VGA Awards Winners Announced By Spike TV

I just find it baffling that we're talking about music in Halo games, when the big awards are being given to the likes of Batman, Uncharted 2, Modern War...Modern...god I cant even say its name without wanting to throw up.

Cash-cow-over-hyped-generic-shooter 2. There. Thats close enough.
I just find it baffling that we're talking about music in Halo games, when the big awards are being given to the likes of Batman, Uncharted 2, Modern War...Modern...god I cant even say its name without wanting to throw up.
You really expect people to discuss the Spike VGAs? There's nothing to say.
No Uncharted 2 love, Darkside?

Come on - it's the cloest thing we'll get a decent Indy game.
it's the cloest thing we'll get a decent Indy game.
Too right. I got Staff of Kings on the Wii and it is one of the worst games I have ever played PERIOD. Ugh. Incredible how bad it is really. Thank goodness the FoA unlock makes it all worthwhile. I would pay $20 for that and all the other classic adventure titles on my Wii (without having to use my Homebrew channel). :P
I just find it baffling that we're talking about music in Halo games, when the big awards are being given to the likes of Batman, Uncharted 2, Modern War...Modern...god I cant even say its name without wanting to throw up.


(and she stinks)
Say what you will about the franchise, you cannot deny the majesty of this motherfucker:

What the f*ck that thing is beautiful.
Why wasn't that in the games?! That looks kickass :)

actually where did darkside find that?
The non-game art looks much more variant and badass. In the graphic novel story "The Last Voyage of the Infinite Succor", they looks almost nothing like the games' versions.
Megan Fox as Mikaela Banes (Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen / Activision Publishing)




What? Ok, I played the game - but her part was as minor as you could get, and no way does she deserve any award.

(and she stinks)

Yes..yes I believe she does. She does alot of charity work.

I actually walked in from school one day to find her playing Tomb Raider about 12 years ago or so.

That was quite funny and awkward at the same time.
Agreed, and TBH I suprised to see that the Multiplayer would be as enjoyable as it was, although the SP was very MEH and some of the missions were retarded. Damnit, I love using DLC GEEWUN Megatron in multi, ****ing energon mace.
What? Ok, I played the game - but her part was as minor as you could get, and no way does she deserve any award.

There's a game of it?

...and you played it?
Then why do you think I quoted it, in a video GAEM thread?

I purchased it used, because I liked the multiplayer and I was getting bored of the games I had.
DLC GEEWUN Megatron in multi, ****ing energon mace.
Aw what the fuck...that never came out for PC version, did it? Damn it.

Oh well, at least I've got gold Megatron and INSTANT DEATH CANNON.
No I don't think it did, the DLC pack (12 new characters and new maps) just for the Xbox and the PS3. Before I got it loved using Megatron flight and Prime (he is unstopable with the shield and melee).

On a side note though, I am keeping an eye on that game that is coming out next year, which is based on the G1 comic "war within" which the game is called "war of Cybertron".