VGA Cooling...


Apr 30, 2006
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Hey guys. I got my new system up and running, but Im experiencing about 1 reboot a day...always happens while gaming (once in Battlefield 2, once in NFS Most Wanted)

Im almost certain its my 8800 GTS. Anybody know of a decent cooling solution to help out?

My side fan is always blowing out cool air, but the air coming out of the PSU in the back is like a summer heatwave...


nice comp brother, have u installed the latest graphic drivers for ur card?
well the air from the psu is gonna be hot so that's normal...there is a waterblock for the 8800's and i think someone finally made a fan cooler for that big mother of a card too...
I just dropped $1200 to build this, so I'd prefer not to drop another $300-400 for a water cooling setup, if at all possible...

Yeah, Im running latest drivers off of this thing up and running Saturday afternoon and the first thing I did was go to get the drivers...
That is a pretty good far it looks like both the fans on the case are blowing out...Im thinking about reversing the one on the side so it blows in, directly onto the CPU, RAM and vid card...
make sure your ram is seated properly, that your SATA cables are in all the way, and that your cpu temp isn't skyrocketing. I use Everest Home Edition to view my CPU temp, also have you tried an older nvidia driver? try using an older nvidia driver before anything else but be sure to completley get rid of the other drivers first...use DriverCleaner to do so. If non of that works change electric outlets on your wall...maybe you've just got a bad wall outlet. If none of that works take your comp into a computer store (NOT GEEK SQUAD) to have the PSU tested.

btw...tell me you're not running vista.
Well leave the side off for a day or so while gaming and see if it changes anything. You might want to go into system properties (right click my computer/properties/advanced tab/settings button under "Startup and Recovery") too and uncheck "Automatically Restart" under system failure. If it's blue screening, it might give you some info to go on.
You need to list some temperatures from your card under stress and when idle so we can determine if it's indeed a cooling issue or not.
Turning the side fan to blow in sounds like a good idea.

Do you have a 120mm or 80mm fan at the front of the case? Does the GPU cooler take air from inside the case and blow it out? With so many fans blowing out a good chunk of the air is probably leaving before it gets up to the PSU and even the CPU.
Assuming you did update MB drivers and BIOS, uninstalled old video driver, reboot, used driver cleaner, reboot, delete all the contents in windows prefetch, reboot, disable all antivirus/antispyware programs (Enable them after driver installation is complete), install new driver, reboot. Update rest of your hardware sound-card, etcetera.
If you did OC you must reconfigure, Vcore volts, memory timing and volts, If Plug N, Play OS is enabled, disable it. check your device manager look for anything out of the ordinary.
One BSOD a day is too much. I don't know about the room tempreture but those 8800 come with decent cooling, unless OCed by you and PCIe bus is OC by the CPU.
If you OC CPU you must lock PCIe bus otherwise your PCIe bus will also be OCed, If GPU is OCed try backing off a little.
These cards were designed to run 70/120c, download nTune and check temperature.

Good Luck.
Im running everything bone stock. No fan in front of tower.

The mobo CD came with some temp monitoring software...I'll install that and see what it says...
At idle, the CPU is sitting it 39-41 Celsius.
Running NFS here for 20 minutes, the CPU is up to between 46 and 49 now...Mobo went from 38 to 55 Celsius...

I popped the side off the case and that fan is definately blowing in...

The fan outlet on the 8800 is hot to the touch...not scalding, but not comfortable...
With the side off, the CPU is down to 35 Celsius...Im gonna shut down and unplug the fan on the side, and leave it off and see how well it runs that way...
you cause negative pressure if the side case fan is blowing out. cpu fans usually suck air towards the heatsink. so i recommend making only the side case fan be an intake and rear case fan outtake.
Running NFS here for 20 minutes, the CPU is up to between 46 and 49 now...Mobo went from 38 to 55 Celsius...

I popped the side off the case and that fan is definately blowing in...

The fan outlet on the 8800 is hot to the touch...not scalding, but not comfortable...

Today I was playing FarCry, everything (in game and Nvidia 3D global settings) maxed out, enjoying my 124FPS and all, when all of a sudden game locks, nothing you cant even exit game until I hard-booted. Touched underneath the case and
F!@@@@@@@#####CK!!! its HOT! the back too. I launched nTune performance and temperature monitor, it tells me GPU=0 is 75 degrees and GPU-1 87 degrees. :flame:

I need one of those Side Intake/exhaust fan cases. All of you "Case enthusiasts" go window shop for me...On the double!!!
Today I was playing FarCry, everything (in game and Nvidia 3D global settings) maxed out, enjoying my 124FPS and all, when all of a sudden game locks, nothing you cant even exit game until I hard-booted. Touched underneath the case and
F!@@@@@@@#####CK!!! its HOT! the back too. I launched nTune performance and temperature monitor, it tells me GPU=0 is 75 degrees and GPU-1 87 degrees. :flame:

I need one of those Side Intake/exhaust fan cases. All of you "Case enthusiasts" go window shop for me...On the double!!!

how long have you had your pc? have you dusted it out recently? are cables blocking airflow?
With the side off, the CPU is down to 35 Celsius...Im gonna shut down and unplug the fan on the side, and leave it off and see how well it runs that way...

Any mount at the front of the case for a fan? Maybe take that side fan and put it in the front sucking air in. Side fans disturb the air flow in most cases.
There is supposed to be a mount on the front..but the HDD brackets are blocking access in the rear, and it doesnt look like a lot of room in front between the wires and grille...