Oh man Freekazoid, I forgot about that show. They don't make cartoons like they used to.
I feel bad for him, it's not like any of us could even do one.
I dont feel bad for him. He though he was better than us and got the news reporters and cameras there to prove it. Then he didnt. Serves him right.
Does anyone else have it where youtube videos play without sound for a random amount of time? It keeps happening to me and its annoying.
I had a problem where videos would start to play without sound and then get stuck at 0:02, happened pretty much on random. I could fix it by clearing cache and restarting FF, but since then I just went back to FF2 and haven't had any trouble.

Also very lol @ fire safety.
She was definitely worth watching the video for.
Anyone got the KFC domestic abuse spoof video? Youtube seems to have taken it down or something idk, cant find it.
ROFL. Man, I was wondering where the **** that video would head to. I thought you were just being lascivious at work.

I can't tell if he had a really bad brain fart or if he was just ****ing with them.
I laughed way harder at that than I should have (deus ex)