Hey, I have a Dell Inspiron 8200 with an nVidia Geforce4 440 Go 64MB card, and have upgraded the RAM to 1 GB, to try and pick up the slack from the weak card.
My problem is that whenever I start HL2, it says that my video drivers are out of date and it redirects me to the nvidia site, which has a Geforce4 update, but since i have a notebook, nVidia redirects me to the Dell website. I have upgraded both my drivers and BIOS for my video drivers from the dell site, and yet HL2 STILL says its not up to date when i start it.
Worse yet, when I hit 'continue anyways' and start to play the game, it frequently crashes when i enter a new area after loading, or even just randomly.... I mean, not only does HL2 crash, but the whole computer goes straight to this 'blue screen of death' and it shutsdown, and reboots itself in the reduced resolution I have to play the game in. WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON?? PLEASE Please HELP!!
My problem is that whenever I start HL2, it says that my video drivers are out of date and it redirects me to the nvidia site, which has a Geforce4 update, but since i have a notebook, nVidia redirects me to the Dell website. I have upgraded both my drivers and BIOS for my video drivers from the dell site, and yet HL2 STILL says its not up to date when i start it.
Worse yet, when I hit 'continue anyways' and start to play the game, it frequently crashes when i enter a new area after loading, or even just randomly.... I mean, not only does HL2 crash, but the whole computer goes straight to this 'blue screen of death' and it shutsdown, and reboots itself in the reduced resolution I have to play the game in. WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON?? PLEASE Please HELP!!