What the **** at that black car looking like he's trying to drive away after that.

Yeah. I'm just going to squeeze past this car and ohh no, I'm going to stop and block the door to one of the cars involved in the accident!

And lawl Krynn, that guy is so awkward. Hahaha at the stair slide.

And yes, I realize the obvious.
What the **** at that black car looking like he's trying to drive away after that.

Yeah. I'm just going to squeeze past this car and ohh no, I'm going to stop and block the door to one of the cars involved in the accident!

Watch again. The car was idleing forward after he came out of it. You can see him bounce off the front of the car next to his.

Crazy shit.

Edit: Actually it's not really that clear enough to see. I don't know... looks like a person.

sucks if its real, but when they show "life through his eyes" and he pulled out the handgun, something made me think it wasn't true.

Of course it is fake. It was made by College Humor. Some people are so gullible.
There are only about 3 or 4 College Humor videos I like. That is probably their best.
HAHA Wow that was very well done. I had a feeling Ross Scott did one of the voices.
its crazy to think that people will celebrate and cheer over the death of an animal. just the other day there was road kill in the street and everyone just drove around it because nobody cared one way or another about it.
its crazy to think that people will celebrate and cheer over the death of an animal. just the other day there was road kill in the street and everyone just drove around it because nobody cared one way or another about it.

you're only saying this because your a dog and I'm joking about the celebrating but I'm pretty sure everyone is happy the skunk is gone. he also would keep the other animals away and it was sad not to see the groundhog and bunnies around. theres some animals i love, and the skunk is not one of them, the raccoon is another i hate, they always get into our garbage if we don't secure them.