wow is that the latest anti-piracy vid included on all dvds/blurays when you first play them?
Yep. Which is great, because you're paying in order to be told not to pirate. And they wonder why people do.
I dunno why they bother putting those warnings onto legit dvd's. Pirates just cut all that out and upload the movie anyway. Stupid.
I think the real lesson here is that you should ditch dial-up and get a normal connection and/or plan your actions ahead. I'm reading between the lines.
Sounds like its getting raped to me but I can't remember when the last time I saw a penguin getting molested....must have been back in 2003
I love his reviews, I have to cover my mouth because its so early here I'd wake everyone up chuckling
30 seconds of the first video was all I needed to know that I hate that woman.
It's incredible how you can ruin just about anything by attaching an Apple logo.
This just goes to show how good modern special effects really are, since most of the time you wouldn't even notice. With most of those scenes I would've been convinced they were shot on location.
never thought they'd use green screen for simple television shows