that was absolutely amazing, perfect summary of people and music today.
American iced tea is fuggin disgusting.

I'll take Brisk any day.

Also is it bad that I watched that whole video?
No way dude. I did too. Like 5 times. And then rewatched. And then wrote a small summary. And then went and woke up everyone in my house and made them watch it. And then asked for their summaries.

No but yeah. I watched the whole thing. That guy is just so... odd. Jesus christ.
I love when he loses his xbox account, that ones the best.

It's a shame they didn't show Cantor's diagonalization argument (which proved that the real numbers are strictly larger than the integers), or his continuum hypothesis (which claimed that the size of the real numbers is exactly 2^(size of the integers), and that it was impossible for there to be a set larger than the integers but which was smaller than the real numbers).

Both of these ideas aren't too difficult to understand. Unfortunately it has been shown that his continuum hypothesis is impossible to prove or disprove given our current understanding of set theory.
Reminds me of the video of the turtle humping a shoe, funny shit.
its really cute, kids wouldn't even need an answer to why hes making that noise. also it looks like he doesn't even have to move much when humping