mb ram. but i only get about 20 and under fps!!! and i no that this is not rite, seeing as the games are only half-life! and mohaa. ive tried reinstalling all the drivers over again but with no success. i have no idea y the results are so poor, help would be greatly appreciated
Did you uninstall (complete, meaning in safe mode and manually deleting registry entries etc) you old card drivers? Have you tried a reformat?
actually on half-life it does, but with games like rainbow 6 3 raven sheild it is crap, it has all those jagged edges and stuff, pls is there any way of fixing this?
did you uninstall your old cards drivers correctly?
what kinbd of power supply do you have? The newer radeon card chew throuhg power, so htat might something to do w/ it.
i think its 300W which i understand should be alrite, mohaa only plays at about 20fps :s
Originally posted by Willber123
in add or remove programs i uninstalled them from there
That is not sufficient if you go from Nvidia, uninstallers can leave stuff behind and screw everything up. Be sure to use a driver remover ( have one I think) instead. Sometimes one is lucky, sometimes you aint.

And yeah, check up on that PSU...
Power supply does NOT give you lower fps..

Power supply is good : it works
Power supply is bad : it doesn' work

as simple as that ;p
I think what he was thinking was that the powersupply may be under stress from Harddrives or over rated (rated 300watts when it really cannot deliver that) and not able to supply enough extra power to the card through the molex. Especially if it is a crap PSU (like Deer PSUs...) :)
Although if that was the case, i would think he would be getting BSOD or his PC would restart by then.

Although some craptastic PSUs have noise on the line and do not filter well. So one of the rails may be delivering actually less volts than is needed...just something along those lines.
hmm, maybe, thanks for the advice guys, it jsut pisses me off cos i payed loadsa money for it and my geforce 2 was out performing it fps wise :s

Make sure your hardrive is set in DMA mode , err:dozey:
uhhh check agp texture aceleration, hmmm also check that u are using 4X or 8X :cool:
Originally posted by Xenome
Power supply does NOT give you lower fps..

Power supply is good : it works
Power supply is bad : it doesn' work

as simple as that ;p

not true. If you're power supply doen't have enough jucie to run everything at thier rated speeds, thigns slow down, such as the power hungry radeon cards. :)
A critical thing is that you update your BIOS, hold delete when you start your computer until you get to a blue BIOS screen. Go into all of the menus and check the various settings and max them out for video card stuff, AGP aperture size, go 256mb even if you have 128mb card. If your mobo is 4x that really sucks, otherwise change your agp speed selection to 8x agp. Make sure you have direct x installed, your previous cards uninstalled and the 3.7 release of catalyst installed, that resolved a LOT of problems with my radeon 9700pro.
On another topic, why does ATI fail to mention the 9700 line of products. It always says, get ready to enjoy Half Life 2 on the 9600 radeon series and the 9800 radeon series. WTF!
On another topic, why does ATI fail to mention the 9700 line of products. It always says, get ready to enjoy Half Life 2 on the 9600 radeon series and the 9800 radeon series. WTF!

9700 is discontinued:cool:
does anyone know why the 9700 was discontinued? It's a damn good card.