why is the guitar bigger than her. also, she ain't too good at it :\
Guitars should be smooth and rounded, angular bodies are ugly as shit.

Also the stuff at 18sec follows no scale and annoys me.

tbh the only useful thing I see in that is the egg-white seperator.

Only 'cause I have no idea how to separate the two lol

You keep passing the egg yolk between your partially opened fingers over a bowl. You'll be left with a bowl of egg white, and an egg yolk in your hand.

That's one way anyway.

How does this make you lose faith? She's taken a positive step in disciplining her kids.
^ Are you ****ing serious? Do you have any idea how much that traumatizes these kids, especially the young ones? They will now now forever remember that their own mother let them be the laughing stock of the whole town.
Oh boohoo, I stole as a kid so my mommy made me hold up a sign telling what I did. Real traumatizing.
Yea maybe she should send him to his room, THAT would show him..

Parents these days do nothing to discipline their kids so when someone does some ACTUAL disciplining people bitch and whine about it. My parents slapped me when I misbehaved and it didn't traumatize me in fact it made me more well behaved and I never thought less of my parents because of it. It was just something parents had to do in my eyes.

Keep in mind I haven't watched the video.
Yeah, losing trust and confidence in your parent is no bid deal.

What the hell are you talking about? The shits are holding up SIGNS. What do you mean trust and confidence in your parent? Trust like you "trust" your parent not to crack down on you when you steal? Confidence that you can walk all over them if they try to discipline you? Punishment is what parents are supposed to do when you screw up, Monkey. God. Where do you get this stuff? This punishment is innocuous to his fragile psyche and I'm going to guess it's going to be effective as well.

EDIT: I gotta remember this one for when I have kids.
It's not smacking the kids across the face.

I don't find myself outraged by it. Kids will feel a ton more wronged by their parents than a memory such as that. Like the time mom threw his video games in the trash... or something. Kids aren't really that realistic in prioritizing how they've been wronged.