Very good or just cheating?


Sep 22, 2004
Reaction score
I'm new (ish) to CS but I cant help noticing players who always seem to kill with 1 shot to the head and end up with a score like 30 - 6.
Are there players out there that good who can make the x hairs stay on the head no matter what is going on or are they just cheaters?
If, as I suspect they are cheaters, then how can we stop this from ruining the game?
I'm not very good (but getting better) so it is hard enough as it is.
There's nothing you can do if you're not an admin, so here are your choices: either put up with it and stay on the server -besides, chances are he's not cheating- or just leave and find another server. Simple :)
Some people are just used to the mechanics of the game. I was 31/12 on one server and 20/5 on another just today. If they're always getting headshots, then they might be cheating, but if they just kill a lot, I would just try to be better than them. :cheese:
Cheating isn't as rampant as you'd think, believe me, I've gotten lucky enough before to take out 4 terrorists with 1 clip from the stock Counter terrorist pistol. They were all on de_dust 2, moving up on to bomb site 2, in that corridor inside the building, I came from the left side, up those winding stairs and none of them paid any attention as they were firing at other CT's defending site B, and I took them out gracefully with a few shots to the head each. I was called a cheater of course, but sometimes it's just luck or how it goes.
I too am skeptical....just before on dust, a T had the CV-47 (right?) and while running, from quite some distance, he nailed a headshot with one shot. Now, I know sometimes the hitboxes can work magic, but the CT he shot at was standing in one of those little ditch/tunnel things that have dead-ends, and only a tiny bit of his head was showing. I, and another on the server were amazed, while others just kept on playing.
nothing lamer then cheat accusors...worse then cheaters imo...mainly cuz there are way more of them and they never shut up...
You can't really distinguish the difference between a skilled player and a cheater if you've only played the game for a short while. It's really funny sometimes... you go to a pub, do well, and then get accused of cheating, while you have noticed yourself that there IS an actual cheater on the server, who just happens to be so lousy that he can't even kill anyone despite using a wallhack. All too often people look at the scores only, the score is definitely NOT a way of recognizing a cheater. A "clean" guy with 30/3 is more likely to get called a cheater than an actual cheater with a score of 7/9.

There are people, lots and lots of people, in this game who are incredibly good and are able to get those one shot headshots with the AK, for example, and don't really seem to be missing any shots, ever. You get to shoot them in the back, but they just jump, pull a 180 mid-air, land and shoot you in the head. Despite what some people say, CS takes an incredible amount of skill. Like someone else here said earlier, CS is an easy game to learn, but extremely difficult to master.

Go easy with the cheating accusations if you don't really know the game yet. The one who you think is a certain cheater might just be an above average player. It honestly doesn't take very much to get a good score on a regular public server, believe it or not.

KBharvester said:
nothing lamer then cheat accusors...worse then cheaters imo...mainly cuz there are way more of them and they never shut up...

You are correct. There are probably ten times more people accusing others of cheating than there are actual cheaters. Most of the people accusing others don't really even have a clue as to how to recognize a cheater.
Don't worry, I don't accuse people of cheating often because I know how annoying it is. I get accused way to often in other games, and it's a bitch. But this just seemed unreal. But then again I am new to CS, so I'll just keep my mouth shut.
I severely doubt the people you see who are doing so well are cheating. Headshots seem to be a lot more effective and important CS:S and I think many players are adapting to this. Also I've found that just due to recoil and luck, and perhaps just natural aiming over the years, I've been getting a lot more headshots in CS:S than I did in CS.

Also I have to agree with perrkele. Score isn't everything, and sometimes people just get on a roll where it seems nothing can stop them.
There are ofcourse the occaisonal cheaters (few more now since beta ended, but still not a massive prob), however it's more likely that these people were just very good- some of us spend an ungodly amount of time playing cs - and when you hit form... well sometimes there's no stopping you :E and then other times you can't seem to hit jacksh!7 !)

It's CS, you'll soon be learning all the tricks and sweet spots, and even then you'll feel like a complete noob at times ;)
30-6 is definatly NOT a cheat score!

I've gone 23 - 0 on Dust 2...

and at my peek I regularly went 45 - 8, that's the result of having no life :). luckily I've fixed that


EDIT the way to find cheaters is to first person spec them. If they are looking at one point on a wall or sweeping they're field of view over a wall longer than seems natural -> possible wallhack. If you see the crosshair making jerky movements while fixing on one point in between jerks -> possible aimbot
there could be cheats.. because those shitheads dont have an ounce of honor.

but that doesnt mean everyone is cheating.

IM in the same boat... Im godlike at TS
but I blow donkey knob at CS.... I mean bad
and I get frustrated at some of the things people do

ex: Im stealthily move into position with my m4, crouch aim and fire off a round at an unsuspecting Terrorist, only to have my bullet never hit him/not head shot him and him spin around burst fire while jumping... and hs me.

and it happens often.

but.... I watch my brother play (and I know for a fact he isnt cheating, because I installed everything, the comp is behind me and my brother has honor)

and he pulls off the same kinda shit.. its amazing to watch him sometimes, hs, hs, hs, hs... I guess it just comes with practice.
because he cant touch me in TS, and I have nothing on him in CS.
hehe, yeh, it's possible to headshot alot without cheating anyway, lag makes it practically impossible, but i took out 3 last ganging CT's with one afk clip just yesterday, 2 of them where headshots, and finished 24 - 9 or sumthin
Well, occasionally I tend to wrap up a match with like 50-10 or even better. This is with a pump shotty(plus usp/knife and nades) mind you. People have thrown their accusations my way, its annoying though. Normally when I spot a cheater(frequently headshotting an entire group of people every round) I just back off from them, and wait till they are occupied, then lay waste to their body with the shotty. Shotty has been slightly improved in Source, but people swear on their mother's grave that its way over powered or something. Its a shotty for crying out loud, its supposed to slap you down in 1-2 hits close range.
It's weird. I'm the most inconsistent player ever. I can go 35/3 on dust as a ct, the map gets reloaded to the dust again and almost same teams and same situations, and I go 3/35.

Another problem is fighting the right people. Some people I can take out with ease, and go 25/3 on one map, while there's always some player that is like 3/56, but all 3 of his kills are on me. I guess there is some weird mechanic at play, or jesus hates me.
For those of us that have been playing for 5+ years, it's not uncommon to consistently score HSs. More than likely, you're just playing with a skilled player, but if you're really that skeptical spec them for a few rounds. If you notice a 'jerk-lock' whenever they see an enemy, you can be a little more certain.
Believe me, I know that there are some highly skilled players (me not being one of them :frown: )
Its good to here that most people think there is not much cheating going on.
I'll just have to practice some more....and more. :D
I'm actually angry at myself for neglecting to paly CS when I could have, but just played DoD. Now in CS:S, sometimes I do amazing, but then, just like others, the next round I'm going 1/14. It's really crazy, because in DoD or any other games I play I never do so badly, only in CS:S.

And has anyone noticed that people who jump and spray their clips seem to kill more than those of us who crouch and shoot in bursts, or with the right weapons, single-shot them? I guess it's because I'm used to the damage levels in DoD, me being a rifle-whore.
If you're really good you'll burst shoot near the head and get a headshot which happens with me. :P

When you play long enough, your crosshair automatically levitates toward their head, hehe. :sniper:

And same with me Malfunction. Sometimes I'm owning everyone, then the next thing you know I'm 1:25. :P
nah he's not cheating, I was checking the top cheating sites for CSS aimbot, but nothing out yet.

I emailed couple of top programmers in this sector and they said they are working on aimbots but not going to be released soon.
i don't think he is cheating but friend got banned because ppl thought he was cheating but was not
A person in a clan of mine, can get 30 - 2. Ive seen him do it, and its nothing like he gets half the team 1 round. He does it slow - medium speed on how fast he gets his kills(meaning maybe 1 one round and 2 the next, then 1 again etc.. its nothing like half the other team is dead.). Hes pretty good, one of the best CS players ive ever seen.
Minerel said:
A person in a clan of mine, can get 30 - 2. Ive seen him do it, and its nothing like he gets half the team 1 round. He does it slow - medium speed on how fast he gets his kills(meaning maybe 1 one round and 2 the next, then 1 again etc.. its nothing like half the other team is dead.). Hes pretty good, one of the best CS players ive ever seen.

cal i > your clan mate.
Guys, I've said this before and I say it again. Scores on public servers don't mean squat, a good score is neither an indication of cheating nor skill. An experienced player recognizes both cheating and skill by the way a player moves, shoots and how he reacts (or doesn't react) to sounds/radar etc, not by his score.
If you're new (ish) to CS the chance is they're just good.
well dont think they cheat... some will but most dont... as far as i know only the hardcore CSers already have the game... the noobs and lamers will come soon :P