I'm not sure if I entirely understand these Keyboard Cat videos.

But damn, I lol'd.
Someone explain the keyboard cat meme to me please. Like Zephos I lol at most of 'em, but how did it get started? Yeah, I know it's 4chan but what is the idea behind it?
Someone explain the keyboard cat meme to me please. Like Zephos I lol at most of 'em, but how did it get started? Yeah, I know it's 4chan but what is the idea behind it?

a guy has his arms tied to a cat, and the cat makes funny music. its just EPIC WIN
If I'm not mistaken, on old school things with someone on a stage doing something *Think like a comedian*...when they would leave the stage, they would have some guy on a piano play a song while he left to make it more enjoyable.
Yeh, but why combine it with old and / or awkward videos?

theres tons of keyboard cat videos, but its pretty much a giant fad right now. kinda like those cat pictures with the motivational meanings

Watch that video for an explanation, keyboard cat is dead
Also looks staged but funny as hell!
youtube Poop is the best!
I guess I'm on a roll here...
God the timing of the cat was awesome. Built the suspense up so much. Not to mention the subject matter, where the dad said his son was putting himself up for people to make fun of him and then having the cat just makes it so insulting to that kid.

The dads right though. People who get all emotional on webcams and post it online are idiots.