Video Card Prices And Numbers - Are you getting what your paying for???

The top of the line is never the best value, if it is value that you are looking for look at the midlevel stuff.
for all you people in Canada

For all us Canadians check out the site pricenetwork

Great for finding the best price on computer parts.
ya im canadian too i wish some of these american sites had a notice telling us its us dollars im sick of trying to find out on every site.
I bought a Sapphire Radeon 9800 non pro 128 mb from then I flashed the BIOS to a 9800 PRO... I payed only $250 and I now have a Radeon 9800 Pro 128MB... Very easy and simple! It also saved me about $150!

are you sure its ok to do that? i heard over clocking is bad, and i also heard ati saphires suck asss....whats your advice on this?
sapphire is one of the best producers of ATI cards...
where did you hear it sucks ass?
well i saw some saphire reviews and all the reviews were bad i didn't know if it was good or the original company is better.
Re: for all you people in Canada

Originally posted by kalayq
For all us Canadians check out the site pricenetwork

Great for finding the best price on computer parts.

let me help u, from one Canadian to another :)

Universal Currency Converter

whatever price u see listed at an American site, type it in and choose the options for converting carefully and u will know how much cash u u need for the product.
Wow. In the US, the best price for the 9600pro 128 is $94.99 and thats at CompUSA. And I feel sorry for myself for buying this 5600. :( Oh well, I'll just sell it and if I can't get a 9800pro a day before the game....guess I'll just get the 9600pro.
Re: Re: for all you people in Canada

Originally posted by Dr. Freeman
let me help u, from one Canadian to another :)

Universal Currency Converter

whatever price u see listed at an American site, type it in and choose the options for converting carefully and u will know how much cash u u need for the product.

lol thanks i couldnt find that site for ages
Originally posted by Joneleth
Sad truth:

On price watch, the Geforce4 Ti4600 is $168, and the Radeon 9800 Pro is about $194. Geforce FX 5900 128 is $238.

Notice how the 9800 Pro is practically the same price as the Geforce4?

umm.... no?
9700 for 200 us dollars, the best decision i ever made. this was a few months ago.
I bought a Sapphire Radeon 9800 non pro 128 mb from then I flashed the BIOS to a 9800 PRO... I payed only $250 and I now have a Radeon 9800 Pro 128MB... Very easy and simple! It also saved me about $150!

hey merc, was there a need to flash that card? couldnt you just o/c it to pro speeds? oh by the way, what type of ram is on that sapphire? 2.8?
for the person asking about the CPU or video card, take the CPU man, you're already heavily bottlenecked; either way you go, you'll want a new mobo with it and possibly PSU
I believe the 9800 non-pro can't simply overclock to 9800 pro levels and remain stable.

The bios flash supposedly supplies the core and memory with a greater voltage, this enables the higher clock speeds without putting as much of a strain on the card (which simple overclocking would do).

I think the flash automatically sets the clock speed of the card to that of a 9800 pro, and people are doing this w/out having to add any ramsink or anything like that. Though some clock the card even past this and that probably requires some cooling