Very random idea for a game...


Jan 24, 2004
Reaction score
Basicly the player is himself, in a town. It's free roaming and you can basicly do whatever you want, along with some errands that you could do. (kinda like postal 2) So if you feel like being a horrible murderer, go ahead and do that. But you'll end up being hunted down by cops if they find out that you did it. Alot of twists though, like you bust into somebodys house, murder them, only to find out they where mutating cats or something in the basement, and they get out and wreck havoc on the town for a while until killed. Or if you go out and wander out into the woods in the middle of the night you might get attacked by a vampire or something. Basicly it promotes explorin. Say you wander off into the middle of nowhere and find something, which leads you on a quest to do something, which in a bizare twist of events leads to you being able to jump 15 feet high and run twice as fast.

Also, at the start of the game you wont have anything... so you'll have to fend off things with a lamp or a stick or something of the kind. Maybe somewhere along the lines it's on the news that a metor is heading towards earth which throws everybody into a state of panic and crazyness. Which then might either miss the earth or lead you on a quest to stop the giant rock from destroying the planet.

Basicly a game based on real life in a small town, with lots of randomness and crazy events. Atleast I think it would be a hoot. :|